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Posts posted by MilodicMellodi

  1. 1 hour ago, MageKnightEcho said:

    @MilodicMellodi Done. Love your pfp by the way.

    FEH Unit Builder - Lucina (Brave Heroes).png

    FEH Unit Builder - Nowi.png

    FEH Unit Builder - Takumi.png

    Thanks, a friend made it for me. He's amazing at editing.

    1) I'm glad you went the same route I did! +Spd Slaying Lance and Aether with Steady Breath is absolutely amazing in terms of sustain :)
    Wrath is a new one, though I can see the implications of using it. And Atk Smoke lets her guard (and therefore sustain) better against consecutive attacks from Emblem teams (especially from Armor Emblem teams). Close Def increases her already nice Defense for her sustainability. I love it ^.^
    I personally went with Panic Ploy as my seal, though that's pretty much because I have her as my SS and therefore her HP is higher than her allies' HP. Once I decide to pick a new SS, Close Def is going to be on my list. So thank you :)

    2) Anti-Falchion Dragon Emblem Nowi with a Close Def seal. That looks pretty amazing. Once I get Myrrh (if ever I'm able to) I may try to make my own Dragon Emblem team. I'm saving this one for reference for that ;)

    3) Anti-Emblem debuff/chip Takumi. +Def -HP nature too, nice. I can see Luna being better than Ignis/Bonfire when up against Armor units, and him having more Def means that even if he can't counterattack he can tank a bit before falling. Every initiated attack grants 24 damage outside of combat (and with Fortress Def we know you're not looking for doing in-battle damage). Veeeeery nice indeed. I already have Savage Blow as a C on him, so I could potentially see myself making a build like this. I'll take this one to the Gamepress Discord and see if they like this build too.

    Overall, very nice. I can see myself making these in the future, and I'm happy you went the same route I did with Lucina up there. I'll have more ideas for you in the future.

    EDIT: For Takumi, their exact words were "Just use Saizo instead", but they did like it.

  2. Okay I have a couple build ideas I want you to do.

    Lance!Lucina with Steady Breath, but no Geirskogul. Everything else is on the table, and you can even use Summoner Support. (this one isn't much of a challenge, but I'd like to see if you come up with an option similar to my own build)

    Nowi without any weapons or skills that have a Distant Counter effect (trying to close loopholes lol), and must have a Breaker skill (your choice on which). Everything else goes.

    Original Takumi (with the bow), but cannot use Fujin Yumi or its forge upgrades and cannot use Close Combat. Everything else is open.

  3. 2 units :)


    First one is Great Master Azama. He's so amazing that he gets to be a pseudo-Healer AND a DC Lance user. Not only that, but I gave him an Enemy Phase Savage Blow that deals damage to the opponent based on his and his foe's Def stats, as well as an A skill that buffs his Def more than Steady Stance but if he's the first unit attacked and only during that battle.


    Name: Azama
    Title: Carefree Great Master
    Affinity: Blue Lance
    Character Description: He's Azama. I can't describe him. No one can.
    ***** Excellent (over 47 HP, over 35 others); **** Good (44-47 HP, 32-35 others); *** Average (40-43 HP, 28-31 others); ** Poor (36-39 HP, 25-27 others); * Terrible (below 36 HP, below 25 others)
    HP: **** (44)
    Atk: *** (30)
    Spd: *** (28)
    Def: **** (34)
    Res: *** (30)
    Mov: 2 (Infantry)
    5* Weapon: Steel Nageyari
    Weapon Description: A naginata capable of being thrown like a javelin.
    Weapon Statistics: 11 Might. Slows Special trigger (cooldown count +1). Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
    Weapon Upgrade: None Yet
    Weapon Upgrade Statistics: None Yet

    Support: Great Festal
    Support Statistics: Unit is unaffected by Sing/Dance. Heals adjacent ally 15 HP.
    Special: None
    Special Statistics: None
    A Passive: Ready Def 3
    Passive Statistics: Grants Def+8 during the first combat on the enemy's turn.
    B Passive: None
    Passive Statistics: None
    C Passive: Counter
    Passive Statistics: If unit's Def > foe's Def when unit is attacked and can counterattack, foe takes damage equal to the difference after combat.

