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Posts posted by Athena_57

  1. 5 minutes ago, Omega. said:

    If you want Cam, then vote him. Vote the person you think is likeliest to flip wolf.

    I wouldn't cry if Cam went, I don't think he voted anyone today either which is a terrible look.

    He did vote me actually, because I refused to say whether I still had my cop. Also something about defensiveness I think.

  2. 4 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    Athena, what have you done this game that you would do as town and not as scum? If you are town, what do you think you would do as scum that's different from what you've done so far?

    As scum I'd have pushed Eclipse in spite of people telling me not to. I'd probably be hopping around less wrt Marth and I'd be trying harder to push a counterwagon right now instead of shrugging about my Elie scumread.  I'd probably have taken a firmer stance wrt Refa.

    Finally, like I've said, this fiesta around my N1 action wouldn't have happened because

    1) I wouldn't be blocked by scum
    2) If we're assuming the action failed is a lie, I'd have lied differently (fake results, other role, etc)

  3. 36 minutes ago, Vi-astra said:

    I was posting under the influence of seroquel my bad but I think I don't have anything else to add until we get a flip

    is it gonna be oc again when night phase happens? please say yeah

    Via, you're probably town. Why do you think I'm scum even though I'm practically confirmed to be blocked by scum N1?

  4. 1 hour ago, Omega. said:

    athena, I don't know what wolves were doing in this game with night actions. If you're innocent, I'll probably lynch Elie.

    To anyone, has Elie publicly claimed, and if so, what has he said?

    > Good interactions
    "Yeah, he was bussed once"
    > Plays to town meta
    "Could be scum faking it"
    > Basically confirmed blocked by scum
    "IDK lol"

    Even worse than you just shrugging away reasons to townread me, you (and a bunch of others voting me) have yet to provide reasons to scumread me besides "PoE and then just choose someone, lol". I was townreading you. I still am. But you're making it really hard on me to continue doing so.

    Also, dunno if your comment at Elie is meant for now / post-flip, but don't default to Elie after I flip town just because he was a counterwagon to me. Yes, he's scummy, but I don't think he's the worst per se.

    1 hour ago, Killthestory said:

    weren't you the one that also sheeped our refa reads 


    yeah i'm down for this athena lynch

    Yup, that's me!

    34 minutes ago, EvanManManMan said:

    @Athena_57 now is a good time to say whether your comparison check was refunded or not and if you used it what the result is

    It wasn't, the action was lost after the roleblock. Which action I did use, town leaders can choose whether to share or not.

    17 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    Athena/Elie, who are your characters?

    Mitsuki, flavour is about shipping people / checking compatibility.

  5. 1 hour ago, Omega. said:

    I still want to go athena. If he flips V, hit Elie. If W, go 10%.

    That's nice, just ignore my reply to you asking you a bunch of questions. Most notably:

    Nobody else claimed blocked N1. Therefore I was blocked N1 by scum. Do you honestly think scum gives up a roleblock in the hopes of spewing a member of their team town after a Refa flip, and more importantly, chooses me, a pretty unexperienced and therefore less valuable player who was wagoned the day before to spew town over someone else?

    56 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

    you can call me anything you want except for one thing. wrong. i am more correct in my pushes today than some people have been throughout the entire game. by the end of the day, you will reach the same conclusions as i, maybe even tomorrow, but you will forget these words.

    Good jokes.


    50 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

    i added athena and refa to a chat at the beginning of the game, and neither of them spoke a single time. refa was vocal and active in talking to ppl at the beginning of the game, and athena was cooperative and producing content. didnt speak once.

    weird right.

    I didn't feel like following orders and don't want to have a nullread listen in on my conversations. I've told multiple people how dumb (=/= scummy) your plan was in my eyes and therefore was not interested in cooperating.


  6. 6 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    just humor me even if it doesn't mesh with how you go about things. you said you didnt like me therefore i want to understand how that matches up with elie


    7 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

    I guess I'd be harsher on Eclipse and would start ignoring my townreads trusting her

    Additionally, I could channel my inner OMGUS and go for the people keeping themselves open to vote either Elie/me. Of the top of my head, that's mostly KTS/Omega, but I'd need to verify that.

  7. 2 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    who are you setting up in your mind to go next if elie is not it

    I'm not particularly interested in pre-flip associatives and haven't thought about that yet. I feel EOD wagonomics are more interesting anyways. I wouldn't fault Marth in any case, despite some others appearing to treat it as a 1v1.

