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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Several times. First was Ephraim on my third blue orb back on his debut banner.

    Alm's army banner gave me all 3 focus units within 39 orbs, no pitybreakers. Similar case happened with the seasonal dancer banner, where I got 3 dancers (didn't get Azura) and no pity breaker.

    Y!Tiki showed up pretty quickly on the dragon gauntlet banner without M!Corrin interfering.

    Minerva was a free roll, and Elincia on the most recent banner was the second orb after my free summon.

  2. Remind me again why these exist? 4 orbs is nothing, and it takes the spot of a potential GHB rerun, which is much more valuable.

    I hope this will be the last time they do BHB reruns.

    On topic though, I completed 3 quests with B!Lyn, Inigo, Alfonse and Sharena. For the Alfonse vs Cecilia quest I swapped Sharena for a healer to bait Cecilia.

    Strat is to break wall, then have Lyn kill the pegasus, then dance-reposition retreat, and continue from there.

  3. Ranged armours are a new unit type, so it could just be that ranged penalty for armours is only -3, but until we get more of these types of unit, it's not possible to determine whether it's a BST buff or not. (It's not powercreep either since there weren't any ranged armours before this)

  4. So since I'm not interested in the Halloween banner, I decided to spend some orbs on the Ayra banner. Got my fourth Hinata (finally) and gave Deirdre fury 3. Somehow ended up with a +Atk -Res Julia as a pitybreaker when there were no red orbs in the pool. (She's replacing my first Julia, who happens to be the inverse nature, -Atk +Res)

  5. I'm actually not too enticed by the armours. The only times I use armour emblem is for the monthly quests, which my current team can manage easily, and to inflate my score in arena assault. For the latter, melee armours will have higher BST than ranged armours, so I don't actually have any use for them. (Aside from potential armour march SI, but I'd rather wait for Amelia to return)

  6. I just realised that Nowi's tome is uninheritable. With that and 5 base skills, she's totally getting that +5 BST isn't she. Still, while she would be good for flier emblem, I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of rolling for a half naked loli 

    Sakura's one of the few fates characters I actually like, but she's a dagger unit and shares a colour with Jakob, probably not worth trying for. 

    I think I'll save orbs until the mid-month banner arrives, and if I don't like that one, then I'll spend orbs here.

  7. I'm already at 60k. Triple bonus units makes this TT really quite fun. Last time I got to use a triple bonus was back during Celica's TT. I'm only using one stamina potion a day (at least for TT purposes. I'll spend a few later today to train up Arden and SP grind Olivia)

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