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Everything posted by Falcom

  1. Just so I know and can (hopefully) be reassured, how many people from Team Minerva has saved over at least 1,000 flags?
  2. Oh dear... I would take the time to tell you how many things that you just said are so wrong. Can we ban this person or something?
  3. Oh trust me. I used all 10,000 of them from the quiz. XD
  4. We're trying. I think some people managed to burn their flags since we didn't reach 1 billion by the end of the first round. That'd be interesting to see. Though I think Minerva has the upper hand.
  5. I said this before and I'll gladly say it again. I don't plan on utilizing skill inheritance so much. Especially if said character is not a 5 star. Besides, Henry was never a character that I planned on permanently using. It's still cool to know that he can be salvaged with skill inheritance. So that's another reason why skill inheritance can be good.
  6. Don't remind me that team Camilla is quadrupling our team... ;-; Cordelia: 977,520,393 Camilla: 4,222,634,248
  7. I'm gonna vent for a second and say that I hate fucking hate Henry in Heroes. No matter what happens, Henry dies OVER. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. He is probably the WORST character that I have trained, which is saying something cause I thought a vanilla Draug was bad enough. I get that he's supposed to be a physical tank and all. But he still takes a decent amount of damage. Something like Robin's defense, except worse (even if Robin is a five star). And it doesn't help that his low speed is absolutely garbage (he's currently at level 21, with 8 SPD) I think it's good to assume that I ended up with a -SPD nature. So basically, he's the slowest unit I have so far. Weapon triangle advantage doesn't help him whatsoever. His low attack merely tickles the enemy (and the enemy is usually 1-5 levels higher). Instead, he gets doubled and killed in one round by every green mage I've seen so far. Did I mentioned that his RES is pretty lame as well? EVEN PHYSICAL GREEN UNITS ACTUALLY MANAGE TO KILL HENRY WITH EASE! I DON'T! KNOW! HOW! IT JUST HAPPENED! I've yet to actually see if Rauorraven does any good. But it's pretty obvious to say that he ain't going to do any damage to healers. So yeah, once Henry reaches the desired level, I am just going to insta-perma-bench him. Goodbye Henry, you will not be missed!
  8. Yeah, the developers need to be aware of this issue. It's ridiculous. I was afraid that Cordelia would be losing when I woke up, but I didn't expect it to be that insane. Also glad to see you supporting Minerva. Welcome to the team! Also Lucina is a good choice against Camilla.
  9. I think that the victor should get a special costume. I know that's a bad idea but so long as the devs don't include only one clear popular character in that group, then its fine.
  10. How's team Minerva doing? We're doing bad. Like really bad. I wish you good luck. We couldn't do much against the power of boobs.
  11. Gonna wait til the last 2 minutes before I attack one last time. EDIT: Seems like Subaki won.
  12. You're gonna jinx it. Good job. For me, I've saved my flags for the inevitable battle between us and Camilla. Wish me luck. We're hoping to pressure Camilla to waste some flags!
  13. Has team Minerva reached 1 billion points yet? Team Cordelia is almost there... ;-; Yup, it's safe to say that despite the amount of effort we're putting in...
  14. @r_n Gonna save a moderator's trouble, but don't double-post. It's not allowed on this site. Also you beat me to it with that interview thread. On a completely different note, I can't stop starting at Sophia's tall neck. Check her attack pose as well.
  15. I personally like Trails of Zero/Azure (the Crossbell Arc). If you couldn't tell, my profile pic is Lloyd Bannings. People who played Trails of Cold Steel 2 would know. Trails in the Sky was a great game. Trails of Cold Steel I found to be a disappointment. Yeah, I get that people would be frustrated at unskippable cutscenes and certainly wished there was an option. But people need to realize that the game is insanely story/character-heavy with very detailed world-building. Unless you're on a second playthrough, you do not want to skip anything even if it's minor things. This is why it's combat system is not all that great, cause that was never their focus (go play Ys if you want that). Again, not surprised people would hate Cold Steel a lot. Plenty of its characters can be quite annoying to deal with for quite some time (especially once Millium joins). I also never been fond of the whole romance aspect of the game, especially since it felt like the male characters were treated like generic trash all the time. I certainly hope CS3 fixes that, and I'm sure it will. It definitely turned from brilliant to clichéd when it shifted arcs. Luckily, CS2 slightly made up for that. I certainly hope the Crossbell arc gets localized eventually, just to show you guys the true reason why this series is loved (also Estelle and Joshua appear in those games <3) The entire series is seriously niche.