  8. 3 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    snike didn't even respond to you iirc. looking at iso he posted 3 posts worth of content and then you decided to change your vote back to elie. what was your intention to pressure vote him anyways?

    He did respond tom me wrt the Dya thing (though he didn't quote/ping me specifically). I don't know what you really expect from me here, I wanted to await input from people on Elie's tone/style and wasn't sure there, didn't want my vote to do nothing so joined an existing pressure wagon. After him clarifying on how he felt about x-shots "disproving" his theory I liked him better. I also felt more certain on Elie at the time so went there.

  9. 3 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    i can't imagine he feels pressured. you didn't come to a conclusion wrt pressure

    Perhaps, perhaps not. I hadn't heard from Snike in a long time, he wasn't posting in thread and I wanted to hear from him. At it's peak I think the wagon had 3 votes (don't quote me on this), he then posted and I moved on. I did not come to a conclusion, no, his content wasn't stellar, not awful, jost okay/goodish from what I recall. No need to stay there and nothing I felt like investigating or that gave me a strong indication.

  10. 2 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    i asked you to elaborate your thoughts more on Elie in general. i've asked this for a lot of people actually

    Ah, okay. I read you disagreed with this, but I dislike his tone. I've asked people on whether he talks this way usually, but no answer, so... Additionally, his Marth case felt overblown (mostly in retrospect/after reading over Marth's recent stuff). It felt more like a scum tunnel than a town tunnel because it didn't seem like a conf bias thing, but more a lock in on his first real scumread (happened when Marth's vote on Elie was disliked by the latter). I have to admit him hopping onto Eclipse is a good look after this, and I like his side of the argument better.

    After writing this up I'm not completely sold on it, but overall I think the tone + Marth case are bad enough to outweigh the Eclipse thing and make him my top scumread.

  11. 3 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    you forgot to quote what i asked of you too athena

    What was your question?


    2 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    what happened to snake in your POE, you were voting him before elie

    That was a pressure vote, I don't want him lynched. (He's null, maybe slight townlean rn. I dunno, not a scumread in any case)

  12. 46 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

    Hitmonleet is just a lurker. 

    This was a bit harsher than I meant it, he isn't really a lurker when he's only been here for a day. What I wanted to say was that I wasn't interested in an inactive lynch at this stage.

  13. I no longer have interest in lynching Marth. I really like the stuff on top of this page (page 32 in case this post appears on 33). Esp his KTS case looks original and his Cam thoughts look good.

    I'd be down to vote Weinerboy, his stuff has been pretty mediocre/bad overall imo. Too busy rn to give details/examples, will do so later tonight. I'd consider Iris, but my own conversation with her was pretty uneventful, what is it that people dislike there? Marth's KTS case is interesting, I'd like to see how that develops and I still feel Cam lacks oomph in his posts/cases.

    I therefore approve of wagons on Elie>Weiner>Cam>(KTS/Iris)?

    Dya is a bad wagon, I'm following my townleads on ignoring Eclipse and Hitmonleet is just a lurker. 

    14 hours ago, Omega. said:

    What's a hijacker do? Athena what did you do last night? @Athena_57

    Choose two people, the first targets the second with all their actions. Not answering the second question in public.

    13 hours ago, Omega. said:

    Didn't athena claim roleblocked N1 and that he was going to comparison cop two people?

    Did anyone else claim roleblocked N1?


    No (apart from the silencer roleblock) iirc

    13 hours ago, Omega. said:

    Why the fuck would wolves roleblock athena N1 after he got wagoned?

    We've been over this already in public chat when we were discussing whether I/Refa was going to be the lynch. I was a prime lynch option from Brooklyn at EoD1, then all of a sudden I wasn't deemed a viable lynch. I assume this gave scum a PR read on me. Why do you think they wouldn't block me?

    13 hours ago, Omega. said:

    The 3 people wagoned D1 were Elie, Marth, and athena.

    I don't believe athena is spewed. Last game, wolves tried to bus athena, they died first, then we had people hard defending athena until like day fucking 6 because terrible spew analysis.

    I think there's a decent chance a wolf was wagoned D1. That, or we are just playing badly and wagoned nothing but villagers D1. I choose to think we aren't too horrendous this game, therefore we probably were about to dunk a wolf D1.

