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Posts posted by IfIHadToPickADude

  1. 6 hours ago, Reinfleche said:

    9) I am unsure what you're referring to particularly.

    The Swedish Metal band Ghost! Ignore the fact that Google says its a rock band, its not.
    Also I should edit this question for future questions so people aren't as confused.


    17. Thoughts on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

    18. Favorite Queen song?

    19. Thoughts on Firefly (The show by Joss Wheadon)?

    20. Thoughts on Berserk (the anime/manga series by Kentaro Miura)?

    21. How much wood, from whatever tree of your choosing, would a woodchuck/groundhog/Marmota monax throw, in a hypothetical scenario that said woodchuck/groundhog/Marmota monax has the ability to throw what ever wood you chose like an adult human/Homo sapiens?

    22. Favorite species of bear (assuming you don't mind bears)?

    23. Have you seen the Bohemian Rhapsody movie yet? If so, your thoughts on it?

    24. Favorite letter of the alphabet?

    25. Least favorite language?

    26. Do you watch any sports? If so, can you horribly describe your favorite sport?

    I'm out of questions so have fun with your interview!

  2. 1. Favorite South American Country?

    2. If you were to list all known and possible colors in a list from favorite to least favorite, what color would be in the middle?

    3. Thoughts on the Etrian Odyssey series?

    4. Thoughts on the SCP Foundation?

    5. What advice would you give to a person new to EiMM?

    6. Favorite sound to hear?

    7. Do you associate the months of the year with colors? If so, what color is each month?

    8. Favorite band?

    9. Thoughts on Ghost?

    10. Do you believe in ghosts? If not, do you have any reason why?

    11. Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

    12. Any foods you thought you would hate, but upon trying them you now like?

    13. Do you read books? If so, do you have any favorites?

    14. What feeling (like coarse or soft) do you detest feeling?

    15. Cats, Dogs, birds, or lizards?

    16. Thoughts on Red Pandas?

    sorry for throwing this many questions at you

  3. 6 hours ago, Dayni said:

    Felix: Elton John has sang with a lot of artists, but one of the most notable was Freddie Mercury.

    I would totally have picked Aretha Franklin but first name basis I guess.

    Edit: On realising I didn't need it to be an F starting Ghetto Gospel would also have been a great choice.

    I think he meant for us to link Green Day to another artist.

    Green Day is the name of a stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo, it also shares a part with The Rolling Stones

  4. 3 hours ago, Guest 3 characters long said:

    Well, I'm not especially relevant nor timely to this discussion, but I give up.

    The Nintendo page says "Your protagonist meets three main characters – Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude – who play important roles in the story"

    Which means we're getting another MU as the MC. Fantastic. My fears are realized.

    I'm going to go die in a hole now, goodbye.

    The quote you used implies that Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude are more important that the MU. There's no reason to panic as of yet, let's just wait until after Smash Ultimate is released and more info starts trickling in. Then we can get as scared and horrified as we want!

  5. Honestly I wouldn't mind being stepped on by a girl ATM. I've got pretty good bones so I'm certain I could handle a lady's weight. The additional pressure would help stretch some muscles I haven't used in a while. Plus there's the obvious advantages of having a beautiful woman's foot on top of my body. Yeah I could go for some stepping.

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