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Posts posted by fangpoint333

  1. Sanaki is most likely not branded. She herself is unaware of a lot of family details and you'd think she'd notice something like that. Probably ages as a normal person as well as you can tell from her appearance changing between the two games.

    The age gap between the sisters doesn't really make much sense. Micaiah has to be at least 10 years older than Sanaki. Since she's already been noted to be aging slower she could well be older than that. They could have filled in a few details about their parentage, but since the detail about them being sisters was dropped at the very end of the game, I guess there wasn't any room for that.

  2. I always felt that Ludveck was trying to seize power for himself and only used his "I was only testing you" to try to assume the moral high ground and establish himself as being more worthy of being a ruler. I liked part 2 as a whole and it had enough importance overall to me despite the length. Elincia's decision in part 3 would not have had the same impact if it wasn't for this whole side story

    I wasn't sure of their exact ages, but I didn't expect the age gap between Elincia and the siblings to be so big. No real new info on Lethe sadly.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Eselred said:

    FFRK literally launched with FF7 and Sephiroth.

    Also made by DeNa...

    Of course use a good amount of popular characters at launch to grab the attention of the players,  but you don't use every last popular character at launch. If you did that then every release after that would just be obscure characters that most people are just meh about and interest would die after the first week. 

  4. I always found it stupid how easy it is to delete all your data in a few of these games. Something that dangerous should be behind several hard to navigate menus and give you a few warnings before you do it. Also the cursor always needs to start over the NO option rather than the YES option when it asks you to delete everything.

  5. Ike x Mia and Micaiah x Sothe

    The whole ending where Ike takes off and leaves worked best for Mia in my head since she isn't really tied down anywhere as well. Elincia is the least likely to join him since she has her own responsibilities tying her down to her home. Lethe would be my second choice.

    Sothe is really the only choice for me since characters are really underdeveloped in the Daein side.

  6. Gotta give it to Blazing Sword. FE4 Gen 1 has an amazing plot but Gen 2 falls pretty flat in comparison which is half the game. FE8 felt a little formulaic to me. Look for  the Macguffins, Macguffins get destroyed look for next one and fight one of the 6 elite generals. Repeat until you run out. Lyon is a fine villain but he's the real only interesting thing to me. FE9 is pretty by the numbers, but it's told well. FE10 tried an interesting take on the story by having multiple groups running around doing their own thing which was fun but got ruined by blood pact and having all of the senators be responsible for everything and making the laguz villains be villains because of the senators actions kinda ruined the racism thing.

  7. I actually completely forgot she had her evil eye ability. It was only something people would use when just taking their sweet time which was something that most chapters with her didn't allow if my memory serves correctly. It was pretty much just faster for her to smack her enemies in one round.

    It doesn't get brought up in story or conversations either I believe. You'd think that would be a big deal though.

    It's been a few years since I've played so I might be wrong.

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