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Posts posted by salinea

  1. On 09/07/2018 at 1:35 PM, Usana said:

    Tikipop since her weapon is like a popsicle. That is about it for me now.

    That works

    On 09/07/2018 at 2:15 PM, mcsilas said:

    Summilla/Sunmilla for Summer Camilla. 

    I like Sunmilla

    On 09/07/2018 at 2:15 PM, mcsilas said:

    Wingki for Flying Tiki. Or Floatiki because, well she has floats and also floats.

    Wingtiki and Floatiki work.

    On 09/07/2018 at 2:15 PM, mcsilas said:

    For Takumi either Stakumi, Sunkumi, Fishkumi or Kinkumi (assuming this is his only kinshi alt)

    Hmmm. I think I'll add Sunkumi, but not sure about the others... if someone else has some imput.

    On 09/07/2018 at 2:15 PM, mcsilas said:

    Summer Linde can be, Slinde. Or Cavlinde. Or Lindagger.

    I like Lindagger. Cavlinde also works.

    15 hours ago, Karimlan said:

    I dub Summer Camilla Bluemilla out of a lack of imagination at the moment.

    I'll add it in.

    11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    Based on the Paralogue, Summer Takumi can be Tak-Tak, after Tiki's nickname to him.


  2. On 30/06/2018 at 8:10 AM, Arcphoenix said:

    Never watched whatever he's from, but the first pun that comes to mind with the new legendary Hero is "Hannibal L'Hector," or just Hannibal'Hector

    But he doesn't eat people...

    On 30/06/2018 at 8:34 AM, mcsilas said:

    Actually saw a Thor (because of Thunder Armads) + L!Hector fanart, so Hecthor makes sense (Hector + Thor/Thunder)

    That makes sense. I'll add Hecthor!

  3. On 24/06/2018 at 5:27 PM, Arcphoenix said:

    Off the Shoredelia idea, I think Shorrin is a nice nickname for Summer Corrin. Also, maybe Dihardt for Magic Reinhardt (Dire Thunder + Reinhardt, the phrase “Die hard”)

    Shorrin works! I'm not that fond of Dihardt though (Direhardt, maybe?)


    also bump for Legendary Hector

  4. On 20/06/2018 at 11:03 PM, Arcphoenix said:

    Sword Reinhardt: Swordhardt Online (Sword Art Online), Thracia Reinhardt (the banner he was released on) Swords Are Everything (SAE Reinhardt), Linkhardt (A friend’s idea because, you know, Master Sword), Redhardt, The Other Reinhardt 

    Swordhardt Online is kinda funny, I'll add it. Not sure about the others, but since someone seconded Redhardt, I'll also add it.


    Magic Reinhardt: Sibling Reinhardt or Sibling Bonds Reinhardt (The banner he was released on), Magic is Everything (MiE Reinhardt), Magehardt, The Reinhardt (Memes)

    Legendary Lyn: Blade Lord Lyn, Bladelyn (Promoted Bow-Weilding class from her source game)

    Christmas Lissa: Lissmas

    I like Bladelyn and Lissmas!

    17 hours ago, Yexin said:

    I call Sword Reinhardt "Neinhardt" (New Reinhardt, also "nein" mean "no" in german so i fount it funny)

    Legendary Lyn for me is GLyn (Green Lyn, very easy, also because i hate "LLyn")

    I'll add Glyn.


    the christmas guys for me are

    1) Charja, Christmas Tharja, which casually happens to be a reference to the pokemon charjabug

    That works.


    2) ChRobin, Christmas Robin, with a reference to the pseudo-homosexual relation some people believe he has with chrom (chro-bin)

    Chrobin is for the ship; so having it for a character is confusing.


    3) CHrom, because "CHChom" would be stupid af, so the first "ch" is enhanced

    Too relient on spelling to work.


    4) ChLissa, Christmas Lissa, which almost sounds like "Eclissi", "Eclipse" in italian, because she's an armor unit, just like zelgius and the BK, the only two characters with black luna ("eclipse" in radiant dawn)

    ... too vague.

    15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Suntan is a word you know. And that is appropriately short, so SunTan can work.

    The only issue is someone might think you mean Summer (Duke) Tanas- Summer Oliver.

    SunTan or SunTana works for Tana I guess!

    (fuck Oliver).

    18 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    Also maybe Shoredelia for a more summery name?

    That works!

  5. 10 hours ago, mcsilas said:


    S!Innes (how sinful!) 

    Sinnes is go.

    10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    S!Noire. Bikinoire? Coconoire?