    Next is an upgrade of Odin using a weapon forge of his Blade Tome, as well as fixing his stats a little (not a lot, but enough that he's not piss-poor terrible).


    Name: Odin
    Title: Potent Force
    Affinity: Blue Tome
    Character Description: Odin, Seeker of Dank Memes. His dankness is danker than yours.
    ***** Excellent (over 47 HP, over 35 others); **** Good (44-47 HP, 32-35 others); *** Average (40-43 HP, 28-31 others); ** Poor (36-39 HP, 25-27 others); * Terrible (below 36 HP, below 25 others)
    HP: *** (43)
    Atk: ** (26)
    Spd: **** (32)
    Def: ** (25)
    Res: ** (25)
    Mov: 2 (Infantry)
    5* Weapon: Blarblade+
    Weapon Description: It's Blarblade. Do the math.
    Weapon Statistics: 13 Might. Slows Special trigger (cooldown count +1). Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt.
    Weapon Upgrade: Blarblade+ (+Eff)
    Weapon Upgrade Statistics: Slows Special trigger (cooldown count +1). Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt. If unit's base Atk < foe's Atk and unit can counter, grants unit bonus Atk equal to half the difference before combat until the end of the turn.

    Support: None
    Support Statistics: None
    Special: Moonbow
    Special Statistics: Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res -30%.
    A Passive: Defiant Atk 3
    Passive Statistics: Grants Atk+7 at start of turn if HP ≤ 50%.
    B Passive: R Tomebreaker 3
    Passive Statistics: If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a red tome user, unit makes a follow-up attack and foe cannot.
    C Passive: None
    Passive Statistics: None


    Btw I'm getting kind of bored being the only one to post in 'Create a Skill'.

  4. Another update :)
    Okay so my last one is on page 17 so it wasn't that long ago, but since I got really lucky on the new banners I'm gonna give an update on my team.

    The first unit in my team is the same Lance!Lucina that I've always had, though I'm still experimenting with her to see exactly how far I can push her potential. Her current build is +Spd Slaying Lance+, Reciprocal Aid, Aether, Steady Breath, Obstruct, Drive Spd, and the Panic Ploy seal. I managed to finish up Infantry Pulse on her, but due to how powerful the second unit is I felt it redundant. The next best B skill she has is Seal Spd, though I may see about giving her Quick Riposte (I haven't done so yet because I feel it's redundant with her high Spd).

    The second unit is VL!Ike. He currently has Ragnell, Reciprocal Aid, Ignis, Warding Breath, Seal Atk/Def, Def Tactic, and the Deflect Magic seal. The reason I gave him Ignis is because of his high Def, but if that doesn't work well I can always switch back to Radiant Aether. I've experimented with Fury on him (while equipped with Radiant Aether, of course)...and while he has some pretty nastily high stats when paired with the third unit on this team, it's at the cost of losing his quick charge time with the Breath skill. I may decide to put Quick Riposte on him instead of Lance!Lucina (as unlike her his Spd isn't the greatest). I may also eventually experiment with Bonfire alongside the Fury I gave him, though I don't think it will work as well as it could.
    EDIT: Ignis is good and works well with him, but Radiant Aether just works so much better for his specific niche than Ignis ever could. I also replaced his Deflect Magic seal with Distant Def. Now, I'm experimenting on whether Threaten Atk is a good replacement for Def Tactic (and if it works for him enough that I could put him with less-mixed teams without losing momentum).

    The third unit is Performing!Azura. She has Urdr, Sing, New Moon (until she has enough SP for Moonbow), Triangle Adept, Drag Back, Drive Res, and the Close Def seal. I simply set Lucina and Ike up in their places (or place, depending on the enemy layout) for the enemy phase, and whoever needs her weapon's buff more gets it. She's also an excellent check against Blue Tome users like Mae, Reinhardt, M-Robin, etc, due to Triangle Adept, so if I'm that kind of a pinch I can always put her up in the front lines.

