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Posts posted by genesis

  1. On 11/18/2022 at 10:23 AM, Ayra said:

    Yup, I was having the same thought. If Abby is an Elusian noble, then we get exactly two lords per kingdom. Which would also give a balanced gender ratio (with Brodia have two male and Elusia two female), making it even more likely. 

    Actually, I'd say that two retainers (or affiliated character) per lord again also seems like a good possibility...

    Brodia's archer prince Alcryst has two retainers with him (Citrine and pink girl with buster sword). The clown girl has two bodyguards behind her. Céline has Chloé and Louis. Alfred has maybe Boucheron and Ettie? We haven't seen any for Diamante yet, but in a gameplay shot we've also seen a yet unfeatured female (?) lance cavalier wearing his colors so she'd be a perfect fit for that. Then the two men in the desert, etc. That's give us 8 nation lords + 16 retainers + 5 for Alear's crew... Add in a few randoms and you probably have a full cast, so I don't think we'll have that many unaffiliated characters in this one.

    It's more of this but I wonder if Hortensia is recruitable? Ivy was in the main cast but Hortensia feels like an enemy only character unless I missed something. 

  2. I think Alear being asleep for two years will fit in the context of the characters explaining basic things like culture, worldbuilding etc. Because unlike Byleth which is weird that they can't know basic things despite being a great mercnary and then a teacher,  things to Alear is as alien to them as it's to the player. 


    Other than that, I deeply dislike their design. 

  3. On 9/14/2022 at 1:43 PM, Armchair General said:

    While the cobra-headed dragon is an nice touch, in terms of aesthetics.  The only way that I can see the devs dropping the ball is not introducing an summoning mechanic where the villains from the previous games start appearing as an distraction of sorts.

    Correct me if wrong but some of the leaks stated the story will be focused between two factions/states, something like that. The way to twist that is making the perceived villain as not bad at all, but the protagonists somewhat brainwashed to see the other nation as enemy. 

  4. I don't take most trailers of indication of canon things, so I suppose it's up to the player to choose, unless there's clear story relation between characters. Other than Alear being linked to Marth, seeing that Marth has emphasis in the promotional materials (or maybe Marth will be partnered the guy named Diamond who will be another main character, following the leaks) it will depend of a lot of factors, not necessarily weapon or class related.  

  5.  Mathilda - in an ascended alt. She needs it, she is the founder of deliverance and it won't hurt giving asc for her. 

    Mage Clarine - again, I think she and Klein could get alts. Seasonal or not but I'd rather Clarine getting an alt, since first generation healers are meh now

    Legendary Mist - With a horse, holding a sword in her Valkyrie form. Though I wouldn't mind if she is the first staff legendary as well.

    General Felicia - probably ascended as well. 

    Ascended Fiora - Now that Lyn and Ninian got alts, the third mother of Roy could get an ascended version as well since I don't see her being fit for a legendary seeing that she is not central to the story, so then we close the Eliwood harem 

    Sword Sue - Please, in her promoted class in which she can world a sword . 

    Sumia - with Luna lance, pegasus or knight for a change 

    Maribelle - A flying version with tome or with galeforce

    Mythical Flayn and Seteth - come on, I want to see their dragon forms. 


    I also hope that Elfinn, when he is introduced, wields the violin bow that is introduced in Fates (or that musical bow that I don't remember the name). There's not many archer dancers so that would be cool. 

  6. On 9/22/2022 at 7:22 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think we can expect some recency bias to emerge once Engage comes out. Though hypothetically the Persona lords might deprive the Engage cast of enough screentime to put them at a disadvantage in terms of character and popularity.

    Speaking of CYL. The one who must dominate this year is Alios. Not in Heroes, and also not in Three Hopes. Us Alois fans have been oppressed and marginalized for too long! Lets rise up and storm Alois to number one with our torches and pitchforks!

    I'd vote on him if there's a rally for him to win like with gatekeeper. It would be funner than some boring choices like 84484884 lord. 


    It think Sigurd and Leif are yet to win, as it concerned  regarding the main non avatar lord's, and Engage can put a light to them. There's also Elincia and the avatars, and after that things will get way more interesting. 