    Oh I like Bikinoire!

    10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    S!Cordelia. Cordini? Beachdelia?

    Cordini works.

    5 hours ago, Yexin said:

    SCordelia (Summer Cordelia, obviously)

    SNoire (Spineless Noire)

    SwInnes (Swimmer Innes)

    Swinnes works!

    5 hours ago, Yexin said:

    STana (Sex-Machine Tana)

    All the S!name don't really work for me anymore. With Spring starting with an S too and so many seasonals existing, it's easy to get confused.

  6. 4 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Again Flyno or Skyno doesn't even sound like Nino. So why not simply gave her something that is not confusing and might not need to be changed in future? This thread isn't really  suppossed be about ourselves, but about finding simple and functional names to use in causal conversation. I certainly know Flyno wouldn't make think about Nino if I didn't read about it beforehand.

    I dunno, the "-no" suffix feels fairly distinctive. You mentionned Bruno, but for Bruno it doesn't feel like one would resort to "no" the same way and he has another name.

    What about Flyino, would that be sufficient to make it clear who it refers to?

  7. 8 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    Neono, Newno

    I don't much like those...

    5 hours ago, Ae†her said:


    Flyno isn't bad, I'll add it.

    3 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Upvoting GigaNino

    OK, I'll add it up.

    1 hour ago, KongDude said:

    I know it's been like two months but

    I call Bunny Catria "Catribun"

    haha that's cute.

  8. On 02/06/2018 at 5:34 AM, Kurrin said:

    A few more I got ...

    NY!Azura: Asoara. It's as distanced in pronunciation as I could figure out, but admittedly is sounds quite similar to Azura so it may lead to confusion.

    Not bad.

    On 02/06/2018 at 5:34 AM, Kurrin said:

    H!Henry: Cawffin. I was trying to avoid having a nickname as a flat out object since it feels lacking in description, but the pun was too good to pass up.

    A bit unintuitive, but I like the pun XD

    On 02/06/2018 at 5:34 AM, Kurrin said:

    Performing Azura: Maddox. She kind of reminds me of Mysterious Heroine X, frequently shortened to MHX, from Fate/Grand Order, but instead she's Mysterious Dancer X, with Maddox being a drawn out phonetic pronunciation. However, as the reference is fairly obscure, I'm not sure how it would fly regarding the list.

    When I hear Maddox, I think Multiple Man, so idk, that be Legion?

    So yeah, too obscure.

    On 02/06/2018 at 5:34 AM, Kurrin said:

    Spring!Chrom/Lucina: Eggxalt/Future Eggxalt. As it may read awkwardly, feel free to alter the spelling as needed.





  9. 10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    Skyjinto for new Ryoma? Athough it’s more the weapon than Ryoma himself.

    Maybe Kinma or Kinshima? Aeryoma/Airyoma?

    H2oma because water hero?

    Skymurai haha

    maybe Lyoma? Kind of how legendary Ike is Like.

    Of those Lyoma sounds the most feasible, I'll add.

    9 hours ago, Scoot said:

    I've been calling Legendary Ryoma "Skyoma"

    Also "Lilywood" for Valentine's Eliwood because his weapon is based on a lily.

    I'll add Skyoma

    Lilywood is nice too!

    6 hours ago, DorcasLives said:

    Since Ryoma can now strike lightning from the sky you might call him CumuloNimbus or Thor's Trainee.

    Too vague.

    3 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Ryoma: Supreme Samurai

    Legend Ryoma
    Supreme Lobster Chicken (Dinner)
    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
    Big Meaty Chicken
    Lobster Wings

    Lobster Wings sounds like the most feasible  (aka short) of the food joke name, so I think I'll add it (Flyoma already added on my own ;))

  10. 2 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

    New Ryoma:

    Langostini Fried Chicken

    Probably not very feasible in practice but it made me laugh :D

    1 hour ago, DorcasLives said:

    Legendaryoma, Ryomair, R-Yoma, Samurai-sauce Turkey

    Oooh I love Ryomair. Very similar to Ryanar, too XD

    I'm afraid Legendaryoma is slightly too long.

  11. On 22/05/2018 at 10:33 PM, Hero_Lucina said:

    Groom Marth: Blessing

    Vanguard Ike: Mike (bc Manly Ike)

    Eliwood: Eliweed

    B!Sanaki: Bridelash (see FE Amino for more details)

    B!Tharja: Brideja, Not Faye

    B!Ninian: Brideian

    Valentine's Lyn: Vlyn

    S!Alfonse: Bulgefonse, Bunfonse

    S!Sharena: Sprinena

    S!Catria: Buntria

    S!Camilla/S!Kagero: Bunny Boobies

    Let's see...