    The final unit is the Lissa I've had since my first post on page 8. She has Dazzling Gravity+, Rehabilitate (until she has enough SP for its upgrade), Heavenly Light (though I'll likely be switching it to one of the Balm skills I've put on her once Rehab gets its upgrade), Defiant Def, Wrathful Staff, Threaten Atk, and the Atk Ploy seal. She's never steered me wrong, and with the sustain she offers the team outside their own sustain it makes it pretty difficult for enemy units to kill them unless I fuck up or the foes are inflated to infinity.

    Lance!Lucina takes care of non-Green and non-Magic/Breath enemies, VL!Ike takes care of any non-Blue enemies, Performing!Azura handles problematic Blue Mages, and Lissa heals the team and deals with whatever the other three leave behind. It's a nice synergistic combination that works very well on the enemy phase, and because I gave Lance!Lucina an Earth Blessing she's learning skills like a scholar in a library (especially since I have so many copies of different units I can have her absorb).

  5. Another update (last one was on page 40). Total amount I have is 69 (lol)


    Level 40: 27
    Lucina +3 (45 HP, 35 Atk, 37 Spd, 30 Def, 17 Res)
    Lissa +1 (40 HP, 26 Atk, 25 Spd, 28 Def, 31 Res) [was Level 40 +0 5*]
    Gray (43 HP, 38 Atk, 32 Spd, 27 Def, 22 Res)
    Roy (44 HP, 30 Atk, 27 Spd, 25 Def, 31 Res)
    Chrom (50 HP, 37 Atk, 25 Spd, 28 Def, 17 Res)
    Black Knight (48 HP, 34 Atk, 34 Spd, 35 Def, 18 Res)
    Elincia (32 HP, 34 Atk, 39 Spd, 24 Def, 27 Res)
    Young!Tiki (41 HP, 31 Atk, 27 Spd, 35 Def, 29 Res)
    Halloween!Nowi (34 HP, 37 Atk, 32 Spd, 17 Def, 27 Res) [New]
    Fjorm (39 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Spd, 30 Def, 34 Res) [New]

    Lance!Lucina (41 HP, 31 Atk, 36 Def, 31 Def, 19 Res)
    Tana (40 Atk, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 25 Def, 22 Res)
    Cordelia (40 HP, 35 Atk, 35 Spd, 22 Def, 25 Res)
    Ninian (39 HP, 28 Atk, 33 Spd, 23 Def, 27 Res)
    Delthea (33 HP, 39 Atk, 31 Spd, 13 Def, 31 Res)
    Olwen (37 HP, 26 Atk, 34 Spd, 20 Def, 27 Res)
    Performing!Azura (35 HP, 32 Atk, 37 Spd, 20 Def, 24 Res)
    Hector (55 HP, 33 Atk, 24 Spd, 37 Def, 19 Res)
    Boey (43 HP, 25 Atk, 30 Spd, 32 Def, 18 Res)
    Dierdre (36 HP, 33 Atk, 24 Spd, 16 Def, 38 Res) [was Level 34 5*]
    Summer!Elise (37 HP, 36 Atk, 31 Spd, 18 Def, 25 Res)
    Jeorge (41 HP, 32 Atk, 29 Spd, 24 Def, 22 Res)
    Innes (35 HP, 33 Atk, 34 Spd, 11 Def, 34 Res)
    Summer!Gaius (37 HP, 30 Atk, 37 Spd, 19 Def, 24 Res)
    Takumi (40 HP, 32 Atk, 33 Spd, 29 Def, 14 Res)
    Bow!Lyn (35 HP, 33 Atk, 35 Spd, 18 Def, 28 Res)
    NY!Takumi (40 HP, 34 Atk, 13 Def, 30 Res) [New]

    Level <40: 9
    Sigurd (Level 30, 34 HP, 28 Atk, 26 Spd, 26 Def, 14 Res) [was Level 13 5*]
    Xander (Level 29, 36 HP, 25 Atk, 20 Spd, 28 Def, 11 Res)
    NY!Azura (Level 23, 28 HP, 21 Atk, 22 Spd, 18 Def, 15 Res) [New]
    Ayra (Level 18, 25 HP, 20 Atk, 25 Spd, 16 Def, 13 Res) [New]

