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Posts posted by Relinquished

  1. NPC is an annoying stage. Whenever I'm there I just run away until my opponents get eated by the pink demon-kitty thing.

    It has a little chickie as a bait. A little, yellow chickie.

    Shadow Moses Island is a good stage as well. It's pretty fun when you enter in alert mode XD

    I HATE MARIO BROS. stage. F**KING KOOPAS, CRABS. :angry:

  2. I would want to be young forever as long as there would be someone to be young forever with(preferably a cute girl*coughhormonescough*). I want to see how the world turns out, provide an accurate reference to history, "do things" with the girl of my dreams, play FE forever, and eat futuristic donuts....My amibitons are so interesting...

    Futuristic donuts....... can't imagine the taste of those donuts. I like donuts as they are normally.

  3. -NPC RULZ. It's a pretty bizarre stage.

    -Castle Siege is good, but i like Shadow Moses more than that.

    -Pirate Ship has the best BGM

    -75m is a very LULZ stage

    -Shadow Moses Island RULZ

    -Bridge Of Eldin RULZ

  4. You seem to like a lot of N64 games

    I think it's one of the best consoles of all time. The games were.... JUST BRILLIANT.

    I forgot to mention:

    Pokemon (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Stadium, Stadium 2, Colosseum)

    F-Zero GX

    Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (N64)

    FF (CC, VII, VIII, Tactics Advance)

    Mario Party 1 (probably the most entertaining multiplayer game i ever played in my life XD)

    Honestly, i think that every game i played are my favorites.

  5. Well, i can't decide, so i'll post some of my favorite games:

    Jet Force Gemini

    Perfect Dark

    Goldeneye 007

    Mario Kart 64

    SSB (n64, melee and brawl)

    TLoZ: OoT, MM, WW.

    Fire Emblem (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10)

    Kirby (64, Air Ride)

    Star Fox (64, Assault)

    Advance Wars (GBA, Black Hole Rising, DS)

  6. This guy's cool. Perhaps i should consider on posting my art on deviantArt. Thx for this one :D

  7. Ike: Hello everyone! Ike here, and we have two special guests today. Let's here it for the cat twins, Lethe and Lyre!

    *audience claps as Lethe and Lyre come down to the stage*

    Ike: Hello you two, glad to have you on the show

    Lethe: Glad to be here

    Lyre: Me too

    Ike: So as being the only sisters in our massive army, how does it feel to know that you each have each others'...tail...

    Lethe: Well it's good to know that Lyre will back me up with anything I do and it's the same for me with her

    Lyre: I'll admit that it's get tough sometimes, but we both know what we're doing

    Ike: And of course I'm sure Ranulf is very proud of both of you for being fellow companions on the battlefield

    Lethe: Oh yeah, Ranulf really appriates me when I'm doing my duties

    Lyre: What do you mean "me"? He appriciates me, too

    Lethe: Sorry sis, but I was the one who was put in charge for holding off the Dawn Brigade with Mordecai

    Lyre: Well that doesn't count because you have been working with him since before the Mad King's War

    Lethe: Well it's not my fault Ranulf likes me better

    Lyre: Hey! How do you know that?! I'm sure he finds me more attractive. I mean, Gatrie certainly does

    Gatrie: *in the audience* Damn right!

    Lethe: Lyre, Gatrie thinks every girl is attractive. He's just like Sain

    Sain: *watching at home* See Kent! I'm not only one who likes women a lot!

    Kent: Oh great, another "Sain" person...

    Lethe: Besides, Mordecai is only my protector, Ranulf is my one true love. When he rules after Skrimir, I'll be Queen!

    Lyre: To hell you are! I'm gonna make Ranulf fall for me big time. Let's just say when I untransform when he's around, I'll be wearing the same clothes I wear when in cat mode, hehehe

    Lethe: Oh, you little WHORE! *scratches*

    Lyre: RAWR! *scratches back*

    Ike: (to himself) ugh... I swear all this show ever does is make people fight... That Mia and Elincia incident STILL hasn't worked itself out yet...

    Gatrie: WOOHOO! Go Lyre! *to Shinon sitting next to him* Thanks again for these tickets, Shinon!

    Shinon: Hey as long as Lyre is getting all scratched up, I don't mind. Serves her right for what she said to me *remembers convo. from RD with Gatrie, himself, Lyre and Kyza*

    Sain: Kent! You gotta see this!

    Kent: I don't think so

    Ike: Hey! Girls! This is all being recorded, you know?

    Lethe and Lyre: *stops fighting* uh oh...

    Ranulf: *at home watching on TV* Oh, geez you two...

    Ike: I'm sure Ranulf feels the same way I did that one day *remembers the Mia and Elincia incident*

    This one looks like a Jerry Springer Show broadcast. Its cool.

    Lethe On Lyre? LOL XD

  8. I was seriously thinking about this and almost started a topic about it too!!! damn it i should've

    oh well, here goes

    Ike: Hello everyone. I'd like you all to meet a very special person... Ilyana

    Ilyana: *smiles and waves*

    Ike: So Ilyana, tell these people why you're always hungry?

    Ilyana: I was born with it. I just can never stop eating. I don't know why

    Ike: I see, and when was the time you were hungry the most? What happened?

    Ilyana: Well it was during the Mad king's war. You might have seen me, but I started to eat Mia's shoes cuz I was so hungry

    Ike: Oh yes, I remember, Mia started freaking out, haha, ah good times

    Ilyana: *stares at Ike and starts to drool*

    Ike: So Ilyana I also wanted to-... uhhh, are you ok?

    Ilyana: *still staring her eyes out at Ike* mmmm.... sooooo good, soooo hungry

    Ike: So, what? Wait are you... OH MY GOD! *turns to audience* Someone get her food, a LOT of food, HURRY!

    Ilyana: *walks like a zombie toward Ike*

    Ike: Ahhhhhhh! Ilyana, no! Not again!

    Ilyana: *tries to devour Ike, but he is too big*

    Ike: mmmmnnnnmnmnmnmhmhmhmhhmhmh.... *pulls himself out* AH!

    *Zihark comes with food*

    Ilyana: *num num num* mmmm... thank you Zihark!

    Zihark: Anytime Ilyana

    Ike: Geez! that was a close one! whew... anyway, that's all the time we have today folks. Thank you for coming! I gotta wash up...

    LULZ!!! I was thinking to make an IkeXIlyana!! Dude, we're getting along pretty well. XDDD

    Anyway, this reminds me of "Silence of The Lambs" or "Hannibal". XOOO

  9. New updates (thx to the site's downtime)


    Here's a Micaiah signature. It's also called: "Goldeneye"


    And here's a sprite. Sophia Dark Druid (Tier 3)

    Sophia's going crazy for power XDDDD

    Enjoy! XD

    PD: I'm having a rough time trying to figure out how to make shadow and light effects after coloring. Be patient, everyone. I'll try to make it quick. :D

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