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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. If you answered mostly B, you are: LYNDIS

    You are straightforward and blunt. You do whatever you can to preserve your family. You do not beat around the bush. Why should you? Life is so much easier that way! But, does telling the truth all the time make others around you angry? Like a Virgo, you may be overcritical. Maybe you could sugar-coat your next intervention, just a little? It's best to know the truth, but sometimes it doesn't have to a blade...

    This is what i got. Actually, i'm quite satisfied. I didn't expected to be Hector nor Eliwood. However, i got a mix of Lyndis and Hector.

  2. -online gaming. Maybe that would be cool.

    -also, as said in the first comments, where the strategist interacts with the storyline and the characters. Awesome stuff.

    -a NGC - Wii remake version of Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals. I WANT THAT!!!!

    -And finally, in my opinion, there should be more remakes of the SNES and NES fire emblems to the DS (If the one that they're making right now suceeds, that is)

  3. Well, i'm kinda extroverted, but i like to be alone. It's like i want to be a little.... out from the society just in case to not turn myself an emo or something like that.

  4. It should be the other way around.

    Yeah, i know. I only turned Ewan to Summoner once. I made Knoll a Druid to see if he was capable enough to be as strong as Ewan. It was on my 3rd playthrough.

    In fact, the PT i'm playing right now im testing Ewan as a Mage Knight.

    The best choices i could get are:

    Lute > Sage

    Artur> Bishop

    Ewan> Druid (the outfit color is crazy @_@)

    Knoll> Summoner (cuz' he can't do anything else.)

    With this i mean, Lute ROCKS!!!!!


    I'm gonna show you some SSBB snapshots. Enjoy!

    "New job for the Mercenaries"




    "Meta Knight? Sorry, he's a bit shy"


    "New Dark Dragon and Sword of Light"


  6. Soren>Ilayna (As much as I hate to admit it, he's better)

    Dude, Soren's good and all, but Ilyana can't get "pwned" by him. They're like equal

    On topic, Lute is a very good unit. In FE 8, she's the pwning machine. Once, i turned her into a Mage Knight and well.... didn't work out, so i restarted and turned her into a sage :D

  7. Shadow Moses Island: Battle in the Base

    New Pork City: Snowman

    Castle Siege: Against the Dark Knight

    Final Destination: Credits (Super Smash Bros.)

    Rumble Falls: Bramble Blast

    Halberd: Meta Knight's Revenge

    Wario Ware Inc. : Mike's Song

    Green Hill Zone: HIS WORLD (Instrumental)

    Delfino Plaza: Main Theme (Super Mario 64)

    Lylat Cruise: Space Battleground

    Luigi's Mansion: Luigi's Mansion Theme

    Pirate Ship: All songs

    Bridge of Eldin: Ocarina of Time Medley

    Port Town Aero Dive: Shotgun Kiss

    Distant Planet: Main Theme (Pikmin)

    Norfair: Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)

    75m : 25m BGM

    Green Greens: Fountain of Dreams (Melee)

    Brinstar: Brinstar Depths (Melee)

    Corneria: Corneria (Melee)

    Jungle Japes: All songs

    Onett: All songs

    Well, that's all.

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