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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    Isn't it a teeny bit dramatic to think that Nintendo would suddenly disown Lucina because she barely lost out on a popularity contest on a mobile game? She's still one of the most popular characters of all time, and she had more support behind her than plenty of the other teams. I'm sure she'll be fine. 

    I am proud of Hector for making it past the second round! ...now I guess it's time for a curb-stomp. Afterwards I'll probably jump to Team Lyn if she makes it. 

    The more popular the character, the more paranoid and overdramatic the fans. At least that's what I've observed.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Erchamion said:

    Yes which is why I figured they must have spent flags, if both teams were close in size and the leading one spends less they wouldn't pull ahead unless the team size difference was larger than what would have been expected from the CYL results (which very well might have happened). However I agree on that the casuals would have spent less flags... maybe Lyns team just was that much larger.

    I honestly don't think anyone in their right mind would spend flags without a multiplier these days. I'm pretty sure those were just the standard hourly gains allowing Lyn to pull ahead.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Truthblade said:

    Even if it means absolute certain death by mercenary doom, I really hope Roy doesn't win just because of the multiplier. Ike is not my favorite, but he shouldn't lose just because of the multiplier. 


    Imagine if Roy got the finals because of the multiplier. Boy, there would be salt of unmatchable quantities . (On the plus side, maybe it would be the one thing that would convince them to get rid of it once and for all).

    The only way Roy can beat Ike is if he gets a multiplier in the very last hour. One hour earlier and the sheer difference in hourly gains will let Ike catch up and win. There's really nothing to worry about.

  4. 21 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    Meanwhile, I have apparently reached the macro version of quantum physic's famous "You changed the outcome by measuring it!" principle.

    On the other hand, I haven't gotten your Sharena or Mary's Nino alongside Brave Lyn yet... I wonder if I can catch a connection.

    I keep getting your Florina. Like, for most of my matches she's shown up. I wonder why? Are the ally options weighted or what?

  5. Updates in bold as usual

    Pulled/Tempest 5*s

    Alm (+Spd -Res)

    Celica (+Atk -HP)

    Ninian (+Atk -Res)

    Ephraim (+Spd -Res)

    Roy (neutral)

    Lyn (+Def -HP)


    Ryoma (+HP -Atk)

    Lachesis (+Spd -Res)

    Priscilla (+Spd -Def)

    Elise +1 (+HP -Def)


    Faye (+HP -Atk)

    Gray (+Spd -Def)

    Mathilda (+Atk -HP)

    Delthea (+Def -HP)

    Effie (+Atk -Spd)


    Julia (+Res -Atk)

    Brave Lyn (neutral)


    Upgraded 5*s

    Lilina (+Spd -Res)

    Eliwood (+Atk -Res)

    Eirika (+HP -Res)

    Nino (+Res -Def)

    Raven (+Spd -HP)

    Lukas (+Atk -Spd)








    Sacrificed 5*s

    Cain (+Res -Spd)

    Boey (Neutral)

    Camilla (+Spd -Def)

    Rebecca (+HP -Atk) 

    Hana (Promoted)

    Tharja (didn't even bother checking the IVs)

    Total: 39

    Currently available: 32

  6. 1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Well apparently someone datamined the browser game...

      Reveal hidden contents


    Nephenee and Black Knight?



    So tellius banner with BK GHB? Well then.

    Also, BK has Alondite and Neph has Slaying Lance


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