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Posts posted by Shuuda

  1. On 02/07/2017 at 5:12 PM, Natalie said:

    Your lines are so clean! Your art is really adorable and I love your colour choices. Not really much else I can say other than I really like it.

    Thank you very much.

    I've been trying to improve my faces recently, so here's a few quick drawings as filler.



    Thanks to Chen for a couple of pointers. Two posts with Fire Emblem content. Gosh, what's gotten into me.

  2. The colours are simply gorgeous, particularly on the skin and clothes. As for the hair, it's not my strong suit, but maybe some extra planning and layout in the sketching stages might help in getting a more natural windswept appearance. Regardless, it's some fine work here.

  3. I've been thinking on this topic on length. I spent time looking through some of your old topics, and even your DA account. While I suspect my answer is likely to cause drama, I feel there are things that need to be said. This going to be scathing, but there are some truths that need to be recognised before any maturation can occur.

    Wanting positive feedback is understandable, but there's a serious problem here; your drawings have no merit whatsoever. You evidently have no ability to draw well. Your "concepts", as you put it, are obessive fanfic OCs which come across as cringy, creepy, and self absorbed. Put bluntly; you don't deserve the praise you seek.

    Now I know what you'll say. "But I'll improve". Looking through your history of drawing however, I don't think you've made any significant improvement to your drawing at all, ever. The root of this issue? Maybe it's the obession with fanfic OCs, the coddling from certain people, or maybe you're just not taking it seriously. Regardless, your work is stagnent. Something has gone wrong for this to be the case. Making a song and dance about improving, and actually improving, are two different things. I don't want to be the kind of person who says you'll never get better, but I don't think you'll get anywhere if you keep to the path you're on now. You'll likely repeat history at this rate.

    At the level you're at criticism will not be of any benefit. Quite the opposite I suspect. Giving an honest assessment of your work I'd either have to write daunting essays, or throw my hands up in frustration and cry "it's all wrong!" None of those will be useful to you. In the end, it'll be confusing and frustrating for everyone involved.

    So here's the core of my advice; what you need isn't criticism or commentary from random people on the internet. If you're serious about improving your drawing, then you must devote yourself to studying and practice. Read books and tutorials, watch videos, take classes if you want, practice everyday. It can be as simple as typing "how to draw x" in Google. Start at the very basics and work your way from there. Fill up sketchbooks with practice. Once you've done that then maybe you'll be able to draw something worth praising, and receive criticism that's beneficial.

    I hope you'll forgive the ranting, but I couldn't think of any nice way of putting my thoughts together. I wish you the best of luck in trying to improve.

  4. There are new games coming in November (I think), with Ultra S&M (phwoar), so perhaps you might want to buy in at a cheaper price and then get the new games if your interest holds.

    Since you say life tends to get in the way of gaming, then I suggest getting something in the 3rd gen. FireRed/LeafGreen or Emerald in particular. I think these titles don't bog you down with too many features or cutscences like the newer games do. I might also be tempted to throw Platinum from the 4th gen into the list, though that is one of the more challenging games in the series.

    The main Pokemon series is handheld only right now.

  5. Whether you leave or stay is your choice, though it's evident that most people would rather you didn't leave us forever. You're probably better off listening to them, but since I am sort of "involved", I should at least say something.

    You were accused of playing the victim card, and here you are, doing just that. A few people voice their dislike of you, me being one of them I'll confess, in a thread that you derailled with your usual behaviour, and you fly off the handle. The worst part is that this is not surprising at all. As far as I can see you haven't bettered yourself or taken to heart any of the lessons you should've learnt. You fall back on your easy excuse of having aspergers. Every time I see you post, it's the same over and over. For some of us, it's very tiresome.

    I don't want to hear you deny it. I don't want you to reply; I can't state this enough. I'm not interested in arguing with anyone. I simply felt I had to voice my feelings on the matter.

  6. 7 hours ago, Azzurohr said:


    You can second me on all of that. It bugs me to no end. There are few times where I wish I were still a mod, but I'd give a lot to dish out some much needed punishment here.

    To be on topic:

    - I generally don't have any strong feels about various characters, either for or against. I'll also put myself in the camp of not thinking Faye is as bad as some try to make out. At worst, she's a mildly irritating and tired cliche in a cast of otherwise likeable characters.

