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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Sure. I got nothing to do right now.

  2. Just take your time. I find things go better when you do them at your own pace (which is why I suck at school).

  3. That's good. It sounded like you had a lot to do.

  4. So what's goin' on?

  5. Actually a majority of my posts are probably here. I just stopped caring and eventually it became natural. Watch even this topic will start to deviate.
  6. That's just how things work here. Give it time and you'll get used to it.
  7. So somehow I became Shino...awesome.
  8. Good chapter. To be honest, I'm more annoyed that Princess gets a fight after stealing mine. Come to think of it, everyone seems to steal from my fights, is that another running gag or something? Kidding, I look forward to it.
  9. Why did you post after that? Do you want a...never mind I don't wanna know.
  10. She does like you, MS. She just likes Soren, Damon, Pit, Roy, and Ike more. Don't let it get to you.
  11. I sense another lonely hearts meeting. At any rate...looking forward to the update.
  12. Something seems off with the Mist one. Like her legs aren't connected right. Other than that, good stuff.
  13. That too makes a good running gag.
  14. Weren't you the one who was always pointing to MS and shouting, "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!!! I'M LIKE THIS BECAUSE OF YOU!" or am I mistaken?
  15. Actually, that's RD Mia. As for my opinion: Ivy (aka "Zabimaru-bitch):...not all that into her. To be honest, she can die in a hole or get possessed by Soul Edge for all I care. Mia (or Wayu): I used to like her...before RD came around and she became FE fans' favorite sex symbol. Morgan:...who?
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