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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Looking through my current roster, aside from Julia, none of the units I have were directly powercrept. Most of my roster consists of either already outclassed units I rolled for because I liked them (Alm, Gray, Mathilda, Lyn) or units that are still considered the best at what they do (Ephraim, Celica, Delthea, Hector, dancers). Note: only listed units I spent orbs on, promotions and pitybreakers don't count.

    As such, I haven't really been burned too hard but I do feel bad for those who were using units now outclassed because of powercreep 

  2. 17 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

    Tin foil hat time: Shin, perhaps the most visible of the Japanese FEH whales, influenced the Ayra banner decision.  A few days ago he made a tweet hoping that Ayra was on a banner so he could get a bunch of copies for a full merge.  This is a guy who casually talks of +10ing a unit like it's nothing to him, and is streaming himself whaling for Ayra as I make this post. 

    The files for unreleased banners are already in the update data, just encrypted. IntSys already planned to put her on a scumbag late release banner long before that whale tweeted.

    That being said, her being the 4* TT reward may still be a possibility as I remember reading somewhere that Arden only had 5* stats in the data while Ayra had 4* stats as well. Just clinging on to hope at this point 

  3. So the 40% selection consists purely of newly introduced units. That's just garbage game design, and basically forces players to get lucky or pay up if they don't want to suffer.

    One thing I did notice is that all the bonus units are gen 1 characters, which hints at a separate gen 2 banner+TT, maybe next month? (Ishtar pls)

  4. I don't have galeforcers, so I just killed all the reinforcements with bladetome spam as usual. Nothing really different from the BHBs, just more enemies to take out. I didn't even get to see Valflame in action because Ephraim oneshots his ass even on infernal 

    Def ploy at 4* is nice, but I don't have any units that use it well. (No, I'm not going to promote an Est for this)

  5. 8 minutes ago, pullofthebush said:

    Another week in Tier 19 for me. Back to Tier 20 next week. Will I ever manage to stay? I'm beginning to doubt it.

    I'm still too dumb as a strategist to survive seven AA matches deathless on Hard difficulty. Doing it on Intermediate is manageable most of the time unless I get screwed by lots of B!Lyns and dancers. 17 Sacred Coins with my score every week are fine enough for me, just sucks that I'd be able to get a 4900+ score if I just wasn't so bad at pushing around my units sometimes.

    I also realised that I really need some blue units. I basically rely on Sharena, Camus, Valter, Est and Reinhardt all the time. Clive has been good as well. Otherwise I just have a Clair, Ursula and Mathilda who are useable but not exactly reliable. Would promoting a +DEF Effie or +ATK/+DEF -RES Lukas to 5* be worth spending the feathers? I guess they both need Brave Lance+, which I even could afford to give them...

    I'd say Lukas would be a good promotion, especially with those IVs, but I prefer the QR set over brave lance.

  6. New week, new runs

    Arena: 4,844 Team: B!Lyn, Cecilia, Ninian, BK

    Arena Assault: 4,866

    Didn't lose a single match.

    Sigurd's absurd tankiness is annoying but that's all he really does. He's just hard to kill. Lots of Amelias this week. Also ran into a weaponless BK in arena assault, not that I'm complaining.

    Dancer wise, Azura is by far the least threatening of the PA dancers, due to how the AI's movement works. With the ranged dancers, there is a constant risk of having them refresh B!Lyn or Reinhardt, which is really scary on maps with walls.

  7. No 5*s, but I barely saved any orbs so that was to be expected. TT should give me the orbs to continue rolling. Already have 3 of the seasonal dancers so I can focus on this banner, aiming for Deirdre mostly.

    Actual pulls:

    3*: 2 stahls, A!Tiki, Arthur

    4*: Eirika, Camilla

    Camilla is draconic aura fodder. Eirika is -Atk so she's Hone Spd fodder. 

  8. I'm just waiting for the arena season to end so I can get the last 2 coins I need for distant defense 3. (Gonna swap this between Hector and Xander when necessary)

    After that, I think I'll go for Spd +3 then maybe deflect magic 3 (I think level 2 may be enough for now though) or the fortify seals to make Ephraim a better buffer.

    I probably won't upgrade the Atk seal until I get the squad ace variant as I just like the skill icon better.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    What probably makes it even better is that Ninian defeated both genders of Corrin in a single gauntlet, just to add salt to the wound.

    Corrin double eliminated Tiki, and Ninian double eliminated Corrin. What a gauntlet.

    Ranked 2.8k in team Ninian (caught the last 4 multipliers) and 13k cumulative.

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