    Mike, Bulgefonse, Bunfonse, Buntria, Brideja, Bun(n)tria already exist.

    Blessing: gonna have to explain that.

    Bridelash: gonna have to explain that.

    Eliweed: fun reference to weed aside, there doesn't seem to be a point?

    Not!Faye: WAY too vague

    Brideian: unclear

    Sprinena: why not i guess

    Bunny Boobies: if a name can refer to either character then it's not a good name.



  12. On 19/05/2018 at 12:02 PM, Tenzen12 said:

    I took liberty pick some names I think could (and should) be safely removed. There is many that are more of description than actual nick, others then simply never caught on. Anyway no pressure here, if you remove some of proposed names, good. If you would like hear some more detailed reasoning, I am ready. And if you believe some of them (or all)  should stay it's not like I can actually do anything about it...

      Hide contents

    Camilla: Scam, scamila, playboy
    Xander: Wonkander (never used) ‚Naked Xander (it‘s not even shorter than official name)
    Cordelia: Brideload (bridelia is pretty official nick)
    Ike: Mike (Bike is official nick at this point)
    Azura: Greenzura (We have two green now, Axezura and Flyzura /Skyzura)
    Sakura: Sakakiddy, (never used),
    Lissa: Marry axe miss (not  even really nickname)
    Eliwood: Prezident Eliwood
    Roy: Coy
    Hector: Barserktor
    Robin: F!Grima or M!Grima should be enough for reworking (I don‘t think other are needed to removed
    Takumi: Fakumi (even if just for unfortunate sound of that)
    Kagero: Flagger (never used compared more memetic nicks
    Lucina: TotallyNotLucina, LuciMask, Flat Marth Camilla: Scam, scamila, playboy
    Xander: Wonkander (never used) ‚Naked Xander (it‘s not even shorter than official name)
    Cordelia: Brideload (bridelia is pretty official nick)
    Ike: Mike (Bike is official nick at this point)
    Azura: Greenzura (We have two green now, Axezura and Flyzura /Skyzura)
    Sakura: Sakakiddy, (never used),
    Lissa: Marry axe miss (not  even really nickname)
    Eliwood: Prezident Eliwood
    Roy: Coy
    Hector: Barserktor
    Robin: F!Grima or M!Grima should be enough for reworking (I don‘t think other are needed to removed
    Takumi: Fakumi (even if just for unfortunate sound of that)
    Kagero: Flagger (never used compared more memetic nicks
    Lucina: TotallyNotLucina, LuciMask, Flat Marth


    Interresting! I'd like to get feedback from more people before taking a decisions like that, personally. To answer some of your specific points:

    - Scam, Scamilla: that's the one me and my friends actually use. It's short and handy. Never seen any actual use of playboy camilla though.

    - Naked Xander: same, me and my friends actually use it. (Nothing to say about Wonkander).

    - Brideload: true. Still somewhat clever name.

    - Mike: Eh. Neutral on that.

    - Greenzura: Good point. I should remove it.

    - F!Grima or M!Grima should be enough for reworking: fair point. I still mostly use Grimair myself for FGrima.

    - Fakumi: what's wrong with that? I don't understand what you say.

    - Flagger: I dunno, I like it, even if I agree it doesn't seen much use.

    - TotallyNotLucina, LuciMask, Flat Marth : I agree I never much liked all those nicknames for Lucina.

    - Sakakitty: It's not great, I'll give you that.

    - Mery Miss Axe: Faintly funny puny name, but a bit long.

    - Awww I like President Eliwood but I love bilingual puns.

    - Coy ain't great, yeah.

    - Berserktor is pretty good even if not as much used as Vector or Hunktor.


  13. 2 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Just noticed Legendary Lyn is semi officially dubbed as Lyndis Khan. Also It might no be bad idea clean list of some nicks that are not used.

    Nice one!

    Given how the list has evolved (with people giving their suggestion), i dunno that it would be a good idea. It's also harder to prove a negative.

    2 hours ago, mcsilas said:



    Horse!Marth. Harth? (Horse/Husband Marth?). Depending on his attire, maybe SuitMarth? Or TuxMarth? Needs more info on this one first.

    If it's a Cake Knife, then Knarth?


    Marxedo? Man it's hard to make a name with Marth that sounds good.

    I'll add Skynaki, Skynian and Brideja.

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