    Leo +2 (Level 16, 27 HP, 16 Atk, 8 Spd, 16 Def, 16 Res)
    Michalis (Level 14, 27 HP, 27 Atk, 17 Spd, 18 Def, 9 Res) [previously 4*]
    Eldigan [Level 13, 29 HP, 14 Atk, 11 Spd, 17 Def, 11 Res) [New]

    Hinoka (Level 10, 24 HP, 15 Atk, 12 Spd, 6 Def, 10 Res)
    Celica (Level 6, 19 HP, 12 Atk, 9 Spd, 6 Def, 9 Res)

    Level 1: 33
    Alm (21 HP, 10 Atk, 6 Spd, 5 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    Karel (19 HP, 9 Atk, 9 Spd, 5 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    VG!Ike (19 HP, 10 Atk, 6 Spd, 8 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    Chrom (20 HP, 10 Atk, 6 Spd, 7 Def, 4 Res) [New]

    Lucina!Marth (19 HP, 8 Atk, 10 Spd, 6 Def, 4 Res)
    Ryoma (18 HP, 8 Atk, 12 Spd, 5 Def, 4 Res) [New]
    Arden (25 HP, 10 Atk, 3 Spd, 13 Def, 3 Res) [New]
    Black Knight (22 HP, 10 Atk, 8 Spd, 9 Def, 5 Res) [New]

    2 Sigurd (20/19 HP, 9/9 Atk, 8/9 Spd, 5/5 Def, 4/4 Res) [Second Sigurd is New]
    Lilina (17 HP, 8 Atk, 6 Spd, 4 Def, 9 Res)
    Bride!Charlotte (20 HP, 10 Atk, 9 Spd, 4 Def, 4 Res)
    Roderick (19 HP, 7 Atk, 7 Spd, 6 Def, 7 Res)
    Oscar (18 HP, 7 Atk, 8 Spd, 7 Def, 6 Res)
    Spring!Xander (18 HP, 5 Atk, 6 Spd, 9 Def, 8 Res) [New]
    2 Nowi (17/17 HP, 6/6 Atk, 6/5 Spd, 6/7 Def, 4/4 Res) [Second Nowi is New]
    2 Linde (17/16 HP, 9/8 Atk, 9/10 Spd, 4/5 Def, 5/5 Res)
    Tailtiu (18 HP, 7 Atk, 9 Spd, 4 Def, 6 Res)
    Performing!Shigure (16 HP, 7 Atk, 5 Spd, 4 Def, 4 Res) [New]
    Dorcas (19 HP, 9 Atk, 5 Spd, 10 Def, 5 Res) [New]

    2 Hawkeye (22/20 HP, 9/9 Atk, 5/5 Spd, 6/6 Def, 5/7 Res)
    Performing!Azura (15 HP, 7 Atk, 8 Spd, 3 Def, 6 Res)
    Amelia (19 HP, 6 Atk, 9 Spd, 8 Def, 4 Res) [New]
    Camilla (19 HP, 8 Atk, 8 Spd, 5 Def, 7 Res) [New]

    Soren (16 HP, 7 Atk, 9 Spd, 4 Def, 8 Res)
    Performing!Inigo (16 HP, 6 Atk, 6 Spd, 5 Def, 3 Res)
    Gunnthra (15 HP, 7 Atk, 9 Spd, 7 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    Rebecca (17 HP, 8 Atk, 8 Spd, 6 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    NY!Corrin (18 HP, 8 Atk, 8 Spd, 6 Def, 5 Res) [New]
    Halloween!Jakob (20 HP, 8 Atk, 7 Spd, 9 Def, 8 Res) [New]


  6. I'm actually quite happy about the Seals of this one. Not quite as happy as when we got Heavy Blade, but these ones are pretty awesome.

    Poison Strike in both B and Seal gives your non-Staff user 20 unmitigated damage after combat. Put them on Jaffar (who would also need inheritance in his B slot) and that's bumped up to 27 damage (30 damage with weapon refinery). Put them on Felicia and she'll be able to do considerable damage outside of combat until she charges Iceberg/Glacies. Hell, you can put Wary Fighter as the B on an Armored unit so you can get that bump in damage without losing out on Wary Fighter's safety.

