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Posts posted by CappnRob

  1. I just treated Seliph like any other unit and he hit promotion at the start of Chapter 8 with the arenas so eh. Also I think you have Darna and Melgen mixed up as Melgen comes before Darna, Darna doesn't even attack you until after you subdue Melgen and you get pincered by Alster when it happens. In fact Darna is one of the few times I relied on just cavalry to fight so my infantry could focus on the mage sister trio (and also so Ares can be backed up more easily).

    Yied is basically just the Shanan show though, lol.

  2. Unpromoted mounted units have 7-8 movement, and promoted ones have 8-9 movement. The swordtwins have 6 movement, it isn't that hard to keep them up with your cavalry if you just hold them back a space or two every turn. This isn't like Arden who has 5 movement and is hindered by every bloody terrain type in the game except roads. When promotions set in its a bit easier to see why they'd fall behind but that's not until at least chapter 8.

  3. Seliph is only going to be leaving everyone in the dust on chapter 6 if you absolutely overload him with stat rings and stuff. Which, yes, sure, Seliph has to be good to win the game because he's the main character, but he doesn't -need- that much sucking up to to be good. I give him Sigurd's silver sword and the elite ring and he's basically golden, he and the Swordtwins have the same move and compliment each other very well. Delmud isn't bad with the right dads and I always pass him down the Silver Blade so he can keep up easily, but without that special attention he's not going to be annihilating anything, and even LESS so for Tristan who starts with only a basic sword and can't even double attack.

    I honestly don't see how the swordtwins can fall behind with exp unless you deliberately neglect them. Even without LexDad, they can competantly clean out the arena every chapter for about 3 level ups, they more than deserve their fair share of kills in chapter 6 (unless you're LTCing to get Seliph promoted by the end :Y) so they should stay relatively strong if not great. They're only going to fall behind if you deliberately make an effort NOT to use them, and the only strategies that compliment doing that are ones that basically ignore anyone not named Seliph, Leif, Ares and/or Oifaye, and if you're gonna play the game like that why even bother rating anyone else?




    My last playthrough's Larcei and Ulster as of right before fighting Julius on the final chapter. Both promoted in chapter 7, both capped by chapter 9's arena (possibly earlier, I don't exactly recall), both more than carried their weight the whole run. Now yes, I play slower and more casually than most, often keeping my mounted units in line with my infantry (or only a space or 2 ahead of them), but these are NOT 1/10 units. They tear face and kick ass, with the only caveat being you have to bring the ass to them to kick, and there's plenty of situations where you don't even have to do that.

    And I got everyone to level 30 this run save for Johalva, Delmud, Altena (29), Hannibal, Julia (28), Patty (27), and Lene (20), so I didn't even give these nerds special attention.

  4. Larcei and Ulster are basically unscrewable, as they'll always be at LEAST as good as Ayra (Ulster maybe slightly less so), and their dads can allow them to fulfill a variety of roles. Lex makes them level fast and hold the line easier, plus gives them early game tankiness (held back by a low def cap) and some huuuge HP buffs (though huge HP buffs are a given for any dad with holy blood). Finn gives Prayer, Holyn gives Moonlight Sword, Dew gives Solar Sword and all three give well rounded growths. Noish gives critical hits, Jamuka lets Ulster overcome his class drawbacks upon promotion... you can't go wrong with these kids. Now G2 is more horse-heavy than G1 was, but sort of blossoms into it slower as much of your initial army is foot based and you expand your cavalry gradually as opposed to having your army be 90% cavalry from the start, and this does let the twins keep up a bit better. Ultimately, though, they tend to be jacks of all trades in the context of all of G2, due to their lack of holy weapons or special niches. Solid swordfighters with a lot of strong father potential, but nothing truly amazing. I give them both a 7/10.


    Creidne and Dalvin though.... ech. These guys are less impressive than AYRA, in a generation far more difficult than Ayra's. Creidne only has pursuit, and Dalvin has Ambush alongside Pursuit. Their growths are alright, nothing special, but they have no holy blood buffs to anything as well. They BOTH promote into Forrests to top it all off, so Creidne can't even get continue as a skill. This does make them both prime hero sword candidates, but the 2 you have in G2 are precious resources all the same. 5/10 for them both.