  7. I'd like the game to revisit Tellius just because the beasts are do cool and much can be fine with them. 


    That said,

    * serpentine water dragon, which could fit a snake, and work as mermaids lore wise 

    * Unicorn - quite surprised there's none in the lore 

    * Bat - which could work basically as vampires. Heroes recently had it but I'd like too see it implemented in a main game 

    * Fox, which are basically kitsunes. I wouldn't mind them coming back as well, even if it's in a new setting 

  8. On 9/17/2022 at 7:28 AM, Maimishou said:


    Mage Girl.png

    At first I thought blue haired girl was Fiora. Chloe looks good anyway



    On 9/17/2022 at 2:35 PM, Crubat said:

    I like the look of a lot of the characters shown honestly.

    But I'm really liking him, I hope we get a name soon uwu


    He gives villain vibes but if he is playable he is my favorite for now 

  9. My choice. And I will say why: the canon pairings in this series aren't better written than most optional pairings. I don't see how Celica x Alm is better than Dorothea x Byleth for example. I mentioned Celica x Alm seeing that it's a recent remake and their romance is badly written, despite the potential being there. 

    Then, while not canon, there's some developer favoured pairings that are boring to hell and often the worst optional romance story-wise. I don't see any substantial narrative for Chrom x Sumia or Lilina x Roy that Roy x Sue or Roy x Sophia;   Chrom x Olivia or Chrom x Sully can't fulfill and do even do better, for example.  So between having a canon pairing for no reason, that add nothing to the meta narrative, I'd rather chose those minor details. 

    Sometimes having a canon pairing make the worldbuilding and narrative more complete, but this is rarely the case in Fire Emblem. In Fire Emblem it just matter if them being married is important for the meta narrative (ex Sigurd x Deirdre that is a tragic romance but moves the plot forward); otherwise I prefer to chose; or at best I don't care for many Fire Emblem canon romances to be honest. 

  10. On 7/16/2017 at 6:31 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Well, she's kinda considered to be the real love interest of Roy like what Caeda is to Marth, I guess? That automatically makes her more popular.

    I don't think she is considered his canon interest in this day and age. A lot of people find her boring and pair Roy with other people. But where it comes this logic that being a love interest make someone interesting? I'm quite curious about that because it makes no sense. 

    I think Lilinas popularity comes from the fact that she is Hectors daughter and a cute girl. She is a somewhat flat character though, and her conversation with Roy is boring but she has some good ones with Gonzalez and Ogier, but overall never got her supposed popularity as well. 


  11. On 8/20/2022 at 10:13 AM, joevar said:

    theres Allen and Ellen in FE6. not technically same... but come on, you just swap the A with E and done with it within the same game? how lazy were they. you would thought they are actually twin.

    they really need to step away from european-sounding names if they start to run out of names. should be easy

    I wouldn't mind non european names mixed. But there's so many names that they didn't use though. Most of the repeated or similar names are lack of creativity or proposital references. 


    On 8/21/2022 at 6:36 PM, Robert Stewart said:

    There's also a "Roberts" enemy in FE6. I think people may not remember him because, aside from being a random midboss, he's hard mode only.

    I didn't remember Roberts, wow they love this name lol 

  12. There should be a game based on Eastern Europe. Admitely I don't know much of historical conflicts that could be a source of inspiration for a plot, but I'm sure that there's a lot, and a game with such aesthetic and lore would be great. 


    -I'd also mention a game with colonialism kind of theme but a lot of people already discussed it. 

  13. On 2/7/2022 at 11:32 AM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I think there is a case for having the option to skip Gen 1 (AFTER completing it the first playthrough) with a questionnaire for unit pairings and inheritance. Because it's Gen 2 where inheritance varies up the gameplay. 


    Kind of like Fates did for its first 6 core chapters, and 3H SHOULD have done for the entirety of Book 1 because White Clouds actively makes the game less replayable.


    On 2/7/2022 at 1:46 PM, Use the Falchion said:

    It's not like the game would be forcing anyone to skip Gen 1, It's just giving players the option to not have to play through Gen 1 if they don't feel like it or have to always play though Gen 1 in future playthroughs. Fates had a similar aspect in some ways, with the whole "Choose Your Fate" part, where you skip the first 5-6 chapters of the game in order to get to the actual story. (It even had a little difficulty warning screen - maybe this game could do something similar where it warns players that finishing Part 1 is highly recommended, but it ultimately leaves the power and control to the player.) I'm sure the talks about the grind and repetition of Three Houses' Monastery wouldn't be as criticized or pronounced if players could just choose a house and skip to Part 2 if they so desired. 

    Now that you mention that, I can see it working but I think Sigurd's story will be mandatory in first playthrough, after it ends there will be two branches so the player can choose if they want to play Seliph or Leif's story first. In the subsequent replays every story can be played separately by choosing through the menu like in Fates; and Seliph story will be locked with the substitute children if first gen is ignored. 

