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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    I could have traded my Spring Camilla for their Deirdre if it was possbile, because I levelled her up to 40 and sent her home exactly for her not being Deirdre.

    To be fair, the legendary banner is pretty awful if you're going for a specific unit since the 5* rate is split between the 3 options. (Like how I ended up with a -Atk Ike trying for Ayra)

  2. @Hawk King

    Cordelia and Jeorge don't exist in my game apparently, despite being 4*s since launch. I've never summoned a Peri either, though I'm perfectly fine with that. Cordelia's case is made even more ridiculous by the fact that I've summoned every other lance flier, Hinoka and Tana included, and she still hasn't shown up.

    I'll excuse the 5* exclusives since they're rare and I've probably never pulled on their focus banners.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Male Robin. Adult Tiki is Ms Bonfire.

    Thank you! I wanted her and/or L’Arachel, and finally got one of the two. So happy.

    Thank you! All presents are always nice, but surprise presents are indeed the best.

    I already fed her a Hector:

    Where do you people even get spare Hectors from? Unless that Hector wasn't a spare?

  4. 7 hours ago, Clogon said:

    Non-mage -ATK Units that have 25 or lower Neutral ATK are unsalvagable for offensive use without MAJOR investments. It is better to invest into other units and get a better return. Lets look at a -ATK/+DEF Felicia for example. The extra def won't help her survive any optimized physical threats but the -ATK drops her down to 20 ATK. Even with a Kitty Paddle and + ATK seal, she can't even ORKO a neutral Delthea, the most fragile of mage glasscannons. This means that she won't be able to reliably do her job as a mage killer, especially in Inferno or Arena where you fight enemies with boosted stats.

    Can you invest even more into said Felicia to make her usable? Sure but as an F2P with very limited resources, why would anyone do something so inefficient? You can just use the -ATK/+DEF H!Sakura instead. A -ATK Reinhardt can still delete any reds and fulfill his role with little to no investment. This isn't the case with every unit.

    Sacred coins don't come cheap. SI fodder isn't readily available. Creativity is one thing. But how can you be creative if you have no resources? Investing into +ATK seal means more than just sacrificing a Seal slot. It also means using 150 coins on a 120 SP seal instead of a 240 SP seal. This translaes to 1~2 point difference in the unit's arena score (there are many 120sp seals that only require 50 Sacred Coins) and further limit a player's ability to collect resources.

    If people had unlimited resources, -ATK wouldn't mean much at all. I deal with -ATK units just fine but this is because I have the funds to do so. It greatly restricts what you can do with them which, for the casual F2P, is further compounded by their limited resources. 

    I feel like the Felicia analogy is completely redundant as she's a free unit from the rotational maps, so everyone has a neutral natured one. Only an idiot would build a -Atk Felicia. Besides, it's not like there's any other sub-25 Atk physical unit that performs well in the arena anyways.

    My -Atk Bike and Sigurd are doing just fine. Haven't missed any important KOs with them.

    (this is also coming from the guy who fully upgraded all 4 Atk and Spd seals)

  5. 1. What was (or has been) the game's best moment (can be an update transition, a period of the game)?

    I really liked the weapon refinery and skill inheritance updates, though I'm a little biased because my favourite units benefited a lot from them.

    2. Who's your favorite unit (based on gameplay, skills, stats, VA, design, whatever has the most weight to you)?

    Ephraim, without question. Pulled him on the third blue orb back on his very first banner and he's put in a lot of work since then. I've had to revamp his kit quite a few times but that's because he keeps getting better as time goes on.

    3. What has been your biggest achievement in the game (it can be content completion or unit building)?

    Finishing Valter Infernal without an archer or any brave weapon users. I was limited on good 5*s back then, but I still pulled through after many stamina potions.

    4. Your favorite story chapter?

    The most recent one, there really isn't much competition here.

    5. Your favorite Event (CYL, TT, VG)?

    TT minis are quite enjoyable. My enjoyment of VG fluctuates too much depending on the lineup for me to consider it, but my favourites were the first one, the dragon gauntlet and the hair gauntlet.

    6. Your favorite Special Map (GHB, BHB, daily unit, special maps)?

    New GHBs are always something to look forward to. Reruns of old ones are also appreciated if they are good fodder units. 

    7. Your favorite banner?

    It's the current sacred stones one. All 3 focus units and a brave Ike in just 79 orbs? Free roll was a 5*? Definitely my best banner so far. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    Not really seeing why Odin shouldn't be allow to use it though. I doubt that's going help him in the long run but Odin's fan probably would appreciate the buff regardless.

    There's actually a weapon in fates called Odin's grimoire which has a high crit rate, which could translate to a special cooldown acceleration. The Missiletain tome will likely be picked to Ophelia whenever they decide to introduce her.

  7. Infernal complete with only Sacred stones units. Told you I'd do it. Eirika and L'arachel have bladetomes instead of their normal weapons. (I might record a video of it if I can be bothered to)


  8. As it turns out, -Def really isn't as big of a deal as some people make it out to be. I'm still giving her Lightning breath eventually because I'm not sacrificing my Hector, but this works pretty well as is.

    And honestly, if Myrrh is fighting an enemy without fortify dragon buffs, I'm clearly doing something wrong. Ninian, Y!Tiki and Myrrh is proving to be a really fun arena core and I'm definitely looking forward to using it next week.


  9. Tharja falling from 3rd to 10th is hilarious. I'm definitely pushing for Ephraim all the way now, but honestly, I would be fine with any of the male top 4. I'm glad Chrom isn't getting a 4th version.

    Celica topping the females section is completely unprecedented but probably the best news I've heard all day. Nice to see Ninian, Myrrh and Nino having a surge in popularity as well.

    Reinhardt getting 5th on the power of memes alone is pretty impressive 


  10. Aside from Hector I've also used Michalis on my flier team, and more recently, NY!Azura, though she's more of a support unit than an attacker. None of them really come close to Hector combat-wise though.

    I haven't had too much success with player phase axes. Raven used to be alright until the great speedcreep happened. I hear Cherche is a good one but I don't have one built.

  11. Tomorrow is going to be the biggest grindfest I've ever done in FEH. 5 new 5* units (Lyon included) I'll have to train up before the double SP ends. I really wasn't prepared to get all 3 focus units, much less an extra off focus one. The fact that I've given Eirika and L'arachel bladetomes isn't helping matters either.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

    -Def is almost unworkable with her Great Breath secondary effect so Lightning breath would probably be better, but she has such a low Spd stat so her builds are a bit limited. She is basically designed to take advantage of her Great breath.

    Worst case scenario she can at least put in a ton of work for you in the TT.

    If you can, try to pull another that isn't -Def.

    Mine is +Spd, amusingly enough. I also have access to hone fliers and fortify dragons, so she can receive +6 to all stats if necessary. I think I might just go with LB+ and QR

    29 base speed with fury and hone flier buffs hits 38 speed maximum which I can work with. Getting an S-support with Y!Tiki brings that to 40, which really isn't too bad, all things considered.

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