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Posts posted by NewTypeEldie

  1. As of now I added a working icon for Seliph and the Grannvale civ, but I'm still struggling to customize the units. If someone can direct me to a proper resource to make these units, or better yet make a Units.xml file for me that would be great. I don't have too much time to work on this so progress for this simple project is pretty slow.

  2. I was playing Civ 5 today and I was shocked to see there were no completed Fire Emblem mods for the game. Since I just completed(and loves) Genealogy of the Holy War, I was thinking of starting a little mod based on the Grannvale Empire. I'm totally new to Civ 5 modding but I got far enough to change the opening screen, the name of the civ and its cities, and I changed the unique units.

    Grannvale Empire

    Leader: Seliph

    The leader icon still shows Bismarck and it still has the Iron Cross icon. Still trying to figure out how to change that

    Trait: Together We Ride (renamed version of Germany's ability to recruit barbarians)

    Unique Units: Winged Hussar(trying to rename it to Lanzenritter) and Mongol Keshik(also to be renamed into Beigenritter)

    Of the 50 or so cities you can make, the first 46(I believe) are named after all of the cities present in FE4, not just the seven in Grannvale.

    These are the basics I have, if anyone knows how to mod Civ, please help out because there really needs to be a Fire Emblem mod.

    Edit: Here's the link to the Steam Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808580802&searchtext=


  3. I honestly love Eldigan's character but it's pretty hard to appreciate him with the game alone. No matter the translation, FE4 only has a few snippets of dialog with Eldigan that give a considerably bare bones characterization of him. It basically comes to the point that he follows an evil king because he is a loyal knight blah blah.

    What really sets him above the rest though is his relationship with Raquesis. Yes, I know incest, but i think this was one of the only, if not THE only time this strange trope was used well in FE. EldiexRaquesis is taken as a tragic love story that can never come to be, but it has a huge impact on both characters. It really reminds me of Siegmund and Sieglinde in Wagner's plays. The best place to have this story played out is the Oosawa manga for FE4. Even though it isn't necessarily canon, I still believe it does an AMAZING job showing all of the characters from the first gen.

    With what little the game gives you up front, Eldigan is a very basic character who realizes his flaw too late, but when you start digging into the lore and looking at Raquesis more, his character stands out so well. Makes me love Ares that much more.

  4. Do you think the person they're paired with affects it? I have these pairs set by the time I talk to Aida in chapter 5:

    Midir and Aideen

    Lex and Ayra

    Beowulf and Raquesis

    Lewyn and Ferry(or Erin or whatever it is)

    Azel and Tailtiu

    Claud and Sylvia

    Holyn and Briggid

    They all survived to the end of the chapter too, so I don't believe previous pairings are what is messing with my game.

  5. I think I have read about that before. Either way, I already had Tiltyu paired by chapter 4, so that shouldn't have been an issue. I knew for sure it worked because Arthur had all of Azel's items when he appeared. I also tried loading a savestate from Project Naga on a japanese rom for the game and the glitch still wouldn't work. Seliph started with 2 authority stars but he wouldn't pair with Julia.

  6. I have been recently playing Genealogy of the Holy War and I finally reached Chapter 6. I had some of the game spoiled to me before, so I was aware of the whole second generation thing and I heard about the glitch where you can pair Seliph and Julia. I have been playing the Project Naga translation of the game and I found that the glitch is not working for me. In addition to this, all of the information I found online about this glitch is based on speculation and guesses as to what affects it, leaving me more lost. I wanted to make this thread not only to help me, but to have one central place to consolidate all of the information relating to the glitch and how to do it.

    Now, all morals and reasons for making this pair aside, I want to know how it works and what specifically causes it to happen. I dug through the hex values but editing them did not give me reliable results especially when it came to locating where "love points" are stored. Please, anyone with any knowledge on this subject please post so we can gather and test all we know so we have a reliable source of information.

    I just need this glitch to work!

  7. The serenes information conflicts with other stuff that I've read. I started Gen 2 and haven't reset and I get in a square with Seliph, Lana, Larcei, and Julia to make the Jealousy System work. But according to the Augur Seliph has no feelings for anyone and he does not become lovers with Julia in two turns. Explain??

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