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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Using my first 2 Selenas for skills not named reposition 

    Giving Hone Spd to a unit I would end up sacrificing

    Giving Nino blue tomebreaker for some reason even I don't recall

    Poor management of my desperation fodder. I think I may have used a Shanna for iceberg once. And now I don't have any left to give Katarina desperation 3

  2. I beat it rather quickly with a bladetome based team (infernal difficulty)

    Standard quad-buff Ephraim with Lancebreaker 

    Fury desperation Nino (+Spd probably required) 

    Blade Lilina (Axebreaker needed)

    Ninian (needs TA)

    *Nino and Lilina need draw back as well

    I start by having a buffed Lilina kill the top axe, then dance and retreat back into the starting area. Position Nino such that the red mage will move downwards.

    Second turn, move Ephraim+Nino up and Lilina+Ninian down, having Nino bait and counterkill the blue mage, while Lilina baits F!Robin. Afterwards keep retreating and picking off the enemies. Lancebreaker keeps Ephraim safe from the lancer. At some point Ninian will have to tank a hit from the lancer and red mage, which TA is needed for.


  3. One more battle and I'll hit 50k

    Overall thoughts: Reduced point requirement is really nice, and makes the whole thing less grindy. I honestly wouldn't mind if all TTs followed this format instead  

    +Atk Ninian is a monster with the tempest boost. Her being a bonus unit also makes my team comps far more flexible 

    +Spd Hector having 32 base speed with the tempest boost is pretty amusing. Training him and grinding SP for him in the TT was honestly more efficient than I expected.

    +Atk Eliwood can't ORKO the Hector boss without a special proc unfortunately

    I'm probably going to keep going past 50k for the rank feathers to make up for not getting back into tier 20 in the arena.


  4. Updates in bold as usual

    Pulled/Tempest 5*s

    Alm (+Spd -Res)

    Celica (+Atk -HP)

    Ninian (+Atk -Res)

    Ephraim (+Spd -Res)

    Lyn (+Def -HP)

    "Marth" +1

    Ryoma (+HP -Atk)

    Lachesis (+Spd -Res)

    Priscilla (+Spd -Def)

    Elise +1 (+HP -Def)


    Faye (+HP -Atk)

    Gray (+Spd -Def)

    Mathilda (+Atk -HP)

    Delthea (+Def -HP)

    Effie (+Atk -Spd)


    Julia (+Res -Atk)

    Brave Lyn (neutral)

    Lucina (+Def -HP)

    Katarina (+Spd -Atk)

    Genny (+Res -HP)

    Hector (+Spd -HP)


    Upgraded 5*s

    Lilina (+Spd -Res)

    Eliwood (+Atk -Res)

    Eirika (+HP -Res)

    Raven (+Spd -HP)

    Lukas (+Atk -Spd)

    Nino +1 (+Spd -HP)








    Sacrificed 5*s

    Cain (+Res -Spd)

    Boey (Neutral)

    Camilla (+Spd -Def)

    Rebecca (+HP -Atk) 

    Hana (Promoted)

    Tharja (didn't even bother checking the IVs)

    Roy (Neutral)

    Total: 45

    Currently available: 35

    My luck is back!

  5. The main threat of Rein/Lyn is that they hit really hard when they initiate, so if you don't have a dedicated counter that can bait and kill them, the only other strategy to deal with them is to hit them before they hit you, which, depending on the enemy team, is sometimes very hard to do. Of course, if you do have a counter they aren't much of a threat, but that's basically the point of a counter.

    @Tenzen12 In your case it seems like the other units preventing you from getting to Ike safely are the real threat that you're facing, rather than Ike himself. I think it's more of a team comp issue. What's the full team that you're running?

  6. People find CYL Ike hard to deal with in the arena? Huh. I've never had much trouble with him. He's hard to ORKO but that's really about it. Being a melee infantry makes him fairly easy to kite and separate from the other units. He's also slow, so unless you give him a free Aether charge he's not killing anyone on enemy phase.

    As a player controlled unit he's definitely S+ tier material but he's not a "needs dedicated counter" type of arena threat.

    Also regarding a prior statement about CYL Lucina, the only actual similarity that she and Ephraim/Eirika share is their vague role as a buffer. The Renais twins have always been mainly used to buff bladetomes, which Lucina has no effect on, as she's a physical unit spur buffer. Their roles barely clash at all.

  7. I'm currently experimenting with an antimeta TA Raven+Bowbreaker Cecilia build on horse emblem (just promoted her to 5* yesterday)

    On a defensive tile, she can kill both Reinhardt and B!Lyn on one enemy phase with full horse buffs.

    My defense team of Delthea, Camus, B!Lyn and Ninian has already picked up a defence win.

  8. Eirika and Ephraim BHB map is a castle map, but since we can't see any walls, I can't tell which castle map it's going to be.

    I bet it's probably Renais Castle from Chapter 16: Ruled by madness though.

    Edit: yeah, I guessed correctly. @Glaceon Mage You can add this to the OP

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