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Posts posted by IfIHadToPickADude

  1. 1. How's your day going?

    2. Favorite food?

    3. Favorite Northern African country?

    4. Out of all of the leaders in history (includes leaders of countries, religions, and movements) who would be in the middle?

    5. Do you associate the months of the year with colors? If so, what colors do you associate with each month?

  2. 2 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

    PECBT, whatever that is.

    PErCaBeTh* You got the symbols wrong my dude. Also hey! Look at that! It spells Percabeth!

    1 hour ago, Dragoncat said:

    Speaking of cheese, where did the belief that the moon is made of cheese come from?

    Conspiracy theorists.

    Where are we going with this ham and swiss cheese sandwich? And why am I in an armored truck?

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