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  1. It seems Nina is a Common name in Fateslandia 😁 I gave a quick look in the Fates prisoners name (cause I have nothing better to do). Its interesting that many of the names were used in the future games, more specifically in Three Houses and Shadows of Valentia. Ingrid, Hilda, Hubert, Jeralt, Annette, Brigitta (Brigid, the land, etc), If this points anything It can give an Idea of some future names of playable of major characters that the developers like. The ones not used yet are: -Male: Sven, Tancred, Theobald, Tobias, Virgil, Wenzel, Wolfgang, Andreas, Liam, Ludwig, Manfred, Otto, Christof, Edsel, Elmar, Fritz -Female: Adele, Beatrice, Ernesta, Freyja, Gisela, Karline, Louisa, Lulu, Rita, Romy, Verona
  2. Theres a playable Franz in Sacred Stones. He is an Young Knight, brother of Forde. Though no Francesco or Fracis yet. Theres a playable dancer Silvia in Genealogy of Holy War. The mother of Lene. There's Hans from Fates. The major villain that tried to kill Corrin in the beginning and is Garon's minion alongside Iago. As for similar names: Theres a playable Bors, though not Boris indeed, which are different names of different origins . Xander japanese name is Max, if It helps. doesnt fit Maximilian totally though, since It can stand for a proper name. Theres also a Will and Karel, but indeed not proper Willhelm, William and Karl. Nor a Charles. Theres Eliwood's mother named Eleanora. But theres no proper Eleanore or Eleanor. I think theres a forgetable villain named Teodor in Tellius or Elibe. No proper Theodore or Theodora.
  3. Thank you for the info. Lets be honest. Most of all those characters are forgetable lore info or villains that few remember, and nipticking a bit they dont fit the exact classic spellings, they arent afraid of using variations of the same name of even repeating the unnecessary same names like Arthur, Selena, Hilda, Thomas. Claud and Claude, Lene, Lana, Tina and Tine, Fred and Frederick..... Michalis is actually a common greek name and the surname of a common writer, even If they have the same origins I think they can be considered different names like John, Juan and Johnny, or Peter, Pierre, Pedro and Petros for example. That said Mikhail though could have been translated as Michael, so maybe this is one out of possiblity. A pity they wasted the name Liam in a nobody without proper relevant story and supports, but at least he is playable. But I can see easily a playable Jack Instead of Jackson, a proper Nicolas or Nicole, a proper Zackary or Zack in a major role, and a Philippe or Felipe, which is slightly different form Philip. Even a Philippa as a Pegasus rider could work as well.
  4. Male names that fits playable character in Fire Emblem : Albert Avery Philip - a good name for a Knight Pierre - and other variations like Peter (already stated), Pedro, Pietro Nicolas - and its female variations Nicole Jacques Zachary / Zack Noel - or its female variations Noelle Diego Liam Sheridan Michael / Mike - I know theres Mikhail and a random villain with this name. But no playable Mike? Come on... Christian - and its variations Christopher or the female versions Christina, Kristen, Christa Alexander - or Alexandre. I know theres a Xander and Alec, but theres a Fred and Frederick for example Rodrigo - after Rodrigue and Roderick why not a mercenary named Rodrigo after El Cid Adam Harper Carton Jason Jack / Jackson Madison Cam / Cameron I think they like to give most of those names to Knights, Villagers or Mercenaries, since they are putting more uncommon / fantasy names for the protagonists. Theres a lot more, sure.
  5. I think If be a white mage. Id be fascinated by Magic but would use mostly to help others and a bit of Fun. Probably riding a Pegasus in Ylisse using my staff or tome.
  6. Females names that I see in Fire Emblem: Tiffany - its actually a medieval name Amanda - love Joyce - means joy Evelyn - medieval as well and nice sounding Jennifer - a version of Guinivere Alicia - I know there's one Alice but they like variations and its a beautiful name. Alice will never be playable but there CNA be an Alicia Lorelei - the fairy Molly - im actually surprised theres not this one. And other variations of Mary. Melissa - means honey as well. Violet - another flower name Allegra - Happiness Victoria - Victory Gloria - Same Megan - Mega, also meaning pearl Bianca - white Elizabeth - a common name used by royalty Alexandra - defender of humanity. I can see her being a Knight Martha - would be funny If she is also a descendant of Marth Melody - Fits a dancer or Singer Giselle - name for a Knight or maid? Gabriella - or Gabrielle Florence - Theres Flora, Fiora so now It lacks a Florence to close the trio Fernanda - After Fernand and Ferdinand there needs a posh Fernanda. Also: Jasmine, Rose, Willow, Pamela and Mary that were already wasted in minor characters, but could be used in playable ones, since they arent afraid repeating names sometimes. Theres a lot more but those are the ones i'm surprised arent in the games yet. Later I list the males
  7. 1. Marisha 2. Laylea 3. Bors 4. Saleh (normal) 5. Brom 6. Yulia 7. Artemis (mythical) 8. Elffin 9. Timerra (regular) 10. Noire (regular) 11. Aimee 12. Daisy 13. Jhan (mythical) 14. Dozla 15. Amalda 16. Fiona 17. Mozu 18. Jake 19. Manuela (normal) 20. Moulder
  8. Reinhardt, Olwen, Miranda, Eyvel, Finn and Sara. And of course, they can always add another Leif or Nanna, like they did with Celica.