    I also had a [1 wolf in athena/dyachei/eclipse] circle earlier and I usually do better when I say to hell with everybody else's opinions and YOLO my way thru games.

    So I'm going to do that and vote with Kill. EOD is 8PM EST tomorrow in case anybody wants to do a clusterfuck CFD. If someone has a better case tag me but I'm ready to dunk on athena and call it a day.

    ##Vote: athena

    I (was) bussed once, so interactions forever don't count. Seems legit. Do you have an actual case or are you just picking me out of the bunch you mentioned for no real reason?

    12 hours ago, Omega. said:

    Why do you believe athena and Weapons must be teamed? FWIW, Weapons will be resolved soon due to his poison.

    I was thinking about it and athena being roleblocked doesn't make any damn sense. If a villager did it, why would TLs greenlight a plan that involves the comparison cop being roleblocked? If a villa roleblocker was just going rogue and roleblocked him without consulting the TLs, that's poor play and I'd hope they would tell TLs about such an important power.

    And then, I don't get why wolves would roleblock him either. He was wagoned. So unless one of them just had a sick read on athena being specifically cop, I don't get why they'd do that.....

    In conclusion: wtf. Maybe athena is just lying altogether.

    Mentioned why scum would block me above, but RE: lying, this was discussed in public chat as well. Me lying would be dumb here, since

    - This is easily fakable
    - If I really wanted to deny info and was going to lie about this, it's easier to give fake results. Yes, this will result in my lynch at some point, but so does a faked roleblock. This is probably found out later than that too.
    - I could've claimed only the other two abilities / a fakeble third if I was too much of a pussy to do either of the above.

    Finally, if I wasn't blocked by Refa N1, who was? We haven't had someone else claim blocked.

    5 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    I would rather lynch Athena over Eli because Athena feels more like he's playing to his scum meta where he hops on opportunistic wagons.

    What? I looked back at my scum games and all I saw was tunneling. Me jumping from wagon to wagon was very rare there apart from early day 1 maybe. What are you basing this on?


  14. 5 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    Athena, what was your role again?

    Jack of all trades

    1x comparison cop
    1x busdriver
    1x hijack

    6 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    I also realized that we may not be flipping back to OC by night phase (it makes sense with insomniac too) and I don't see any downside to claiming so I'll go ahead and say that during night phase, everyone will get to vote in secret on a player to investigate, and in the morning I'll get the result.

    I think it would be best if we  decide who we're all going to vote for collectively / let town leaders decide and follow their lead to avoid us spreading our votes and losing control to a scumteam voting together. Does anyone have strong feelings regarding this?



    1 hour ago, CT075 said:

    Fine with leaving my vote on athena; I wasn't that concerned with the role stuff but the immediate OMGUS and general defensiveness isn' giving me confidence

    "Gimme role info"


    "Vote. Gimme role info"

    "no, town leaders have it"

    "OMG, so defensive"

    Lol okay

    1 hour ago, CT075 said:

    Jk im dumb that wasn't really an omgus

    Still not a huge fan of how publically defensive athena has been. The eclipse shenanigans + "I'm gonna start looking into anyone that misreps me" is pretty terrible

    You realize my post RE: misreps was not an out of nowhere statement but a direct reply to Eclipse saying my vote was an OMGUS? Also, I don't see why looking into misreps is a problem. I can get seeing OMGUS as a scumtell, but misreps are a different beast altogether imo.

  15. 9 hours ago, EvanManManMan said:

    @Athena_57 how is it physically possible to still have me as scum. I lead the lynch on Refa, I counterclaimed Refa, Refa FLIPPED MY ROLE and even tried to push a counterwagon on me at EoD2. How can you possibly put me with them?

    > I lead the lynch on Refa

    Many people were strongly advocating for it, so I wouldn't call you the leader. I feel Refa was pretty muched left to be lynched by his team, so bussing is definitely possible.

    > Cc+role

    A good point, though I'm not clearing you based on rolespec.

    > Counterwagon

    That wagon wasn't going anywhere, Refa was for sure the lynch so I'm treating his EoD actions as WIFOM.

    Overall, yes, you advocating for a refa lynch and having role overlap pushes you towards town, but it wasn't strong enough to overrule my scumread on you. However, like I said, I like your D3 better, so I've dropped the scumread for now.

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