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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Sure. Be right there.

  2. I figured that would be your reaction. So I take it you like it?
  3. Yeah. Sucks doesn't it?

  4. I AM NOT! Screw it I'm going to bed. You got any other rooms here?
  5. Whatever. At any rate there's no way I could've bribed him with a DS game. I'm too cheap.

  6. MS is being retarded right now. So could you explain what happened?

  7. Funny thing MS. I was walking back from the hotel and Zero starts interrogating me saying I bribed you with a DS Game. Care to explain?

  8. Bribed him for what?

  9. You pretty much...do what MS say's.
  10. I think you already know the answer, Zero.
  11. Alright. Have fun.

  12. Only me. Deathreapr was invited, Faiya and Kiba looked over our shoulders in the hotel at Otakon.
  13. Dude...you almost strangled a Soren cosplayer at Otakon with your kendama.
  14. Wow. Forgot I actually wrote this. Anyway... Chapter One: Secrets In the wastes devoid of light and life... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystery. That was the only word that could describe the next morning. Marlin had woken up a little after sunrise. He had packed his things the night before, so he had enough time to get a small breakfast before Renning approached him. Renning showed Marlin where to put his bag and made sure the horses were well fed before the trip. To Marlin's surprise Bastian actually arrived on time, and after a few brief words with Renning, boarded the carriage. Marlin had to ask where they were going but got no reply. Renning simply told him to get on board and took the reigns of the horses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If mystery would describe the morning, then silence would describe the trip. Neither Renning nor Bastian would make a sound throughout the whole trip. Marlin began to grow nervous with each second. The scenery had changed drastically from the city area of the capital Melior and was now a more rural, natural setting. One that seemed perfect for hiding a body. No, no they wouldn't do that, Marlin thought, then again they did seem to be talking about something important last night, maybe this is it! I was asking questions so they're gonna kill me and bury me out here where no one can find me. Marlin's thoughts were interrupted by the carriage's sudden stop. "We've arrived, Marlin." Renning and Bastian left the carriage and began to unload. Marlin took this chance to survey the land for any good escape routes. All he saw were near endless plains and a small house. There appeared to be a ranch with a few horses in the back. If anything, I can take one of those horses and escape, Marlin thought while surveying the land, but was shaken out of thought by Bastian, "Are you still awestruck by this place, my young pupil? I admit it has a quaint charm to it, but I can assure you that the inside is just as charming." Marlin walked in after his master without much more that a "yes." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The inside of the house seemed very plain compared to the manor Renning lived in. Its design was modest and there were few servants walking about, bowing to greet Renning and Bastian. "What is this place?" Marlin looked up at Renning as he scanned the interior more. Renning smiled down at the boy and explained, "This place is sort of a private home of mine where I go when I just need to get away. It also has a very special occupant." "Who?" "You'll find out soon. In fact..." Renning stopped as they made their way to the back of the house, where the saw a green haired girl around Marlin's age hanging clothes out on a line. The girl turned at the three and grew a smile as bright as her brownish-red eyes. "Who is she?" Marlin continued to stared at the girl. There was something about her that seemed...different. She wore a modest red dress and looked like any commoner, but there was something about her that set her apart from the rest. Before he could find a reason, the girl ran forward and lunged towards Renning, enveloping him in a hug. "Uncle Renning!" the girl shouted as she buried her face in his stomach, "It's so good to see you again!" "Uncle? What does she mean?" "She means she's my niece," Renning smiled as the girl released him. "But that's impossible," Marlin couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Your only sibling is King Ramon, so for her to be your niece she'd have to be the king's daughter. That means she'd have to be..." The stares of Renning and the girl coupled with Bastian's snickering was all the reassurance that Marlin needed, "No...way." "Ahem. My name is Elincia Riddell Crimea. It is a pleasure to meet you." The girl bowed politely, acting unfazed by Marlin's confused questioning glare, What the hell is going on here? Yeah. Pretty short, but that's all I had planned for this chapter. I'm sorry if it seems slow but things will pick up at the latest the chapter after next. Anyway, till next time.
  15. yeah, sorry about that. I've been working on other stuff. I'll get it to you.

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