    My main issue is that Thracia is very different from Genealogy, it would work better as a separate game, but if they want to put all together particularly I won't complain. 

  14. About the remake: If it's two games in one, I can see it being Echoes, Shadows of Elibe saga, I don't know how they would work Thracia and Genealogy in one game since the mechanics are too different unless they change Thracia or Genealogy mechanics drastically   

  15. On 1/23/2022 at 12:52 AM, joevar said:

    oh, i was confused at the first sentence. turns out thats about battle condition. so yes, i got my answer.

    *correct me if im wrong since i dont follow LotR that close*

    thats tried-and-true formula for compelling protag, but unfortunately frodo didnt lead a big army unlike aragon (aragorn?). so frodo fits more for traditional jrpg game than srpg, unless we cut down the playable cast to less than 10.

    also cant be a "lord" when you dont have any authority or not leading anything at all. since thats the literal meaning of lord. unless theres another lord that act as a leader, which make the point moot. (FE7, FE12, FE13)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -

    seeing edelgard is quite popular for good and bad reason, im sure they will introduce another female lord for new FE. so another story that i want see or inspired from:

    a female protag (could be noble or from a respectable family of her village at least) that already married to a noble and had a child at the start of story. at early point of the story her husband died while fending off invader, so she plead to take revenge by joining the army.

      Reveal hidden contents

    later she married to the commander of the army that she joins. (so, noble-couple protagonists). altho later on her second husband will die too in middle of the war. and she choose to continue to lead the war with her child thats also in the army and with the memories of her two late husbands

    the basic idea is i want to see something of an anti-Nyna. instead of a beautiful but helpless damsel in distress stuck in loveless marriage and unrequited love, this one could live far from frontlines (due to her status and renowned beauty) and stop getting even more sadness, but willingly choose the hard way by taking the banner instead. even though that path riddled with more sadness along the way.

    yes, its from real history

    About Frodo and LOTR: the ring could function perfectly as a Fire Emblem kind of item. Frodo was the one who wasn't corrupted by the ring. An ordinary protagonist could share a role similar to that. Vaan is a (rather badly written) example of that as well. The Fire Emblem could be anything, even a person that could fulfill the role of a secondary lord. 

    Even though I think that when people claim that they want an ordinary lord, they mean that they don't want another person who was very privileged by birth or handled too many things by having special blood, being secretly a god, etc... That's why I think a thief ir rebel like protagonist could fill this concept. 

  16. I want to see a false main lead, and again a villain with more importance to the protagonist. Someone already mentioned the false lead concept and it can work perfectly in Fire Emblem.  This can go in two ways different ways:

    1-Two lords,  the blue haired lord and an avatar, they trust each other deeply, a bromance like Chrom and Robin. The blue haired lord starts alright even if a bit generic, but starts taking very questionable political decisions, and then he/she went spiral downhill getting  corrupted with power, with no rendemption and the army splits. 3 playable characters will always join avatar, other 3 will always join the villain but there's around 6-8 units that you can more or less pick who side with whose, depending of level of supports or any similar system, and from there the journey continue following only avatar-lord (doesn't need to be an avatar but we all know that IS will make this lord the avatar). 


    2- First 10 chapters build a traditional blue haired lord and then he dies in Sigurd's kind of way, then the 'true' lord with a more unique personality, who was apparently a minor character, takes place and the 'proper story' begin in the next 20 chapters, with avatar mourning the first but following this Lord's lead.  I know Blazing Blade flirted with this idea (Lyn's first chapters, death of Hector's brother) but it could be the main concept of the story pretty much like they develop FE16 inspired in a detail of FE4 lore. 


    Other than that: 

    1 . Yes to star crossed lovers. A marriage between two nations that goes wrong since the peace was broken, so both kingdoms enter in war. In this context the lord would be free to romance aka settle to other characters in the end, but the main driving force the protagonist feud with the nation of their ex love. Build their romance and break it tragically.  The saltiness would be so great because, with the match making feature  so many people would hate the antagonist that is between their favoured pair, and I will be there for all that.  The secondary lord, Avatar could be the younger sibling

    2. Still following the arranged marriage trope, a lord that starts naive and enters a political marriage with some apparently perfect heir of a more powerful nation, but this marriage goes extremely wrong and the Lord need to run away to save their life joining a rebel faction, and then the story begins (I think this one would work better with a female lord).  


    Two of those ideas could be mixed like the star crossed lovers + false lead, for example, even though they function better separately imo. 

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