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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. To be honest. I thought that that topic would go the way of my others and die after a few minutes so I set this up. But if you could merge the two that would be fine. *thumbs up* EDIT: Thank you.
  2. Meh, probably not. But I think Faiya's done HHM before and he's alright. I think I'll be fine.
  3. I'll show you my schedule when I come back.

  4. My first FE Hard Mode. Probably just gonna say how the chapters went and such. Wish me luck.
  5. It's not so much the difficulty that deters me as much as it is I feel like a big headed 12 year-old on GameFaqs that expects to be worshiped for beating the game.
  6. Wow. Even I found that harsh...not really.
  7. That'll do it.

  8. I'm replaying this game on hard mode. Now I feel like I'm becoming one of those dick waving fanboys who act like they're gods of gaming for doing something like this. Anyway any tips you may have to keep me from getting raped?
  9. Ouch. How'd you manage that?

  10. No complaints so far. You?

  11. Hibari


    Anyone else think the song playing when Nnoitra released was the most epic release music so far?
  12. Started yesterday.

  13. I think you missed the point somehow.
  14. It's probably too late but what the hell. *prepares to give mouth to mouth* ...Screw this. *throws elixir onto her*
  15. Let's face it, we've all have one or two series were embarrassed about be it that you were mislead by the promos and artwork only to die a little inside each time you turn a page or watch a scene eventually dragging your hollow shell to the final episode under the delusion that the ending will somehow atone for 25+ episodes or multiple chapters of utter shit that you've been hauling your empty vessel through for the past few months but ultimately leaving you to take several hot tear-filled showers as if your horrible tale of rape was just aired on the 11 o'clock news, or the kind that you initially looked into out of sheer boredom because no one was around and all your guild buddies were out and as you've already learned solo grinding sucks ass. But it turns out that despite the fact that the series practically personifies everything you curse to gain frostbite in the lower levels of Hell along with all who enjoy it you couldn't help but actually enjoy the series and watched it excitedly till the end or at least until someone came inside and made you x out of youtube or onemanga faster than you can say "rasengan." Making your parents wonder if you're watching porn while they're out and if you are when did they start having such catchy and varying music, not to mention laser sound effects and what looks/sounds like a final showdown in space where the characters discuss their beliefs and experiences. Anyway where was I? Ah it doesn't matter: Discuss.
  16. Why? That's what I want to know.
  17. I almost teared up at that, especially when That got to me.
  18. Not really. Unless you're trying to find me I'm pretty unnoticeable. That time was just bad timing on my part.
  19. Last time I did that I was abducted so...no.
  20. ...I don't know whether to laugh...or vomit.
  21. I just like ruining analogies like that.
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