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Posts posted by MilodicMellodi

  1. Update of my Supports~

    I still have Summer!Elise as my SS, and she and Lance!Lucina are still AS. Summer!Elise, my favorite bisexual loli waifu, showed Lance!Lucina and I the best way to look cute while training, and as the three of us later gazed up into the night sky we shared our dreams of love, hope, and beaches. (I've gotten to A rank on Summer!Elise as both SS and AS, but I haven't acheived S rank yet).

    Roy and Innes later found respect for each other while facing a dangerous enemy alongside the overly-freindly female couple, and have thus continued fighting by each others' side. Later, Roy found Innes training and taught him some things his father taught him of the battlefield. (they're on the same team as S!Elise and L!Lucina, and they've just acheived B rank).

    Gray and Takumi have started a friendly rivalry on who can defend S!Elise and Lissa the best. Lissa, while feeling left out, still has hopes of attaining good friends in Askr. (Gray and Takumi are C rank, while Lissa doesn't have AS with anyone yet).

    I swear...someone's going to start making fanfictions based on their SS/AS pairings. I bet you on it.

  2. My Heroes waifu is Summer!Elise. She is my precious swift and dangerous Gronnblade+ nuke, and no evil shall harm her innocent bloodlust!
    In terms of Ally Supports...it's variable. I'm currently training units with each other, but with a new team I'm making I'm having Summer!Elise paired with Lance!Lucina. Btw...Lance!Lucina, with Geirskogul and Drive Spd 3 equipped, grants Atk+5/Spd+8/Def+2/Res+2 when adjacent to an S-ranked sword/axe/lance/bow/dagger unit (deduct 1 from each value if within Driving distance...hehe). I'm not currently doing that combination (though I might do so later on), but I just wanted to say that because Lance!Lucina is an excellent buffing unit.

  3. If you've updated Fire Emblem Heroes, you'll notice that they've added quite a few new things to Allies: specifically the Advanced Growth page. On the top, now above Unlock Potential, there are two new tabs: Ally Support and Summoner Support. Those who have played other Fire Emblem games aside from Heroes no doubt remember Support Buffs. Now, they're in Heroes in their own form.

    With Summoner Support, you can choose one unit to receive a buff that starts at C rank and moves to S rank. At C, the unit receives +3 HP and +2 Res; at B, the HP increases to +4 and +2 Def is added; at A, +2 Spd is added to the list; and at S rank the unit receives a total of +5 HP and +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res. They also receive a nifty alternate background (wedding bells included) and a blue-colored badge displaying the rank they are at with "you". With Ally Support, you can choose two units (this can include your targeted Summoner Support) to receive the same bonuses per rank — excluding an HP buff for all ranks — when they are adjacent to each other. If they have a square of distance between them, however, they receive half the value instead. Both units also receive a green-colored badge displaying their shared rank. A nifty piece of information is that Ally Support, unlike Summoner Support, is based on the character instead of the unit; it is unknown at this time if the Ally Support bonus is stackable with duplicate units. If the Summoner Support (SS) unit, and/or Ally Support (AS) units within Drive distance (that needs to be a Heroes meme, btw...within driving distance...XD), battle Level 35+ foes, their "bond" slowly grows as they continue to rank up.
    Note that you can only have one SS unit at a time. You can have multiple pairs of AS characters, but each character can only have one AS at a time (so if Lucina is paired with Robin (M), she has to discard her rank with him if she wants to AS with Odin instead). A shared unfortunate fact between both SS and AS is that choosing new units/characters resets any progress you made with them, so you'll have to grind for that S-rank again if you go back to them.

    While I did want to explain the new stuff and their effects, I didn't really come here to dump a truckload of info on you. What I did make this topic for...is to satisfy my curiosity. For this, I have two separate pairs of questions.
    Question 1: What unit will be your Summoner Support? If you have multiple teams, which unit of each team will be your Summoner Support?
    Question 2: Which characters will be Ally Supports? If you have multiple teams with the same character but different allies, which characters will be getting which Ally Support per team?

