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Peanut Brudda

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Everything posted by Peanut Brudda

  1. i'm okay with most of your points but (imho) : Except if they remake the monsters, playing them is useless, they're just standard class, but less good and more boring. They have some tweaks of course like mogalls are the only flying mages. But i did an edited run once with monsters and they were pretty boring. Aside from that it's not like it would make the game worse if it's in the Monster Quest so why not. I heard many people complaining about the route while I like the way it's done. Like the developpers goal was to make you follow same characters in two different settings, not just follow two differrent paths. I don't really think a RD like split would work since in RD it happened in the very final part, so there's a lot of characters to split and few to introduce / recruit. In SS, just before the route split there is still nearly half the total cast to recruit. And you most likely benched nearly half of the guys you already had. That means they'll have to make the chapters following the split easier. I think the support limit is cool, it avoids stacking too much support bonus, but since recent fe removed it, I don't think it'll come back so whatever. More gaiden chapters would be really cool, about the points you stated, but also about ephraim. From a storytelling point of view it's kinda weird to put a character you only played twice as a choice for a route split. Maybe two or three chapters about ephraim escaping from Valter's boys, and how Orson "mysteriously" disappeared. About the DLC, of course it'll be better if they were included with the game but since it shouldn't be a "get the logic of the story in that DLC" DLC, well why not. And last, about the sequel, according to the wiki (so I don't take these informations as true), Grado people considered the earthquake as a punishment for what they did to Renais. But even then, I find it's kind of hard to convince a nation to attack another nation they already backstabbed. I like the idea of fighting something else than demons, like except in RD we always fought ennemies that were kind of evil looking, may it be by their armor color, the fact they are monster etc...
  2. There could have been more, I don't think it would've been to any harm. But it still got to be limited. In a group it's rare that everybody gets along with the everybody else in the group.
  3. Probably on 3ds since I sold mine a week before Echoes was announced thinking "nah 3ds won't get big games anymore", so I've got to buy another one. But if I don't feel like buying fe warriors before christmas I might take it on switch. Never really liked playing warriors games on handheld :/
  4. I couldn't understand what the games talked about when I was a kid (my main language is french and my game was in english). But the only character that I really remembered was Valter.So yeah, basically i liked him because i thought he looked cool. In the end when I finally understood the dialogues I saw that he was a sick bastard... and I thought that was double cool. Througout the series his fight was the only I genuinly waited for (aside from the black knight, but I think he's too much of a rival to be considered minor). So yeah Valter's my bae
  5. Okay I might sound like a douche but whatever let's go: @Extrasolar (I'm not saying that every writer who excludes [x] minority characters is overtly racist/sexist/homophobic, but it's a symptom of a bigger problem. Why don't they include these characters? Do they simply forget or overlook their existence? That's a problem in and of itself. Are they "uncomfortable" with characters like this or writing characters like this? Another huge problem. ) Because they are a minority. As such, they are not representative of the majority. Moreover, when you write something you install a context, may it be a realistic one, taken from past history, or a fictional one, that can derive from a realistic one. As such you writing must be respectful of it's context. Including a minority, or having characters eplicitly showing they're part of it, mustn't be there for the sake of the fact that it exists. No one would dare saying they were homosexual in the middle age. If the writer does include an element such out of place in a such context, that's because either he has a message to communicate, or he wants to develop something about that homosexual character and the consequences of it's sexuality in a such context. So no, excluding x minority, it's either a respect of the context, or simply because it wouldn't have added anything to the story.
  6. 255 ? That's a bit big compared to my 20 lvl in SW1 ! x) well if they manage to make the game really enjoyable that won't be a problem (got used with monster hunter). And i cain easily spend 200 hours if I can stare at Valter's lllllllllllovely face (granted they add him) :D
  7. yeah forgot to mention I also played warriors orochis, they were super grindy to an extent it nearly disgusted me. Well that's good to know then
  8. I haven't played any of title outside of the 2 main warrirors series. I liked SW1 progressing system with level fast to grind, and resetable, but a limited skill tree that had you chose certain skills but leave some other behind. Later entries, while having little tweaks are all kind of the same : just a big table that you have to fill. That's kinda boring. So did they actually make different systems for the crossovers (did they even had one) ? Because I don't know if koei actually mixes elements of both universes or just puts a skin on their usual titles.
  9. Okay I take note on that. Interface is okay, I usually get used pretty fast to it. Yes I'm sorry your Majesty, I should have known that...
