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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. I'll post my infernal strategy here as well I guess.

    This isn't a very budget friendly strategy though 

    Ephraim: Bonfire,TA, Lancebreaker, Hone Speed, Atk+1 seal, Katarina S support 

    Katarina: Redblade+, Ardent sacrifice, Swift Sparrow (I don't think the other skills matter), Ephraim S support 

    Nino: Gronnblade+, Draconic aura, Fury, Desperation, Hone Atk

    Ninian: Doesn't matter, just dance.

    Place Ephraim in range of red horse, Katarina to his right and Nino below. Eph takes 0 damage and horse will not get OHKO'd so Ninian will waste her dance on him, only for the horse cav to suicide on eph.

    Hawkeye will move to the wall. Have Nino kill him (this will require a dance as it's a 2RKO). Ephraim moves down to Nino's right, Katarina baits and kills the green mage. 

    Ninian attacks Ephraim, he will survive with 1HP even with Res bane. Nino kills Ninian and Lance cavalry. Ephraim moves to chokepoint. Place Katarina below him for support bonus. Bonfire will OHKO the red sword. (If Ephraim is not +Atk he will need the Atk seal or he will miss the OHKO by 1HP)

    Map complete 

    To note: Kat and Nino are +Spd. I'm not sure if they miss out on doubles if they're not speed boon. You can probably use Tharja instead as well as I think she can take a hit from the green mage.

  2. Beat it with Ephraim, Katarina, Nino and Ninian. I just bladetome'd everything to death. Had to give Ephraim the Atk seal to secure the last OHKO though.

    Ephraim: Bonfire,TA, Lancebreaker, Hone Speed, Atk+1 seal, Katarina S support 

    Katarina: Redblade+, Ardent sacrifice, Swift Sparrow (I don't think the other skills matter), Ephraim S support 

    Nino: Gronnblade+, Draconic aura, Fury, Desperation, Hone Atk

    Ninian: Doesn't matter, just dance.

    Place Ephraim in range of red horse, Katarina to his right and Nino below. Eph takes 0 damage and horse will not get OHKO'd so Ninian will waste her dance on him, only for the horse cav to suicide on eph.

    Hawkeye will move to the wall. Have Nino kill him (this will require a dance as it's a 2RKO). Ephraim moves down to Nino's right, Katarina baits and kills the green mage. 

    Ninian attacks Ephraim, he will survive with 1HP even with Res bane. Nino kills Ninian and Lance cavalry. Ephraim moves to chokepoint. Place Katarina below him for support bonus. Bonfire will OHKO the red sword. (If Ephraim is not +Atk he will need the Atk seal or he will miss the OHKO by 1HP)

    Map complete 

    To note: Kat and Nino are +Spd. I'm not sure if they miss out on doubles if they're not speed boon. You can probably use Tharja instead as well as I think she can take a hit from the green mage.

  3. Jagen needs to leave me alone. I've already put fortify cavalry on enough of my units.

    Fir needs to stop showing up as well. I have far too many units on my "fury queue" and I really need Hinata instead 

    For greens, they haven't been harassing me recently but I don't want to see any more Bartres or Berukas as they aren't even good for SI

  4. AA run complete! New personal best of 4,820. I honestly wish I could swap this with my regular arena score lol.

    Dancer's veil is basically easy cheese for boat map B!Lyn. I just let Mathilda kill, then use the item to get away.

    I honestly wish more people would give their B!Lyns Brave bow as it lets me bait and kill them more easily since Cecilia's fortify bonuses don't get negated (and thus takes 0x2 damage), and my bladetomes can also oneshot her. 

    Bike is still an easy KO since I'm drowning in red units. Lancina is surprisingly enough, a non issue and I haven't run into any B!Roys outside of CYL emblem.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    Ahh, I see, thanks for your response. :^_^:

    Hmm, I do actually like setting my first AA team around the 690s.  (I set my score around there for the last 2 AA seasons because I was failing to get a deathless run with 700+ scores.)  Maybe there are indeed less Bow Lyns in that range for some reason, hehe.

    Yeah, there's not as many, but there still are some teams with her.

    There's also a full CYL team at this range but it's not too hard to deal with.

    Edit: forgot to mention all the DC units, but I suppose all the high scoring teams are loaded with distant counter.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    Out of curiosity, what point range is that?  I feel like I run into her in almost every fight in the 700-712 range.  Yucky.  :(:  She always tag teams with Reinhardt too.

    It's around 688-698. I haven't done nearly enough matches to confirm my statement, but I did go 5 matches in a row without a single B!Lyn on one of my attempts. I haven't actually managed to pull off a deathless run at this score range though.

  7. If I enter arena assault with 3 armours and one trainee I can raise my score range to the point where I won't have to face B!Lyn every other match, but this presents a whole slew of other problems like taking on +8 merges with unmerged units. I'll have to give this another shot later this week.

    Got my safety net regular arena run of 4794. I'm going to try finding higher scoring matches later this week with another team. Why did the damn score cutoff have to go up?

  8. 2 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

    I tried out Reciprocal Aid + Brash Assault on my -Speed Lyn with some decent results so I gonna run it again with my -Speed Elincia in the upcoming POR TT. Unfortunately I don't have a second Bartre so she can always run Drag Back in the mean time. I usually don't run Dancers during TT mainly because my Olivia is at max HM and I don't have either of the blue dancers. 

    Brash Assault works on Lyn because she has built in desperation. Elincia does not, so I honestly don't see it working well.

  9. I finally switched over to horse emblem as my main arena offense team thanks to CYL Lyn. There's literally one every match and my most effective counter is TA Raven Cecilia, so I may as well bring the rest of the ponies anyways.

    5 defense wins so far, FE7 squad with Hector, CYL Lyn, Eliwood and Ninian is a surprisingly effective defense team.

  10. Not much right now, thankfully.

    Current wish list is:




    Brave Roy

    Brave Ike

    Reinhardt (yes, I still don't have one)

    Bonus: 4-5* units on my wish list that I have successfully obtained 


















  11. I honestly don't know what to do with the Oscar I just pulled. How am I supposed to build him anyways? (For reference, I don't have any firesweep/brave lance fodder or fury fodder)

    At this point, the only thing I can think of is to just use him as a bonus unit in the arena for 2 weeks and then never touch him again like my other 3 non-Camus lance cavaliers.

  12. 1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

    Chapter 13 is based on Path of Radiances maps. No idea about the order of the missions yet, but here we go.

    13-1? is Ch. 4 (Roadside Battle),
    13-2? is Ch. 13 (A Guiding Wind),
    13-3? is Ch. 15 (The Feral Frontier),
    13-4? is Ch. 26 (Clash),
    13-5? is Endgame (Repatriation),
    tempest final map? is Ch. 22 (Solo),
    and no idea what this map is for is Ch. 11 (Blood Runs Red).

    Actually, this map: https://m.imgur.com/QfV5Aj5

    May be the Ninian and Hawkeye BHB map instead of 13-4 since it could instead be based off this map: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Lady_of_Caelin

    The choice of map seems a little odd though. Maybe the BHB is the desert map instead since that one looks a bit like Arcadia

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