  9. Aimee She'd be a dagger user. A dagger with skill like giving lull of follow up to an adjacent unit etc Daisy Another dagger unit. This time she would have a perfect dagger and super speed and defense (since she flees in the games) Natalie A good staff unit, in a horse or pegasus, since she cant walk. Marisha Make her a colourless tome. There's enough staff in Archanea. So I think Yuliya and Marisha should be perfect tomes. Bors Make him a far save armor, there's not much armors in Binding Blade. His hair is too beautiful to be ignored. Artemis A mythical Artemis in th same banner with Anri would be quite cool. Pretty much like they did with Formotiis and Gotoh. Granye I can see her being another staff unit, but they can give her a dagger/knife as well, since It fits a civilian. I just want her, in honestly, regardless of weapon. Randall That would be quite cool having the Cipher characters in Valentia banner. The one I want the most is Randall. There's some more that were mentioned like Jake and Almedha. And some that are obscure just because they are in Thracia: Xavier, Robert, Lara and Amalda.
  10. Well there's ascended Tana with a wyvern so they can give Caeda a wyvern mount in an ascended alt, or Brave alt If she ever gets It one day. In canon I can see it happening only If her Pegasus get injured in battle so she needs to find another mount She is a princess, yes, but I dont see her having every Pegasus at her disposition, seeing that her kingdom was small and not very wealthy, so it means that she got a mount that was available for her at the time, with her pegasus not being an option, in the heat of battle
  11. I think Archanea games will eventually aee a remake like Kanto remakes. It honestly needs It. But not to soon. Probably after Tellius get a remake which means in at least a decade from now. the next one is obviously Genealogy follower but Thracia
  12. New Mystery of the Emblem: Marisha, Yuliya and Jake Shadows of Valentia: Emma or Randal. Ascended Mathilda Genealogy of the Holy War: Daisy. Patty. Laylea. Edain. Hannibal (for another armor). Thracia 776: Robert. Ilios. Selfina. Xavier (armor again) Binding Blade: Bors or Elffin. Ascended Sue Blazing Blade: Isadora. Natalie. Sacred Stones: Moulder. Normal Saleh and Dozla Path of Radiance: Aimee. Brom. Radiant Dawn: Meg. Fiona. Awakening: Normal Noire. Validar. Fates: Mozu Ascended Felicia (general) Three Houses: Normal Manuela. Engage: Timerra. Ivy. Diamond. Heroes: Normal Elm and Freyr (impossible now I guess)
  13. I honestly want Clarine and Bartre. The ones that need for art reasons are Arthur (from Fates), Lissa, Athena, Clair
  14. Being fair Lilina also becomes queen in the end regardless of who she is paired with, that's why she got a legendary I guess, even though its just a note in the ending credits. But agree that Hinoka deserves more than her.
  15. * What If Robin was raised in the Grimeal ? * What If Caeda dies? (Its a Canon outcome but I want to know who Marth would settle with. Maybe Marisha or Catria? Or even a princess like Sheena or Yuliya for political reasons? No, not Nyna) * What If Deirdre stayed with Sigurd, was never brainwashed and never married Arvis? * The outcome in which most of Seliph's comrades die and he becomes the ruler of the entire continent * What If Elbert didnt disappear? How things would unfold? * What If Eliwood wasnt sickly and lead the army instead of Roy? * Nyna meets Tatiana moment, please. * If Soren discovers who his parents truly are? * If Pelleas keep being king? * What if Eirika used the sacred Stones to revive Lyon and her comrades that fell in battle? * What If Lucina never time traveled? (Mostly the original timeline in which Chrom dies by injures but it would be nice to see the bad future animated) * what If Ephraim renounces the Throne to Eirika, to follow his dream as a mercenary? * If Lachesis didnt disappear in the desert? How would be Nanna and Leif's life in Thracia with Lachesis alive (would they even be in Thracia)? * If Eyvel didnt lost her memories? * If Garon was never posessed by Anankos? Anankos instead possesses Mikoto or Sumeragi. * If Jeralt didnt die? Lmao I would like to see this. Celica would settle for Saber, Kliff or Atlas? Idk
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