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Everything posted by Galap

  1. Yeah I see the same behavior. It will happen after another unit waits, but strangely enough it won't happen if the next unit to wait triggers an AREA event itself. I guess AREA events are weird like you said haha. the JUMP way works though, thanks!
  2. Thanks I'll look into that. Any maybe ask for a more detailed answer if I can't figure it out. On a related note, I'm having another problem. I'm trying to have it so that stepping on four switches will cause a gate to open. It's not working out. I initially thought the problem was in my conditionals, but as a test I changed it so that stepping on ANY of the four switches will open the gate. And that doesn't work either. Here are the relevant parts of the events: The switch events happen correctly, but GatesOpen does not occur. Any ideas why?
  3. Does anyone know how to make it so that an area event is only triggered by allied units?
  4. Ah. I guess I'll file dealing with that into the 'things I'll deal with later' bin for now. Is having multiple lords that can seize in general also not a native feature? (as in they globally have this ability, and it doesn't change from chapter to chapter)?
  5. So one thing I want to know that wasn't answered yet is how to make specific characters able to seize.
  6. The hack I've been working on has gotten to the point where I'd like to have others play it, for feedback/testing/just for fun. So, How do I make a patch so I can distribute my hack? I've searched for how to do this a bit but all I've been able to find is instructions on how to use patches that already exist.
  7. gotta say, that messed up pegasus knight pallette looks pretty badass. It's like it's wings are made of lava.
  8. Can confirm they are written to save at the end of the chapter the character first appears.
  9. What I do to control particular units' stats is make a new character for them and manually input flat stat bonuses in there. if they're autoleveling at least 9 times, the change in stat variance from having a flat boost and 9 level ups compared to 15 level ups shouldn't be too big.
  10. I've been having some problems with multi-turn reinforcements. If I give event id 0x00, the reinforcements never stop spawning, but if I give an ID, they only spawn for once turn as opposed to however many they're supposed to. I have: TurnEventEnemy(0x09,spawn1,4,2) and they only spawn on turn 4. I've gotten around it by just making separate ones for each turn and loading the same unit set in each, but that's tedious.
  11. Thanks! that works :) for others in the future, the code explicitly is: Location_events: CHES 0xAA 0xYY [x,y] 0x12 end_MAIN Misc_events: AFEV 0xBB ChestConvo 0xAA End_MAIN ChestConvo: FADI 0xXX BACG 0xXX MUS1 0xXX FADU 0xXX TEX1 0xXXX REMA ENDA where replace YY with item hex, AA with a temp ID for the chest, and BB with a temp ID for the convo
  12. Can you explain this in more detail? I'm also trying to have opening doors or chests trigger a conversation. Apparently you can't just: Chest: ITGV 0xXX FADI 0xXX BACG 0xXX MUS1 0xXX FADU 0xXX TEX1 0x8XX REMA ENDA and doors only appear in the index and don't call their own event block.
  13. This happened to me a couple of times before. It happens to me occasionally when I write different versions of the event data to the same memory location twice. Try going to that location in a hex editor and overwriting the event data with 00s, then reassembling the event.
  14. This might be a bit of a dumb question, but how do I change chapter titles in the main menu and banner before each chapter?
  15. Galap

    Map tile issues

    OK, yes inserting it to chapter 3 of a clean rom does not cause the problem either. something must have gotten messed up at some point, I guess. Damn it now I have to put all my palette edits and stuff back in (I noticed the problem and then after I couldn't initially solve it I was like 'ok I'll deal with that later' and did some palette stuff). I think I know what the problem was, too. TODAY'S LESSON: don't insert event data at the same offset as a previous version of it if the earlier one is longer than it, even if you use 'end guards'. The game will try to execute whatever is in the abandoned hanging tail and most likely bug out or crash.
  16. Galap

    Map tile issues

    New discovery: inserting it to chapter 3 (the chapter it's supposed to be) of a clean rom DOES cause the problem. EDIT: actually nevermind that rom was a backup but not clean. let me test putting it to ch 3 of a clean rom. Object set 1 is plains&castle and object set 2 is none.
  17. Galap

    Map tile issues

    I resolved the issues with Tiled (needed to give the main layer the property "main"). Inserted the new map, but the problem persists. Inserting it (along with the events and tile changes) to the prologue chapter of a clean rom does not cause the problem.
  18. I've been having some problems with getting certain map tiles to display correctly from a map made with mappy. I've not been having problems on my previous maps (which used a different tileset) The map is supposed to look like this: but it ends up like this: I double checked the tileset that I'm putting into the nightmare chapter data editor, and it's correct. Anyone know what's going on? EDIT: I'm trying to get around this problem and the one i posted in the event assembler thread by using Tiled. But I keep getting the error "Tilechange without ID. No Data written to the ROM". I think it's because the layers are supposed to have this property called ID, but I don't see that. My program looks a little different than the ones in screenshots in tutorials. Does TiledMapInserter not work with newer versions of Tiled?
  19. After adding map tile changes (FE7), the tiles in question (and some other tiles, like castles and bridges) have incorrect palette/coloration. And this affects other maps that don't have tile changes. In the event file I have the following (I abridged out all the other stuff not pertaining to tile changes for this post): I double checked the coordinates and they are correct. Does anyone know why this is happening? EDIT: don't worry about this, I'm using Tiled for map changes now, and that doesn't have this problem.
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