  5. Had a funny weird bug, forgot to screencap it, but when the Ullur guys left for Jungby in the ending, I saw Faval (father was Holyn), Lester (father was Midir), both unpaired, but then I also saw.... generic mustache villager man, whom Celice oddly referred to as "Sigurd". Only Faval and Lester entered Barhara castle, and only they left it, too, so lolwhat.

  6. Not every character is meant to be or even should be viable. Characters like Nino are meant to be Est-like in that they come late and low level but have good well rounded growth rates (though Nino is nowhere as OP as Est and is moreso just really well balanced). They sacrifice utility for performance. Characters like Wendy are in theory meant to be niche (a female, "fast" armor knight) but in practice are moreso for the self imposed challenge (Wendy comes weak, low level and is lance locked right before going to axeland). Other characters still are just meant to be bad and getting them is far more trouble than its worth, like Hannibal and Xavier, but people do it anyway because why not.

  7. Sigurd does just fine with the Silver Sword for pretty much all of G1 until you get the Tyrfing by which point I just use that because hey enjoy it while you got it. I let Ayra hold onto the hero sword generally until she promotes then pass it around to whoever needs it. Needless pandering is being a bit rude I think because not everyone really cares about completing the game in the most efficient machine-like way possible. You don't even need 50 kills for G2 given how G2 is such a general steamroll anyway, especially the first chapter or so. I can get the hero sword to around 30 in G1 playing casually and passing it around as needed and the last 20 in the early half of G2. Hell even Celice doesn't really need the hero sword if he just inherits the elite ring, dude's gonna hit 20 during Chapter 7 or early Chapter 8 easily and can more than hold his own. My current FE4 run has the Hero Sword, Lance and Axe all at 50+ kills by the time I'm in chapter 9, they all shine more than enough.

  8. Jamuka's critical is the big problem with him. Plus he doubles most people with his pursuit, Ayra and Jamuka have the same battle speed at recruitment (11; Ayra has 17 and a 6 weight iron blade, Jamuka has 14 and a 3 weight killer bow). I forget if Awareness cancels out Continue and Duel, but even if they don't noone can really do much about them. Cuan, Lex and Sigurd can tank the hits easier but are vulnerable to crits, plus unless you disarm Cuan/Lex he's going to get doubled.


    As for axemen ignoring her, she has 24 evade at base, +20 more for weapon triangle advantage, and another +20 from the spirit forest terrain, for a total of 64. This is high, but Jamuka's axedudes all have hitrates of around 70 or 80%, meaning they have a slight chance at hitting her, and thus will take that chance. The evade-so-high-people-ignore-you thing comes from having hitrates of 0% or "less". Even if they do ignore her, she can still cut them down on player phase, and possibly chokepoint them at the passage to Verdane castle. There's also the axedudes at Verdane castle itself.


    As for the second half of Chapter 2, its a mixed bag. Ballistas are a pain but their initial hit accuracy is awful (like, 60%?). There's some lance dudes which can cause problems, but she isn't going to be fighting alone. She does fine in Chapter 3, though, especially since she'll be swinging the hero's sword around for at least the first castle, after which you may wish to hock it to someone who can benefit from it better like Noish. 

  9. Ayra has plenty of time to shine in the second half of chapter 1 against the axeman brigades, hell she's one of the only people who can trudge through the Spirit Forest with any sort of efficiency too. Given she has Awareness this makes her the ideal Jamuka bait for luring him to Aideen as well (or you could just wait for them to come out of the forest on their own pft). Between that and the Chapter 1 arena she should have a few solid level ups to boost her fighting power.

  10. The Hero sword doesn't come until Chapter 3 and you have to get it off Ayra and basically my point is that there's a difference between a character being inefficient for LTC and being inefficient even by casual standards. All Levin needs to do to be good is to reach the damn fight and its more than easy enough to play FE4 that way.

    And I say this as someone who boss grinds Arden on Gondolf for the yucks of it. Hell even doing that doesn't do him much favors except let him win arena fights, which I guess is always worth a laugh.