    Hone Atk being a seal's actually pretty handy as it means you can focus on other good options such as Infantry Pulse, the Tactic skills, Spur/Drive/Ward/whatever, etc. And this means that Bladetome users got their own hidden buff from this TT (since having a free C slot means that stuff like Infantry Pulse, Armor March, and Guidance can take its place, giving them a slightly new level of unpredictability).

    And Drive Def...not only is Drive a Spur-like skill (which means it's stackable with Hone/Spur/Drive), but it's Drive Def (which means that combined with its same C skill you can get up to +6 Defense for your Bonfire-/Ignis-using allies without having to be so close to them). And considering Brave!Lucina has Geirskogul's "Drive Atk/Spd 2" effect and her Drive Spd C skill...I'm gonna have some fun~

    And to be honest we're getting spoiled enough with the new summon banner already. Another chance at getting Fjorm and Gunthra, as well as some Summer units and more, including a new Ike that has a Killer-effect Aether AND Warding Breath? Guys, we're getting spoiled here.

  7. Grimoire with an any% HP threshold for its effect.
    Assault with 12 Might
    Falchion with the ability to cancel Dragon buffs
    Refreshing Bolt+ with an additional point in each stat, with a Fury 2 condition
    Ragnarok with an additional point in Atk and Spd, with a Fury 3 condition
    Armads with an additional Deflect Magic/Missile/Melee 1 effect
    Blade tomes without the slower Special count
    Silver Bow+, either with 1) each of its modifiers being the same as a non-bow weapon, or 2) with a "...Blow 1" effect corresponding to the stat being raised (for example, Darting Blow 1 for the +Spd upgrade, or Armored Blow 1 for the +Def upgrade)
    Possibly the same as the second Silver Bow+ option, for any non-Bow Silver weapon (Silver Sword, Silver Axe, SIlver Lance)

  8. Not sure if anyone commented about this (I skipped past the 10 pages already done), but does anyone realize the implications of the final map?

    You're in the final map of Conquest, going against Takumi as the final boss. His allies are "Invaders", and Corrin is nowhere in sight (unless he's your ally or if he's somehow an enemy unit, which I haven't seen on that map). Which means that the final map takes place in a version of Conquest where Corrin died, and you're picking up after him.

    I'm probably wrong, but it's a nice theory. Suddenly, all those Game Overs don't seem so inconsequential.

  9. Update~ (Geez I haven't updated since like page 10...) Summer!Elise, Innes, and Roy are on the side for now (in terms of building), so I won't be talking about them. Also, I'm not posting screenshots on my posts anymore because they always end up "timing out" (essentially, they turn into links instead of pictures. I can't figure out how to do that when everyone else can do it just fine, so until I figure it out I'm not going to even try).

    Some time ago, I gave Lance!Lucina a Killer Lance+ that I've eventually turned into a +Spd Slaying Lance+. With this she's able to have Aether at 4, and with Steady Breath already on her with her high Spd she's able to fully charge and activate it in a single battle. Like I said back in my previous post, she's an excellent Baiter of all things not Green or Magical. I also recently gave her Infantry Pulse, so putting her on a full Infantry team will be even better for her. Her seal is still Panic Ploy. Of course, her Geirskogul build is still strong with Ignis and Renewal, but you just can't beat the sustain of Steady Breath + Aether.
    I don't know if I'll be putting her on the same team as the ones below, since the team she's in is strong enough, but it's something to think about.

    In my first team project, on page 8, I had Takumi. Funnily enough, I hadn't really paid attention to him back then but now that his weapon's able to get a Forge upgrade he's back on the board. My build for him is going to be have +Spd Fujin Yumi, Windsweep (which I'd already given him back when Alm's banner was up), and the Quick Riposte seal. If Windsweep doesn't work well, I'm going to be putting Axebreaker as his B slot. Essentially, I'm going to make him a DC check (especially against Hector), so I can finally stop having to put Roy on the same team as him and go for other Reds like Witch!Nowi. I'll also be sacrificing a Leon for Slaying Bow+, and Forging it to its +Def upgrade, so that I can give Bonfire to him (since my Takumi has a Def Boon, the +Def upgrade will put him at 32 Def which equates to 16 damage with Bonfire; with the Slaying effect, he'll be able to apply it every third attack).

