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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 33 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Because I don't see why NoA seems to dislike nickname-like names for their characters. Why discriminate against people who prefer to be called by a nickname instead of by their legal name?

    First Mordy→Mordecai, then Eddie→Edward, and now we have Rody→Roderick and Wendy→Gwendolyn.

    But Luke gets a free pass despite the fact that Lucas hasn't yet been taken. Same with Genny.

    Except Luke is a full name on its own. How do I know? It's my name.

  2. Honestly I haven't had any really large projects. The most I've spent on any one unit is one 5* for an exclusive skill, as listed:

    L&D3 for Celica (Sacrificed Hana)

    2 Redblade+ for Lilina and Katarina (2 Tharjas died)

    Panic ploy 3 for Hector (Valter died, couldn't use the seal because my Hector is -HP)

    I've sacrificed other 5*s as well but those were for skills that could be obtained on 4* units but I was impatient (I have many regrets)

    The main problem is that any unit I like enough to attempt to optimise is usually easy to build, and those units that require heavy investment I don't like enough to bother spending that many feathers on them (i.e. Brave axe Cherche).

    I'm also short on key fodder units (haven't pulled anyone with brave lance in ages).

    I'd build a brave archer if I could but I have never pulled a Klein in my entire time playing and I don't have any +Atk archers anyways.


  3. 3 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    Depends what you are trying to accomplish, in Arena Assault and Arena itself one shoting is so prevelant, Wings of Mercy might as well not exist in your offense Team (defense Team is something different, since it adds another layer of Randomness)

    If I'm not wrong, doesn't the ORKO meta mean oneshotting the enemies rather than getting oneshotted? If played right, your units shouldn't be getting into fights that they will die in one round. A semi-favourable matchup will likely leave your unit at half or less health afterwards (especially if they have fury), and can be wings of mercy'd.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The argument for slot compression is basically that many units don't want an A, B, and C passive. They would rather trade one or more of their skill slots for a skill slot of a different type or get additional skill slots.

    What Sieglinde, Siegmund, Urdhr, Fire Dance, Wind Dance, and Geyser Dance do is just that. Sieglinde (Hone Atk 2), Siegmund (Hone Atk 2), and Urdhr (Rally Atk/Spd + Rally Def/Res) are free additional skill slots, and Fire Dance (Rally Atk), Wind Dance (Rally Spd), and Geyser Dance (Rally Def + Rally Res) effectively convert a dancer's B skill slot into a second assist skill slot.

    Wouldn't a dancer rather run wings or escape route though? I suppose it mostly depends on team comp.

  5. 1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    We are in the same world where our two cases of +1 Arena season which is Camus season and before CYL  involves Olivia and Horse Emblem as the bonus unit, i'm pretty sure we can survive thi- fuck i just remember AA would be fucking shitter


    Uhhhh It builds character

    On the bright side, we now have 7 dancers total, one for each round of AA. Whale access only, of course.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If you were using only passive buffs, then no, Azura doesn't replace Eirika or Ephraim, but if you were using the maximum +3/4/4/2 or +3/4/3/3, then Eirika or Ephraim was already spending their turn to do so, and Azura can get it done without needing to use any of her passive skill slots.



    On a completely different note, I think I need to give Ninian Fire Dance now. This is definitely now the limited banner I most want to not be limited.

    Why not just run both as I suggested earlier? Bladetome teams are usually comprised of blade, buffer and dancer anyways. Azura in this case can then be used as an emergency rallybot if your bladetome user gets separated from the buffer, and as a regular dancer otherwise. There's really no need to bench anyone except maybe the previous dancer on that team.

  7. My main problem earlier was people just seeing the quad buff and immediately concluding that she outclasses Ephraim/Eirika despite the fact that the twins don't need to spend their turn to buff a blade user. Azura definitely has her place in the meta, but Litrblade buffing is not what it is.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    I think you missed the point that sometimes you cant reach your oponent and Nohr Azura can make that possible with additional buffs granted to one shot your Enemy and still be safe afterwards duh. If you dont see how broken her Axe is in combination wiht Litrblade i dont know what to tell you. Besides you still have 2 other units in the Team that can give buffs out

    And you're ignoring the fact that the enemy that you're killing will likely be surrounded by other enemies, so you won't be safe afterwards, and since you just used your dance as a rally, you can't use the dance+draw back combo to safely retreat (unless you run 2 dancers, then RIP arena score). And if the other teammates have already given hone buffs, Azura's boost won't stack since those are visible buffs.

    So no, she doesn't invalidate buffbots. You should still run a bladebuffer and use Azura's dance as an emergency option if your blade gets separated from your buffer.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Thany said:

    Are you sure you are reading that effect correctly? cause that effect is really busted since shes a Dancer first and foremost.

    Keep in mind that you have to dance first to give the boost, so the unit's first attack will not have the buffed effect, and if you're using the dance to retreat, the stat boost will be useless. If you already have hone Atk and Spd users on the team, the buffs don't stack either. It's not nearly as broken as it initially seems.

    @Hilda I wouldn't go that far, with Eph/Eir you can have the bladetome user nuke two targets because you don't have to waste the dance just to apply the buffs. With Azura you need to use dance as a rally spectrum, which removes the option of using it to nuke twice or retreat.

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