  11. 2 hours ago, Shin said:

    Whilst Levin is able to nuke stuff with Holsety, he isn't really necessary to kill said bosses. His early game is pretty limited and Sigurd can still manage to eliminate them too. No point jumping 20 feet over a 10 foot wall! One could say that LTC is an unfair measure for Levin, but when you start giving him the luxury of more turns to get into position, you might as well give Ardan enemy reinforcements to grind on!

    Except Levin can in fact actually win fights without taking all day and Arden can't? That's a slippery slope argument. Yeah if you're playing casually you can let Arden catch up and do whatever but who actually wants to do that? Levin may not reach the front line as fast as the mounted units but at least once he's there he can hold his own very well.

  12. Levin is certainly statistically better than Cuan or Ethlyn but for pure utility you can't beat the happy couple easily. Ethlyn is a healer with long range, Cuan does huge burst damage and is essentially G1's true tank until Lex promotes, and you have the both of them for a very long time. Levin has great stats and is a fantastic unit but his movement range holds him back a little bit. That said he kind of does outshine Cuan in terms of damage, he can proc Continue a lot more reliably and has crits to boot, does magic damage and its the lightest magic at that. Forsetti not only outclasses the Gae Bolg but is around a good bit longer as well, too. Levin is also essential in saving those villages in Chapter 2 as well, so he's certainly a high tier unit, at least imo.

  13. Hannibal.... ok, he's bad, lol. He's hard to recruit, his growths aren't great, his bases are DECENT but not outstanding, he doesn't have holy blood, and while he does have more skills than Arden it's just Continue and that.... isn't the best skill to have on a general. Armors have no movement buffs in FE4, nor do promoted armors get any movement buffs so things like mountains are still insurmountable to him, and he comes right before the game ramps up the magic using enemies for the endgame.

    But, I still love him because I have a soft spot for the Lawrence archetype, and older characters in general. and in any game that isn't 4 armors tend to be among my favorite classes And you need him alive to recruit Corple, so there's that too. Hannibal being already promoted does mean he has access to a decent arsenal of weapons to compensate his flaws some: he can use any Brave weapon to get some double hits in, plus aside from Finn he's really your only other good choice for dropping a silver lance on. Or you can just give him slim weapons to try and goad his continue skill into proccing (which if you do is a decent but not reliable 30% ish?). He can do large poke damage for your weaker or fallen behind units to mop up with.... but this is G2 so that doesn't really describe anyone except a promoted Corple or weirdness like Claude!Lester who's going to probably never leave the home castle anyway. Maybe in a Sub Run Hannibal shines better as a meatshield for your softer characters, but I've yet to do a sub run.

    In the end, Hannibal CAN be used, and CAN be made useable, but you sort of have to go out of your way to do it. He trades in Arden's early game utility for some solid late game stats but it really is too little too late. Still, like I said, I love armors and I love Lawrence archetypes so I'm gonna throw in my half a point of bias for.... a 3.5/10 :Y I use him even though it makes things more frustrating BECAUSE I CAN. 

  14. Isthar does enough raw damage to one shot most characters. Anyone with a hero weapon doing 31+ damage a hit can one round her, sure, but she still possesses an immense danger to your party and has really good evasion due to her ridiculous speed (and the +10 from Mjolnir offsets its weight). Add to the fact she has continue and has ambush so if you botch your first try she's going to get first strike on everyone thereafter and you're set up for a bad time. Heck, she's basically set up for Faval to take her out as he should be packing enough heat to one shot her with Ichival.

  15. Maybe I just play FE4 substantially differently then, I always give my units time to regroup and move in as a clump before advancing, and I don't send in my cavalry alone (if simply because the RNG can't be trusted and I don't want to risk losing units). With chapter 8 I send my cavalry up to Lenster and use infantry for the armor batch, then move everyone as a group to Conote, then down to Manster, etc. Chapter 4, Lamia just comes to you so I just wait for her to get into range and strike from there.

    There's other instances too: when you're taking Melgen in chapter 7, only a few of your units are even mounted (Delmud, Lester, Johan if you recruited him, Oifaye, Fee, and Celice if you grinded him out the last chapter, so half your functional army at best) and its just easier to let your infantry get in on the action too.

    IDK, all my experiences of having my cavalry rush ahead mostly resulted in regrets because my cavalry would get overwhelmed and rekt'd, at least early game :Y

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