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Everything posted by killaGAW

  1. I've downloaded two different roms of FE5 for use on the Snes9x Emulator for MAC. I can not get them to work. Can anybody help me?
  2. What is currently the best patch to download for Thracia 776 it seems that the patch or Rom that i downloaded has a Chinese patch and isn't in English.
  3. How are you doing and nice to meet you.

  4. One more question. If you have two characters bound and the father dies before you move onto the second generation do their children still join in the second generation or is it the substitutes or does that only happen when the mother dies.
  5. Yay First post!!!! In FE4 after conquering the first Castle in the Northwest corner of the map I returned to the home castle to promote my characters. When Dew and Lachesis entered the castle at the same time they had a conversation that my patch couldn't translate. Then Ferry and Levin entered the castle on the turn they also had a conversation that was not translated. Are there translations of these conversations anywhere because I did not see them on the wiki or website transcripts for the chapter? Better yet I would like to know what is the latest patch so it might have these convos? MODEDIT: hello, don't doublepost
  6. Since So Many People Have Hopelessly No Idea What The Color Rhymes Meant If you're white you're all right (changed to you will be right in the speech) If you're yellow stay mellow If you're brown stick around If you're black get back!!! It's an old saying against dark-skinned people from the pre-Civil Rights era. Any black person who's been around that long can tell you about that.
  7. Did you notice they flew over the same patch of grass in the whole end credits lol. I know the SNES was limited but I really want to take it literally and say that was only one place.
  8. Don't usually read reviews about hghly anricipated before I play them unless I'm really unsure about them, but most of the time graphics complaints are stupid because the best graphics end up being ugly within two years anyway. Read a review of a Playstation game that has "good graphics" then look at the actual game for a laugh.
  9. Personally after playing all the Final Fantasies except XI (I will not dare pay monthly for a gamea fter I've already brought it). I think III needs a sequel though I haven't finished it the story has holes. VI too cause there was no point in killing Kefka the world was already dead. VII told its story and Advent Children sucked it was just put together to make aquick buck off of nostalgia and can't hold its own as a good movie.
  10. Why does it seem so many people don't want Gaiden remade better?
  11. Jaffar is a hitman and a gron man how is he not responsible for his actions. The way I think of it how could they no accept him by the end of the game your whole army has the blood of many corpses on their hands many of which are more innocent than Jaffar. Think about the regular soldiers murdered by your troops as a result of some stupid or greedy lord. That is who I feel sorry for. They probably got drafted!!!!
  12. Ephraim by far. He had the best critical of any lord with a normal weapon!!! His spear was the deadliest thing ever created by man!!!!!!!!~
  13. Then how do you explain the other land masses connected to some of these continents. There is more than one continent on Elibe and Tellius' world.
  14. killaGAW

    OU vs FLA

    I predicted Florida to win and they did but Utah deserved a split of the national title. Who would it hurt if the A.P. voted for them?
  15. A lot of black males are into light-skinned girls. I like a little bit of a tan I notice. I light brown skin and light. Really it does depend on how the girl looks you can have a beautiful skin complexion or a bad body and still be ugly depending how it all comes together. lol
  16. I also seem to use c themes through my playthroughs like one playthrough I will focus on beasts or mages and the next I'll like Cavalier, etc. Usually I also find one unit I like from each class and just say I'm going to make sure you are good because I want to give you one of the ultimate weapons at the end of the game.
  17. O makes sense lol. I didn't see that many cute Asians until I visited California then I started seeing their potential in other places, and generally many of them started looking better . Then comes the fact that I'm learning Chinese and my university has a pretty sizable population of them (chinese students) so I meet them so I can practice. So I look but I don't have da AZN FiZation some people I know have. Something I like about my university is the diversity. Everybody around where I grew up was black or middle eastern.
  18. Looking at your opinion on girls. It seems like you better be mad too because if that wasn't the case you would get laid a lot more.
  19. That works, I just like my supports lol
  20. Maybe they can add long conversation supports!!!!! :)
  21. What is reclassing is it different than promoting? The original game didn't have rescuing how horrible, yet an interesting improvement of difficulty!!! I might do a no rescuing playthrough if I remember.
  22. I usually go through more than one playthrough so I can use everybody and get their stories. Now that I think about it the number one factr is supports when its possible.
  23. Celice if you were addressing me with that post I find it interesting. I will have to agree with you on the fact that the basics of the game in a true "remake" should be the same such as story and gameplay style, but if something is being truely remade it should be improved to today's standards a good game will stand the test of time regardless. Ex: Metroid Zero Mission or FF4. These games were old and kept the feel of the originals but felt modern enough to give the feeling that they were developed from the ground up (they kinda were but that's the point of a true remake) instead of just the same game ported with minor extras. The originals were good but it's great to have something added and not much taken away. What would be the harm of adding character supports or development and expanding the storyline along with adding a few extra chapters? The point is I'm wondering if they added any worthwhile new content instead of just making the game pretty. I'm going to buy it regardless :) I also must add where did the difficulty comments and unenjoyability factor come from. Toned-down difficulty has never been mentioned anywhere in this thread. I personally prefer difficult games (as long as the difficulty isn't caused by something glitchey and it isn't just a gimmick) as it makes them longer and gives them more meaning while you win. The game will be purchased by me regardless I enjoy old games especially since I only had an SNES most of my life until that hot Game Boy Color came out. If I was the type of fan that didn't enjoy these why would I even be in this section of the forums and why is my virtual console so packed? Why do I have ALL the pre-PS2 Final Fantasies???
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