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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Team Corrin appears to be spamming flags early. Probably just the dumb masses again. Every time a new round starts there are always these idiots who spend flags on the very first hour, and literally just spend their flags as they get them. I honestly have no idea what they're trying to accomplish. You'd think that even if this is their first gauntlet, they would have learnt from the first 2 rounds by this point.

  2. Just now, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    Its the same catch with Bike though. In that BIke with dC is still good despite the lack of Urvan Synergy because Bike with DC is just good. Synergy is overrated sometimes

    Also shouldnt dc synergyze with Tyrfing

    Yeah, it works well with Tyrfing, but in that case you might as well equip another B skill. Thankfully it's a skill in this case so he can drop it for something with more synergy, unlike B!Ike

  3. Sigurd looks broken as hell. Probably the only red unit that is going to be able to tank Reinhardt. Against mages he halves their first attack and reduces the second by 80%. He can probably tank B!Lyn as well. Magekiller red cavalry is here.

    Deirdre is basically an anti bladetome magic user.

     Tailtiu will probably be the 4* drop of this banner.

    Ayra will likely be the TT reward, Arvis as the GHB

    The 3 unit banners have always been linked to corresponding TTs so there will likely be an FE4 GHB soon (predicting Seliph, Julia, Sigurd and Deirdre as the 40%)

  4. Just now, Rezzy said:

    I have less salt that distilled water.  I'm on Team Corrin, but only for Feathers.

    I dislike the current system and wanted the upset only to show how chaotic it is to effect change.

    I was mostly referring to those who were actually campaigning for M!Corrin's victory just to piss off team Ninian.

    I mean, after being on the losing team for the first few gauntlets, I have never expected to cause an upset. If I lose after intentionally picking the weaker team, so be it, at least I fought for a character I like.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Maybe, Corrin might not pull far enough enough ahead to give a multiplier or not pull ahead at all.  The last hour had Corrin go from 88.43% to 94.24%  If the last hour repeats again give or take a small fraction of a percentage will have Corrin pull to just about even with Ninian.

    There are people who are on team Corrin for not that reason?

    If that happens, then the next hours will be

    Same, Same, Corrin bonus, Ninian 7.5x bonus. Either way, there's no way of preventing a Ninian bonus at this rate.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    So M!Corrin couldn't keep up the rate as I suspected, but I didn't account for most of team Ninian having the same sleeping hours as me.

    So, change of prediction: Corrin catches up, but overshoots and gives Ninian a final multiplier. (I'm still not using the tracker, this is purely self made deduction)


    Corrin just gained 1.2 million in this hour. My prediction is probably going to come to pass, so team Ninian, flags at the ready. Bonus in 1-2 hours time.

  7. So M!Corrin couldn't keep up the rate as I suspected, but I didn't account for most of team Ninian having the same sleeping hours as me.

    So, change of prediction: Corrin catches up, but overshoots and gives Ninian a final multiplier. (I'm still not using the tracker, this is purely self made deduction)

  8. 1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

    If they keep up this pace, they'll actually manage to surpass us at some point. Of course, if that happens before the final hour, they'll get destroyed. I'm really wondering whether they can keep this up or not though.

    I doubt they can keep up the current rate tbh. Either way, I'm going to bed now. The result should be more apparent when I'm awake again.

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