    Another tidbit of info unrelated to SS or AS: on the Inherit Skill tab, they also added a Skill Search bar. Now you don't have to slowly read through each unit to see what they have or will have to offer as inheritable skills!

  4. My main team...oh boy, here we go~


    Summer!Elise has been my biggest investment in the game so far. Gronnblade+, Blazing (and Growing) Wind, Heavy Blade, even the time spent getting Hardy Bearing. She has ben the one I've been spending the most investment on, and she kicks ass.


    Gray, my second-most heavy investment. Wo Dao+, Draw Back, Bonfire, and Vantage were all put on him to make him able to handle mostly anything Elise can't handle while still being able to fully support her and the team. Spur Atk is interchangable for Hone Atk, but currently I'm using him to train up lower-leveled units so...for now, Spur is where it's at.


    Lissa has been a very huge investment for quite some time, but the reason why she's third on the list is because most of the units I've sacrificed for her have been very common units. I've given her almost every weapon, support, and special available to Healers, and my combo of Pain, Distant Def, Renewal, and Threaten Atk has saved Lissa from being destroyed by some lower-atk units like Camilla or Felicia (essentially, any unit affected by Threaten Atk while Lissa is under half HP needs to have more than 40 Atk to deal damage to her...essentially, no healer or other low-atk unit will be doing so). Atk Ploy was put on her because of her high Res, to help the other three take some less damage (with Solid-Earth Balm occasionally increasing everyone's Def, it's definitely a benefit).


    Takumi has been the least invested I have currently, but I have given him Rally Attack, Darting and Warding Blow, Windsweep, and Savage Blow. I'm also planning on giving him Killer Bow+ (as opposed to Brave Bow+, which everyone seems to like on him). Takumi is an awesome unit that doesn't take no for an answer against Fliers and most mages, and he's gotten his fair share of victories.

    I've gotten up to Tier 16 (and only rising) with these guys, and...while their win/loss record isn't perfect, they've held their own.

  5. I'll give this a shot, seems really cool.


    Name: Sefira
    Title: Flight of Time
    Orb Affinity: Red Sword
    Character Description: A frequent Outrealm traveler who was drafted into the Shepherds by Robin. She seems to have a high interest in Manaketes. First appeared in Awakening as a self-insert.
    Appearance: Short ocean-blue hair that travels to her ears. Her hair looks to shine with different colors in the sunlight. Short stature, approximately five-and-a-half feet tall. Wears a black camouflaged Assassin's garb.
    HP: ** Poor
    Attack: **** Good
    Spd: ***** Excellent
    Def: ** Poor
    Res: *** Average
    Mov: 2 (Infantry)
    5* Weapon: Golden Hummingbirds
    Weapon Description: A pair of long daggers passed onto her by her first master (sensei). Weak by themselves, they make their worth when Sefira faces worthy opponents.
    Weapon Statistics: 9 Might. Accelerates Special Trigger (cooldown count-1). Grants +6 Atk/Spd against opponents with at least 10 higher current HP than user. If attacking, user receives 5 damage after combat.
    Support: None
    Special: Luna
    A Passive: Darting Burst 2
    Passive Statistics: If this attacking unit has less current HP than the opponent, grants user Spd +4 during combat. This stays through the unit's next action if the user deals damage at least twice in the same turn.
    B Passive: Sky's Blessing
    Passive Statistics: An opponent that can be countered that has at least 10 less Spd than the user deals half damage to the user.
    C Passive: None

    Lol I tried. It's a unit that's completely focused around having lower HP and higher Spd against her opponents. She's made to be a self-harming anti-tank that needs to completely outshine her opponents in Spd to do much. Her weapon, Golden Hummingbirds, is like a better physical Ragnarok when having at least 10 less current HP than her opponent, but also with a Killer buff mixed in. Her A, Darting Burst, is a mix of Wind Boost and Darting Blow that can effectively give her +8 Spd (4 during any combat she has less HP than her opponent, and an additional 4 if she attacked/was attacked and had done at least 2 amounts of damage — either by doubling or through multiple battles). Her B Passive, Sky's Blessing, is a non-inheritable passive that halves any damage she receives if she has at least 10 more Spd than her opponent.
    Hopefully you guys like it. She's probably insanely overpowered, though.


