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Everything posted by Hero_Lucina

  1. No, not at all. It's good to know what people ship, since we all ship different things for different reasons.
  2. Alright, I thought it did but I was kind of confused
  3. I'm just asking bc I'm writing something and I have like 3 ships and 2 are canon in this game and I normally have a lot of ships by this time.
  4. I'm pretty sure that this has been done, but it's not on the first page so here it is. What are your guys favorite pairings/ ships? This has nothing to do with the boat maps.
  5. I agree that you should take a break for a while
  6. Yeah. I don't have DA but I just quietly look at your art there like a normal person, and your sprites are really cool looking and actually got me back into spriting, and I'd like to thank you for that
  7. Please don't leave. I would've really liked to get to know you better, and I admire your work, a lot.
  8. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ClB5j4lVYAICYbq.jpg Lukas FE
  9. Yasss. Her and her brother are so interesting. For me it's between those 2 and Sonya for best in personality.
  10. I'll third/ what ever place we're at bc he so horrible. and he turned a child into a Faceless which is not ok in my book. That's why I dislike Tharja too. Can I quick mention that Julius was actually kind of abusive to Ishtar or does that add to his villiany?
  11. Well she is! And a really good unit! Azura was actually kind of boring imo. Honestly, I cared more about him more than any of the other villians in the series. Kind of reminds me of the Digimon Emperor. One of mine is actually kind of obvious but I like Anthony. There I said it. His arc could've been better. I hate Camilla, and Tharja Nowi/Lon'qu is best support
  12. Here ya go https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lGUMPH5VcyY/V02rR7OX3cI/AAAAAAAADE8/oATcMT9wHQQOW2gAxXm8JXSgL2-lZzFowCLcB/s1600/fma.png More Reinhardt?
  13. http://orig12.deviantart.net/8bc3/f/2010/029/0/d/yuri_kof_xi_custom_colored_by_koflove.jpg Reinhardt from Fire Emblem?
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