  10. Honestly as a kid if you described a game as "Huh.... there's a bunch of guys with swords...." it was instant goty so yeah I got hooked quite hardly to FE :D I do plan on playing the other FE games of the Kaga era but I'm torn between which one to play. I played gaiden because it felt kind of like an ovni in the series, and in the end I think it's impressive for it's time. Next one will probably be FE1 or FE4. Baguettes aren't expensive, I can send them but shipping and broder fees to Hattusa will be on your charge :D
  11. True, could definitely be a hard time but IIRC arrows can be blocked. But i know that feeling of having your character stun locked just in front of 5 archers x) SW1 introduced fire weapon also which can't be blocked, so you had to dodge through. Exept i flike me you were playing on that shitty xbox controller which had the dodge bond to those awful black or white button :D
  12. Didn't know that, my bad ! Yeah i thought about that like 3 seconds after posting and forgot to edit, that's double bad since i did some fencing a couple years ago. So that's a triple bad in one post, kinda costly ! x)
  13. Yeah, that's cool but i'm not willing to play as a professionnal or anything, I just like playing. Plus people are happy with music so that's double cool :D Digital trees ? But, do these trees wear digital skirts or things like that ??
  14. Yeah, I did, until the two guitarists broke up (typical garage band story). I also played in improvised bands for musical interludes for some shows like theater. And when i've got some time I play in a church once in a while. And if I feel inspired i take out the upright bass which improves my style and charisma stat by 20 ! Merci beaucoup, et oui à cette heure ci c'est plutôt bonsoir !
  15. To switch to something a little bit different than archers : I like knights (when talking about knights I also include generals), I really love knights. I think fates used them pretty well as ennemies by making them really bulky, not just a bit more than other units. However, I think they always fall short on your side. I don't mind them being slow, i mean ok they got a massive armor so can't go fast that's logic. But in that case take your idea to the end and make them really bulky. Make them real walls on your side (they still got to be beatable if you act stupidly of course), and make theme genuinly scary on the ennemy side. Thus i think they should be strenghtened on the defense and res plan. Or, if not and skills are to come back, implement some skills that really emphasize on protecting others. I thought of two examples : One could be that they should be harder to get through, like they make their adjacent tiles 2 or 3 times more movement consuming. Their shield could also come in use with an inate great shield, replacing their avoid, based on their skill and defense (factorised of course to balance).
  16. Well hello there ! People call me Peanut on internet, but outside i'm called by that french adjective meaning brave (up to you to guess :D, I think it also exists in english). Eternal seductor (mostly with trees with skirts), sometimes drawer, lame writer and bass player, that's pretty much myself. My first "encounter" with the Fire Emblem series occurs when my big brother tells me that he wouldn't offer me Sonic Heroes for my birthday back in 2004 (i was 6), unless i completed a game he previously choosed. He choosed Fire Emblem 7 (you didn't expect that did you). I also remember, when playing smash melee, being like "Hey these guys are dumb, the red haired guy is not named Roy, it's Eliwood !". Nowadays i've completed all the entries that came after 7, along with 6 and 2. And i'm currently replaying 12, and digging into rom hacking. I've got currently about 2 custom animations and one test stage. I joined to learn about other fire emblem player what they think about the series, share my own thoughts, and make many internet friends to share some baguettes with them. On that note, have a nice day !
  17. I hope they manage to get back a bit of the difficulty of the more old entries of warrirors. I remember having to be careful in SW1 when getting to chaos mode as you pretty much died in one combo. You also die fast in later entries but if feel they added a bit too much features in battle that tend to trivialise the battles. Like the musou gauge split can seem innocent but in fact it gave 3x more chance of interrupting ennemy combo. Honnestly in SW4 your characters get so powerful you can just cycle between musou and spirit charges without any risk. Oh and btw kotaro and tadakatsu are the best (and keiji in SW1) :D.
  18. Hey, i'm 5 chapters through and so far I think the design is on point. GG The only problem i have, but which is not even relevant, is that as a french guy seing really simple words used for weapons or character feels a bit stupid. Like no one in france would call his daughter belle, or call his sword épée.We would have used some more specific or invetive names. For example, girl names taken from adjectives would be things like Claire (bright), Céleste (Heavenly), Marine (sorta coming from / related to the sea/water). For swords you could have names like : Epine (needle), Fleuret (Foil ?), Pointe (like the very end of a straight object) or more exagerated names like Perce-Coeur (Heart Piercer). But like i said that not a complaint, just exagerated nitpicking
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