  6. 29 5*s for me

    Level 40:
    Lucina +3 (45 HP, 25 Atk, 37 Spd, 30 Def, 17 Res)
    Gray (43 HP, 38 Atk, 32 Spd, 27 Def, 22 Res)
    Young!Tiki (41 HP, 46 Atk, 27 Spd, 35 Def, 29 Res)
    Tana (40 Atk, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 25 Def, 22 Res)
    Cordelia (40 HP, 35 Atk, 35 Spd, 22 Def, 25 Res)
    Delthea (33 HP, 40 Atk, 31 Spd, 13 Def, 31 Res)
    Olwen (37 HP, 26 Atk, 34 Spd, 20 Def, 27 Res)
    Hector (55 HP, 33 Atk, 24 Spd, 37 Def, 19 Res)
    Boey (43 HP, 25 Atk, 30 Spd, 32 Def, 18 Res)
    Summer!Elise (37 HP, 36 Atk, 31 Spd, 18 Def, 25 Res)
    Innes (35 HP, 33 Atk, 34 Spd, 11 Def, 34 Res)
    Takumi (40 HP, 32 Atk, 33 Spd, 29 Def, 14 Res)
    Bow!Lyn (35 HP, 33 Atk, 35 Spd, 18 Def, 28 Res)
    Lissa (39 HP, 26 Atk, 25 Spd, 28 Def, 30 Res)

    Level <40:
    Chrom (Level 36, 46 HP, 33 Atk, 24 Spd, 26 Def, 16 Res)
    Summer!Xander (Level 33, 37 HP, 31 Atk, 25 Spd, 27 Def, 16 Res)
    Jeorge (Level 23, 30 HP, 22 Atk, 18 Spd, 13 Def, 13 Res)
    Axe!Ike (Level 21, 31 HP, 23 Atk, 15 Spd, 23 Def, 8 Res)
    Leo +1 (Level 16, 27 HP, 15 Atk, 8 Spd, 15 Def, 16 Res)

    Level 1:
    Ike (18 HP, 8 Atk, 7 Spd, 9 Def, 5 Res)
    Celica (16 HP, 9 Atk, 7 Spd, 5 Def, 7 Res)
    Lilina (17 HP, 8 Atk, 6 Spd, 4 Def, 9 Res)
    Lance!Lucina (17 HP, 7 Atk, 10 Spd, 9 Def, 4 Res)
    Bride!Charlotte (20 HP, 10 Atk, 9 Spd, 4 Def, 4 Res)
    Hinoka (18 HP, 7 Atk, 8 Spd, 7 Def, 7 Res)
    2 Linde (17/16 HP, 9/8 Atk, 9/10 Spd, 4/5 Def, 5/5 Res)
    Mae (16 HP, 9 Atk, 7 Spd, 4 Def, 8 Res)
    Summer!Gaius (18 HP, 8 Atk, 9 Spd, 4 Def, 5 Res)

    Edited to fit my current roster. I'll likely be doing this often in the short future because of the 2x EXP/SP event this week.

  7. I'm not sure where I should have put this topic, so I put it in Spam so as to not get dinged for it. Hope you enjoy the idea :)

    So one of the most popular mechanics in Fates is its unique Support style, where they introduced Stances (Attack Stance when characters are next to each other, and Defense Stance when the character is supporting a unit in the same space as it). Recently, I just started a for-fun Normal Classic file on Awakening to try my idea out. For my file, I made some self-rules for myself to ensure I play it this way.

    A) Battle

    1) Dual as little as possible, only necessary when a character is near death on a hard chapter or when carrying Healers like Lissa with high-movement characters like Frederick.

