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Everything posted by Korath88

  1. Amelia continues my streak of not needing to use any new heroes. Also, being an armour is going to make scoring pretty easy next week. Also, firesweep B!Lyn sent me from 0 defense wins to 3 in the span of 24 hours. Absolutely disgusting.
  2. Edit: nvm, regarding the first point, I'll just change it to "builds using seasonal exclusive weapons or skills will not be considered, except on the source unit" Also, thanks for reminding me about the TT/GHB part. Didn't see that at first.
  3. As it should be. Also, with this little shit, Jugdral's most dysfunctional family is now complete
  4. I suppose I may as well join in, though I won't be rating units I have little to no experience with. Rating criteria: Roy: A red unit with a fairly mediocre statline. Far too balanced and doesn't stand out in any way. However he recently received a refinement that gives him QR up to 50% hp as well as effectiveness against dragons on top of 4 def/res when attacked. This combined with his fairly high res for a sword unit allows him to tank and kill dragons rather well, especially since most dragons are built for enemy phase and are quite vulnerable when baited, with a few exceptions. He still faces a tough matchup against TA swordbreaker Nowi for one. However, besides dragons, he can also perform well against melee units with his steady breath build or mages with his DC build, though not as well as other more specialised sword units. The thing that pulls his ranking down most is the extremely stiff competition amongst red swords, especially when so many of them have increasingly min maxed stats, making his statline, which was mediocre even at launch, even less appealing. Final rating: 6 TLDR: He kills dragons well, but is outclassed in any other role by the more recent sword units. His refinement, good as it is, doesn't change the fact that his stats are still mediocre.
  5. Pretty mediocre to be honest. Breakers have poor synergy with Anna and Alfonse's existing effects, and breaker skills aren't exactly overpowered to begin with, especially those for a weapon type the unit is already strong against. The Askr trio needs far stronger refines to be viable, especially given their competition. @mampfoid Tana's weapon effect is basically a more restrictive version of Safeguard+, and is one of the remaining legendary weapons with only a single effect. I'd say the weapon needs a refine, even if Tana herself doesn't desperately need one.
  6. Finally got a defense win but I had to unfortunately resort to using my firesweep brave Lyn to get it. Oh well, whatever it takes I suppose.
  7. Got 3 4* Shigures rolling blue on the new banner. Apparently he's not done mocking me for cockblocking me from getting legendary Ephraim.
  8. Of fucking course when I finally get a blue 5* from the legendary banner it's fucking Shigure, the one hero I didn't want to get. I'm done with this shit. Can we have a better way to get legendary heroes?
  9. My team would probably have done better if they weren't all asleep in the final hours. This mode isn't very fair for some timezones especially since only the last few hours really matter. Ended up getting destroyed by Alfonse 18:6:6
  10. Myrrh, Ninian, M!Grima and Delthea took care of infernal easily.
  11. You can 5* another unmerged Clair and then merge the 5* into the 4*+10 to give access to the legendary weapon.
  12. I did send home my 5* Clair a while back but she was -Spd so whatever. Don't really care much about the refinements, but the QoL improvements here are amazing. Free CC is fucking great. I might give it to my LA!Lyn.
  13. I can't believe arena won't be a fucking chore anymore. But what do I do with my 400 duelling crests now?
  14. Didn't even bother experimenting after what happened the last time. Went in with Rein, B!Lyn and 2 dancers and cleared it on my second attempt. I'm on a rather tight schedule so I can't afford to waste time playing around.
  15. Well I certainly hope you guys are having better luck than me. Not a single 5* yet, though I did get a +Spd -Res L'Arachel which I promoted and merged my old one into. Given the rather unfortunate timing of this banner, I think I may postpone my search for L!Ephraim to the late June banner. Especially since I probably won't have time to get the monthly orbs before the banner ends.
  16. Back into tier 20 for me. Sitting on 60k feathers now and no idea what to do with them. Did manage to grab a last minute defense win thankfully.
  17. I think it was a combination of water week and Fjorm being bonus, so players didn't need to swap in a lower scoring bonus unit and bring all their highest scoring units instead. L!Ike has only been a bonus once and that was before he was F2P I'm struggling to get defense wins this week as well despite getting 2 last week with the same team. I changed it up so hopefully I can get one from an unlucky last minute player.
  18. I was really hoping today wouldn't be another sleeper day. Why didn't they have Kana's GHB start earlier? Or at least announce new refinements. It seems like every time I have lots of spare time, FEH has no new content and only starts spamming content when I'm going to be very busy. I won't even be able to play at all from 5/6 to 5/11 so there goes some lost orbs
  19. Lilina bonus makes this the 10th week in a row where I haven't needed to roll on the new unit banner or use an askr trio member. This is surprisingly enough, Ryoma's first bonus season as well
  20. I have to give it to them though. It's the perfect way to celebrate what is basically the year of alts. The last map is hilariously enough, vs Lyn. So you can beat up all 5 versions of her at once.
  21. Sometimes having an itchy orb trigger finger pays off. Pulled an Ayra off the skill banner. She is -Atk +HP (why is this nature so goddamn common)but since it's not -Spd I'm fine with it Edit: feeling lucky, I went on to yolo a Hinoka off the fates banner...a regular Hinoka to be precise lol. But I can't say no to more hone fliers
  22. Blue is the main colour I'm going for, and Micaiah is a pity breaker I don't mind at all. I don't want any more Shigure though. One is more than enough. Green has Inigo and Henry, who I already have and don't care for respectively, so rolling for Lyn now is a risk that doesn't seem worth it. Not even considering the other 2 colours
  23. I like Lyn, but 5 versions of one character is fucking ridiculous, even if I saw it coming a mile away
  24. Now that it isn't water season and Fjorm isn't a bonus, I may be able to scrape back into tier 20 with 4924 score. Hopefully. Haven't seen any cancerous healers at this range. I suppose it's only a whale level problem.
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