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Posts posted by Aircalipoor

  1. Greetings.

    I´m currently playing through the Prolog with a normal leveled My Unit. I beat P5 on Lunatic Reverse repeatedly in the past by using a MU with blessed Spd ( 5 and more) or by being lucky (Units dodging attacks, Crits...). Now I wonder which strategies are possible to beat this chapter with neither luck or a RNG blessds MU. I´m using the strategy posted in the Lunatic Mode Guide as a basis for the placements of my units, but I´m usually short of one unit. Is it actually possible to beat P5 under "normal" circumstances?

    /edit:I assume that none of our units has to be killed and that MU is in the knight class.

    Fun Fact: The tile two fields right to the southern Fort is actually a forest, even if it looks like a plain field.

  2. Both Caeda and Catria got promoted(DK respective FK). Caeda gained 1 Spd and Catria 3 Spd to they respective stats.

    Why did they gain one extra point of speed? Because they would have theoretically gained a point of speed by their former level-ups(but were restricted by the stat cap)?

    This is the only solution I could imagine.How do the promotion boni work exactly?

  3. Currently at chapter 9. My team is fine and I have to decide who to promote to FK in chapter 11/12. Caeda won´t, as she needs the Str and Def that the DK provides.

    PK Catria level 17

    HP 30

    Str 16

    Skl 17

    Spd 20

    Lck 14

    Def 12

    Res 6

    B Lance (middle to A)

    PK Cecil level 17

    HP 26

    Str 15

    Skl 20

    Spd 20

    Lck 14

    Def 12

    Res 8

    D Lance

    (C Sword)

    Would a FK with a better sword rang instead of a high lance rang be more useful? Or should I stick with Catria?

  4. Petrine vs Soren

    Petrine: You... That mark on your brow... That's not a charm of the dead, is it? You're no Spirit Charmer! Hmph! You may be able to fool others with that, but not me. It's because we're the same, see?

    Soren: ...The same? Don't be ridiculous. I'm nothing like you. You kill for sport, and hide your fear behind a wall of bravado. Now let me show you true fear!

  5. Zihark joins in part 1-6, and for the remaining 4 chapters he kicks ass.
    In part III he's reusable in 3-6,12,13

    You answered your own question. Using Zihark contributes positively for ~8 chapters. A good point of seriously using Zihark. Sure, using Zihark throughout the whole game is ineffective/inefficient, but a lot of units are like this, especially in this messy game.

  6. Don´t really care about him because RDs plot sucks. It kind of ruined his enigmatic BK status that made him so notable in PoR. I wonder from which laguz class he descended though. My guess is hawk.

  7. Makalov needs 1344 Bexp to be 20/1. Astrid 1092, but she has obviously chapter 10 and 11 for exp. Which unit benefits the most of the raven exp? Is it wise to give them Astrid(she can´t hit reliable, though) or wouldn´t it be more profitable if the likes of Marcia/Jill get the lion´s share? And have the enemies in the mid-game/end-game an offense that can be dangerously to Astrid but less treatening to Makalov? How much cexp will she eget at the time when Makalov joins? How important is the bexp fund while chapter 12-16? Could we invest slightly more Bexp to have a better unit(IF a trained Makalov is a signifificantly better unit) or do we have to be strict, as the Top/ Upper High Tier units needs more exp?

    Again: It´s not like that I believe that Makalov is clearly > Astrid and want to suggest a changing. It´s more like that I want to learn why Astrid > Makalov. I´m not as naive to think that my poor knowledge bests three years and more of tiering...

  8. More of a question than a suggestion: Why is Astrid over Makalov?

    I assume that both get more or less the same bexp(or needs Astrid significantly less?) Comparing both at 20/1 now and I notice that Astrid has a rather large gap in HP and Def(Makalovs 39/16,5 vs her 33,5/13,7) and only wins in Skl(+5) and Res(+3,75). The growth rates assure that Astrid will always have lower HP/Def states than all the other paladins. I don´t know if this is actually a problem, though. For now I assume that HP, Str and Def are way more important than her advantages in Skl/Mag/Lck/Res.

  9. Will do that. Judging from the rising AS stats in the following chapters, I assume that Snipers, Swordmasters and Berserkers get more useful.

    Regarding Marth: I knew that he needs a sufficient level for Medeus. I did play H1 and H2. I usually trained him in chapter 22/23 by finishing dragons and it was enough Exp for the final chapter. But I will give him more kills over the course of the remaining chapters.

  10. I apologize for being short of information.

    Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
    Marth		Lord		14      06      34      14  	0  	16      15  	14  	11  	0  	Sword C
    MyUnit      	Berserker  	17  	35	60      29	0 	24  	27      22  	24  	0   	Axe A
    Catria   	Falcoknight 	9 	21 	46 	23 	3 	26 	26 	24 	19 	9 	Sword E Lance A
    Palla    	Dracoknight	7 	20      37  	24 	1 	24 	21 	9 	21 	4 	Lance A Axe E
    Caeda    	Dracoknight    	9   	03	36 	22 	1 	26 	23 	25 	19 	6 	Lance A Axe E
    Sirius    	Paladin  	13 	05 	40 	17 	1 	22 	21 	11 	14 	7 	Sword B Lance A
    Minerva    	Dracoknight 	13 	03 	39      20      1   	16      22  	18  	20      3 	Lance C Axe A
    Frey    	Paladin    	7 	60 	46 	22  	1  	24  	23  	16  	23      6  	Sword C Lance A
    Mallesia    	Sage    	10 	55  	40      3      24   	9  	25  	25      10      11      Tome D Staff A
    Etzel 		Sorcerer 	15 	17  	37   	2 	18 	19 	14 	12  	13 	12 	Tome A Staff A

    Feena and Xane are obviously used, too. MU has a B in Lance. I have no downloadable content and no Lunatic Statbooster Shop. I have currently 2x Energy Drop, 2x Angelic Robe, 2x Dracoshield and 2x Speedwings, but I safe them for Marth. I´m really paranoid regarding Medeus.

    My playstyle is casual. I recruit every unit and open every chest, if possible. I do use Rescue, but I´m surely not LTCing. Sirius can´t double a thing and is 2HKOed. His damage output is also disappinting. I´m unsure what to do with him.

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