    2) In order to achieve maximum damage output without straying from Awakening's gameplay, place characters next to each other as much as possible, even if you place the character without attacking. This has the added benefit of increasing Support hearts.

    3) If Dual, have the inactive character unequip their weapon if possible. The active character still gets all the Support damage boost, but this ensures the supporting character is in Defensive Stance. I'm not sure yet if unequipping weapons prevents Dual Guard, but I'm fairly certain it shouldn't.

    B) Classes/Supports (this is optional, since it's not yet fleshed out how I want)

    1) A character can only have 2 class trees (each tree starting from a Tier 1 class like Cavalier or Myrmidon, and having all available Tier 2 classes branching from those (Paladin and Great Knight for the former, Swordmaster and Assassin for the latter), but can also have 2 or 4 additional class trees depending on the classes their S and A ranks are doing). This simulates Heart, Partner, and Friendship Seals. The only exception to this rule is obviously your Avatar, Avatar's wife/husband, and their child(ren). I think this is somewhat moot point since most characters apart from the Avatar can only use 3 class trees, but I'm trying to make this work.

    2) Continuing from B1, the children can only use the classes his/her parents "pass down". You can make the rulings on that yourself

    3) Unlike in Fates, you don't get unlearned Tier 1 skills by doing Tier 2 classes. In this case, you can go back to a Tier 1 class but only once to get the skills -- and once you have the skills of the Tier 1 class you must Master Seal if possible and never go back to that Tier 1 class.

    4) Owain...you should make him primarily Magic in accordance with Fates, and rename your weapons to simulate him having the 'Aching Blood' Personal Skill.

    5) If you have not downloaded any DLC, you are only allowed to have 2 units in total equip Galeforce. This accounts for any characters with skills that are DLC-only in Fates but not in Awakening, and should match the number you can get for free.

    Anything else I can think of, or anything sane anyone lists because why not make it better than it is, I'll list here as soon as possible. For this challenge I ask that if you do the challenge you at least follow A, since the Bs (save B4/5) aren't fleshed out (though you can do it yourself if you get what I'm trying to do there). B4 is the least optional of these save for B5, but is still optional if you want Owain to be more like Odin; B5 should be manditory but you can do what you want anyhow.

    For my playthrough, I'm going to be doing a Xander run. This means that I'm having his boon/bane be Str and Mag respectivelly, and his final class will be Paladin to match Fates. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to mimick him in battle, though the customization options at least do his appearance mostly accurate.

  8. What do you guys think of this combo? I was trying to come up with a Rebounding character so I came up with this.

    Strong Riposte




    Duelist's Blow/Wary Fighter/Galeforce

    Strong Riposte with Vantage almost guarantees that you'll be doing some damage to your opponent when they attack you, while Duelist's Blow lets you dodge attacks easier on your turn so you have a little bit of a safety net. Luna and Astra are my main "point exploitation" abilities (combining with my high Skill and normally high crit chances, Luna!Crits and Astra!Crits are fairly common). Sol shouldn't be taken over Luna unless you need the sustain, while Lifetaker is the same but really not recommended unless you have weapons that can exploit weaknesses (Hammer, Bolt Naginata, etc). Aegis and Pavise in place of Astra are for a more defensive combo to cover up its weaknesses, but the versatility of Astra should outweigh the need to go with either of the skills. Wary Fighter in place of Duelist's Blow is another defensive option if you're afraid of speed, but I seriously don't recommend it because you should be using a high speed to take the most advantage of Astra and Luna so it should be moot; Galeforce is a much better option, but only if you can actually take your opponents out which isn't as guaranteed as the Avoid you get from Duelist's Blow.

    This combo is stronger with more defensive weapons, unless you're wielding Brave weapons. You can also use weapons with more Avoid to take advantage of Duelist's Blow, but this generally means you're dealing less damage (meaning you need to rely on Luna). It's working for me so far, though I've had a need to stat my defenses higher than normal. Hope you guys like it :)

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