    - Not sure how unpopular this is, but I hope IS continues with it's concessions on the perma death, such as the save points in SD and the Turnwheel. As core as I feel the perma death is to the series, it's not always an enjoyable aspect and have a small buffer against the worst RNG is nice. The turnwheel was a bit too generous by the end, but with some tweaking it could be perfect for me.

    - Same as Topaz above, I don't like the emphasis the newer games have on complex skills and min-maxing. The newer games in general are really bogged down by a lot of fluff and DLC that I don't care for. That stuff just tires me out. The more straightforward games, like SD or 6/7 are easier to enjoy.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Also, the Switch does have touch controls, btw. The screen can be used as a touch screen when it's in handheld mode. And handheld mode itself still exists. You act like the Switch is the Wii or Wii U, which is definitely not the case.

    I suspected I might have gotten that mixed up.

    But still, I don't think any of these poll options would suffice for a game on the mainline console.

  8. I don't think this bodes well for the series personally.

    Ever since the 4th gen, Pokemon has benefitted from having dual screens and touch controls on its menus. These features have helped alleviate the sluggish gameplay the series suffers from. Without them I suspect Pokemon will play a whole lot worse. You're going back to the Gameboy era, and what was a forgivable limitation of technology then will not go down well on a mainline console in 2018. In that respect a D/P remakes could be a disaster (not being Pt would make them bad enough). "Hey, remember when you could go through the PC using the touch controls? Well here's what it's like when you can't!"

    I also don't think jumping to "8th gen" would be good for the series either. Pokemon is already developing problems with pushing games out too quickly. X&Y felt shafted, and Ultra S&M (phwoar) is coming out in a matter of months. I'd hate to see it go full CoD. How many new Pokemon will they be able to create when the gap between generations is shrinking?

    The only way I can see a mainline Pokemon game on the Switch being good is if they completely revolutionised the series. Not just a few minor changes like S/M, but a total overhaul. Anything less would just seem like Gamefreak coasting on fan loyalty and brand recognistion. Pokemon has always gotten away with its failings because it's an old, venerated series, and because they've always been handheld games. But when a game goes from handheld to mainline console, peoples expectations are going to rise accordingly. I think reviewers and people who aren't fans aren't going to be so kind to a Switch Pokemon game that just repeats what was on the DS.

    Of course, Pokemon is so popular they could probably get away with anything at this point. I just wish they couldn't.


    To answer the poll, I hope none of those options are true, but I'm not expecting great things right now.

  9. Personally, looking at both your most recent pieces, I think they'd look better if you made the lines above the upper lip (don't know the technical term) more subtle. Right now they feel like they're drawing my attention more than they should.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Mega evolutions are a bit different though. They're just adding a new ability to previous Pokemon. They don't get new dex entries or anything. Alolan forms are still different Pokemon themselves with their own evolution trees despite being a variation of an existing Pokemon. They get different designs and more different types and different moves and everything.

    Actually, mega evolved forms do have their own Pokedex entries now.

    While I don't have any inside knowledge of how Pokemon are designed, my intuition is that designing an Alolan form doesn't require that much more effort than a Mega form, especially when they both serve the same basic purpose of reinvigorating older Pokemon. The core difference is that a Mega is an exaggerated version of a Pokemon, while an Alolan is an alternative version.

    I dunno. I'm waiting for some more information before having any real opinions on Ultra S&M (phwoar).

  11. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Why would people expect more Alolan forms and new Pokemon? By new Pokemon, I'm pretty sure Masuda meant that the Pokedex would be expanded to include more older Pokemon, like third versions and B2W2 did. Not brand new designs. This isn't a new gen, you know.

    ORAS introduced new mega evolutions halfway through a generation. Adding new Alolan forms would not be too disimiliar a move. Not that I necessarily believe they'll make new ones yet, just that it's not out of the realm of possibility.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Ether said:

    So many people wanted Stars to begin with, why is it suddenly a saltfest now that it's UltraSuMo instead? It's basically the same thing, just by a different name.

    But it's not exactly what I wanted, Daddy! I want Stars now, Daddy!

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