  16. Hmm. Well to be honest, I'm fine whether or not we get an avatar. If I had to choose one, I'd say don't include an avatar for this game specifically. I think Intelligent Systems should test if the audience is fine with a new entry that doesn't include an avatar (Shadows of Valentia doesn't count due to it being a remake), and go from there. But based off previous games that had an avatar, I don't think IS is that capable of producing a good story involving an avatar. New Mystery of the Fire Emblem- While Kris was fine at first, it became clear that he/she was going to be completely irrelevant, become completely bland, and overall just dumb. It felt like Kris was such an unnecessary character and I just didn't buy the "Kris is Marth's shadow" bullshit. Unless you meant that Kris is forgettable. That I can understand. Awakening- I really liked where they were going with Robin. Easily making up for what happen with FE12 in which this game presents the tactician as the lord's best friend, but also not so absent like Kris was (in other words, better direction). It really felt like the first half was awesome. Then came the second half, which is when I thought it's story went downhill. Trying to come up with a conflict involving Robin did not work well with me. And honestly, I gave up at that point. Also, Robin is really bland. But I ain't surprised. Fates- Let's face it, Corrin was really dumb (even if that was a bold statement). He was so dumb yet he hardly paid the price for his actions (at least until Iago). Also while Corrin isn't that bland, I really hate how they just kept sticking the word, "naive" into a bunch of Birthright's dialogue. To be honest, I think Ghast does a better job at explaining why Corrin is not that great of a character. And it's not like anyone could've avoided it, he's the overall main character. Fates was probably a test to see if anyone wouldn't mind an avatar being the main character. It did not work out that well. So yeah, if they were to include an avatar, I'd prefer it if he/she: -Wasn't too absent (from FE12) -Wasn't too dumb (from FE12/FE14) -Wasn't too story related (from FE13/FE14) -Was more of an observer/best friend (from FE13. NOT FE12) I'm not gonna say the avatar shouldn't be bland. It's really hard to actually create such a character. But those are my thoughts/opinions.
  17. My friend chose team Camilla for the sake of feathers. But on the bright side, I tricked my sister into joining team Minerva. XD (She was originally going to choose Camilla also for feathers)
  18. You guys might not believe me since I wasn't able to take pictures of the evidence but Linkmstr actually posted a quick video where he states that he is still streaming Echoes on twitch and that there's a whole archive there. However, the streaming channel is not the same name as his Youtuber name, nor does he give any hints. He just says that it's there somewhere. He then took down that video later. I'm obviously not gonna bother looking for it but if anyone somehow manages to come across it, please do post it here. I would very much appreciate it. Then again, I REALLY should just wait.
  19. Yeah I think you're right on this one. Beruka is actually an okay character for me. But then she gets overshadowed by characters I think are worse than her (i.e. bland Lucina, and annoying Camilla) That counts. But does FE3/FE12 count?
  20. To be honest, I don't think she would be worse than Beruka. I think she'll be at a stalemate with her. There are a couple of people I know that really like Florina. And I don't think a lot of people like Beruka despite her being in a modern Fire Emblem.
  21. I actually really like SoV. So I ain't gonna bother hoarding my orbs for the confirmed Tellius banner.
  22. Thanks to team Camilla, I believe we are nearly reaching halfway for the 10 billion milestone. I wonder, should the developers add another milestone (for say 15/20 billion) and we would get 25/30 orbs, 10 of each great badge, and 7,500 universal crystals if we exceed that number?
  23. Huh they're still there on my screen. But just on private instead when I click them. Oh well. I was going to finish watching chapter 2 but I suppose this is more than enough of a sneak peek.
  24. "Though I'm surprised his/her obnoxiousness hasn't annoyed anyone" See what I mean @Arcanite? XD I told you that someone might take your advocating too seriously (even if it still hasn't happened yet)
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