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Status Updates posted by Masu

  1. er. YEAH thats what i meant! eh heh heh heh........*weeps at busted wall of PMs*

  2. *looks at wall of bianchi PMs*


  3. k im going to bed. good night

  4. though its a inappropriate joke though for the young ones (or ppl who cringe at sex jokes)

  5. I already have ideas for jokes to play on lyle XD

  6. it is! I cant wait to meet everyone in florida too :D

  7. And the hotel room we got is AMAAAAAZING. HD tv! And its very nice and only 200 bucks for the whole weekend

  8. Im not even there yet and im already having fun (watching gameplay videos) Oh god. Playing it in RL. it will be a memorable day

  9. ah. well i'll be in chinatown with ACTRESS AGAIN(I CANT FREAKING WAIT). Oh god i've been watching so many videos of it. Also i hope lyle does get time to meet us

  10. what is this "pokimanz centur" you speak of?

  11. "Pokemon center"? Im going to stay in chinatown. rei and i went there together before XD

  12. I cant wait till Next week. Im going to NY with faiya and rei and we're gonna play the new melty blood (and maybe meet lyle)

  13. i went to best buy today and saw this "Ultimate Pokemon" guidebook and it made me think of you XD. I idioticly said to faiya "Hey i should get this for princess" and he was like "What are you gonna freaking scan all 500 pages of it and email them!?" XD

  14. XD its alright

  15. Masu

    we're still going to tampa. but we're going to busch gardens and university mall. i found a hotel that ive stayed in before thats near both places (like in a 3 mile radius :D)

  16. Masu

    i thought of that but everyone is like "too expensive'

  17. Masu

    Masu Raven Lyle Branded Faiya Wist Jyoshua Nightmare Warachia Knife

    POSSIBLY Emeraldfox Will SmartRutter Mussashi Fox CGV

  18. Masu

    Hika has the money, but has permission issues. CGV wants to come, Fox thinks we're all gonna molest her, and if SHE doesnt come, i dont think CGV can come either, which is LAME. Because i really wanna meet CGV(more than fox, which generated a rather angry response from her when she saw me say that)

  19. Masu

    :( why isnt anyone awesome going besides wist and raven?

  20. Masu

    didnt wist say he would give it to you in fl? I thought that meant you were going and already started looking to getting a seperate room since girls and guys need seperate rooms :x

  21. Masu

    We're having a contest to see who can beat the game these girls are from the fastest :p the ppl who have the avatars are participating XD

  22. just a period. even vincent did this before. he just put a space for his name XD

  23. well Claire didnt get warned. I dont think you will.

  24. yeah i saw your post in mongrel and i was like "OMG SHE DID IT!"

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