    The third unit, and partner to Takumi here, is Lissa (who incidentally was also in my first team alongside him). Back then I'd make a huge investment with her in terms of skillbuilding, and now that Staff units got upgrades to their weapons and support skills she's got even more building to do. I've managed to upgrade her default Gravity into Gravity+, which puts her at 36 Atk which is great for two reasons. The first reason is that Wrathful Staff, which I sacked a Genny for a long time ago, is far more effective now; the second reason is that Rehabilitate+ (which she also can upgrade without Inheritance) will be able to heal for a minimum of 13 HP (which is just less than a normal Recover) — and that's discounting the additional healing you do when the target has less than half health. Also, the lack of the "cooldown count +1" condition is even better. Thanks to her having the inherited Wrathful Staff, she will be able to upgrade into Dazzling Gravity+ to get both effects. Defiant Def and Threaten Atk, which were on her back when I posted back then, are still going to be staying on her.
    She's going to be working with Takumi to keep his health up for Quick Riposte's effect.

    Number four, and number three on the team, is Witch!Nowi. I've given her Escape Route, which combined with her Grimoire will almost always let her be able to teleport to her allies. That's...it for now on her part. Maybe I could give her Moonbow or perhaps Iceberg, but I don't really know what to give her that's better than what she has. With Reposition she's able to get her allies out of harm's way, so alongside Lissa they'll both be able to keep her allies alive through mostly anything.

    The last member on the team will be Fjorm. I wanted to put Lance!Lucina in it, but I realized that the other three are all weak to Blarraven in their own way and so I needed a check to that (I wanted to go with Hector but realized I'd be weak to mages, Performing!Azura but realized I wouldn't have much to fall back on once Takumi's gone, hell I thought about using Delthea but not only does Dark Aura not affect bow, staff, or tome users but her Def is also woefully low. Fjorm seems like the best choice I can come up with for any scenario I can think of. However, considering her skillset is already great without Inheritance she's less of a project and more of a Filler. I will be giving her Quick Riposte in her B slot as an option, as well as either one of the Deflect seals (likely going to be Deflect Magic) or one of the Ploy seals (likely Def Ploy), and perhaps I can give her Harsh Command, Draw Back, or a Rally skill in her support slot, but I can't really think of much to make Fjorm better.

    Anyone have an idea on what I could do to make my listed units better?

  10. I'd be super hyped for different Breath niches. Breath Flier, Breath Armored, and Breath Cavalry would all bring more balance to the game. Units with multiple weaknesses, but strength to back up those weaknesses; you'd have more ways to take them down, but you'd have a tough (not impossible) fight if you didn't have those units. It'd make people think more about what units they should send in.

    When you think about it, Laguz could fill these spots. The Bird Tribe would take Flier, Beast Tribe would take Cavalry, and the Dragon Tribe would take Armored. The first two are obvious, being that the Birds can fly and the Beasts are the most agile. The Dragons, being extremely similar to Manaketes (Dragon Infantry), would take the Armored spot because dragons scales are extremely durable. The reason Dragon Laguz and not Manaketes would take this spot is because Manaketes spend more time human than dragon and would therefore not be as connected to their draconian side as they are to their human side. Besides, blame it on the fact the older games were way better but Dragon Laguz are far better than Manaketes.

    I used to say Claws would be a good way to introduce Laguz, but a simpler and more balanced way to do it would be to give certain Laguz a Breath that does physical damage instead. I'd also used to say that Ashnard would be a perfect example of a Dragon Flier, but in reality his weapon Gurgurant would make him a likelier Sword unit (hopefully Flier). So, there's my opinion~

  11. Looking over the video, I noticed Fjorm's special "Ice Mirror".

    It looks like we're getting our own kind of Counter for Heroes now. Ice Mirror, for now at least, seems to negate any damage and dish it back if she attacks after the opponent. As in, when she activates it during an attack that the opponent has at least one attack before one of hers, she'll be able to negate the damage of that attack and send it right back.


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