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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Just now, JJ48 said:

    The thing that concerns me is, the current graph predicts an ending just barely on Camilla's side, which means that Ike should be able to pull it off by going all-in tonight.

    The problem is that the earlier predictions didn't show Camilla giving Ike a multiplier, and she overperformed.  If Ike gives her a second multiplier and she overperforms again, it'll be a bit tougher for Ike to catch up.

    The prediction chart for the previous round predicted that Ike would not have been able to catch up to Hector's last multiplier, but team Ike proceeded to double their hourly gains and win, and can probably do it again in this round.

  2. Switching up the unit I bring into the gauntlet seems to change up my ally units.

    When I used Lyn, I mostly got Florina, Lucina and Ephraim.

    When I switched to B!Lyn, I instead got Innes, (+10)B!Lyn and B!Ike

    Now I'm using Ephraim for the blue quests and I'm getting a (+10)Ike as my common ally

  3. 4 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

    I... I hope he isn't -def at least like mine, because you're not getting far with 11 def.

    Also sob noooo Lyn you were supposed to win this! I was supposed to have oppurtunity to spend my flags on multipliers in the finals and get a good rank. Now only trashing Camilla matters. I thought that it would be more in favour for Ike, but the gap is closer than it was with Ike/Hector and Lyn/Camilla, which considering the multiplier will probably actually work out better.

    He's -def lol. 12 def at +3 merge.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    It would be nice if you joined Team Ike.

    It's lost in the uproar of this upset, but I'd still like to see a guy win a Gauntlet for a change.  Anybody who wants to see that happen can join us as well.  I want to prove that Fire Emblem's fan base isn't just a bunch of horny teenage boys.

    Looking at the average votes per hour, roughly 50% of the players will be joining a new team, not counting people who just drop out completely.  Ike had 33% of the total vote share, Camilla had 17%, so she'd have to get twice as many new votes as Ike to pull ahead.

    Given the salt levels, I think Ike vs Camilla will end up like the S!Corrin shitstomp. At least that's what I hope it will be.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    The Reddit poll currently has Camilla just barely not overshooting.  It could go either way, really.

    I know the formula that the tracker uses to determine scoring during bonus rounds and it has always underestimated. Camilla will very likely overshoot. 

    The formula literally just takes the previous bonus score, divides by the multiplier and multiplies it by the predicted multiplier.

  6. 1 minute ago, Poimagic said:

    The way the scores are going, it looks like Camilla and Hector are moving on. And that would not be happy for both Ike and Lyn supporters

    You're worrying too much. The prediction tracker changes every hour, it's not really reliable until much later to determine the winner. 

    We've seen predicted upsets fail before because the tracker doesn't take into account that the larger team will spend non-multiplier flags to catch up if they're predicted to lose.

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