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Posts posted by Kruggov

  1. Shanan? Huh? Sheena maybe?

    For me, Roy is the boy))) But seriously, he ended up a fkin tank in FE6 until he ran headfirst into the level cap and pretty much mopped the floor with Zephiel once he promoted. And here he is just as much of a tank, maybe a bit slower, but capable of taking hits without much trouble. Triangle Adept sucks, though, so I just shelve that skill.

    For other characters, I didn't expect Linde to be such a cannon (although a glass one), plus she's cute. Lissa is slow as a molasses, but REHABILITATE rocks. F!Corrin is fun, although I got her at 3* so no Dark Breath yet. Marth is pretty much how he was in my FE12 playthrough (doubles anyone, but has problems actually dealing much damage). Jagen ended up doing typical Jagen duty (I got him on first pull, and he was my highest rank guy until I got Marth on second pull). Eirika ended up surprisingly useful due to buffs, although she can still stab someone when needed.

  2. 9 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Also, I'm not yet aware of any red units that Reinhardt does not kill outright when attacking

    Roy lives with 6 HP so long as he doesn't have TA equipped. (MAYBE he can survive with TA1 on, but definitely now with higher TA-s)

    Y!Tiki/Raigh/Leo live with 1 HP. Raigh then throws a wolf head FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE (?)

    Fir and Eliwood live with 5 HP.

    Sanaki lives with 3 HP without TA (TA1 kills her)

    Caeda lives with 6.

    That's about it? All neutrals though, IVs change things, i think +Atk Reinhardt kills all of then unless they are +Res.

  3. Nope. It's just Hector and Effie. Armors would've been much better had they had had something like Pivot to help them move around (I imagine Inherit Skill will help with that Wings of Mercy Hector/Effie). Well, there's also "Hectorgeddon" which is reliant on Hector's Goad Armor stacking with itself, but I'm sure that's going to be patched out eventually. Not to mention getting 4 Hectors...

    Maybe there's hope for "Drauggeddon" in sense that enemies will have a hard time scratching them with physical damage (51 Def at neutral with Ward Armor bonuses), but Linde/Nino/Tharja will still rip them apart.

    So I guess... Armors suck again?

  4. I had an idea about promoting. I doubt it'll get implemented but...

    Basically, make each level after 20 make promotion cheaper by 2.5%. This way promotiong, say, 3* lvl 20 hero will cost 2000 feathers, while promoting the same hero at level 40 will cost 1000 feathers. This both cheapens promotion, and gives the incentive to level low star heroes beyond lvl 20.

    37 minutes ago, Eselred said:

    It's an awful, vicious cycle too.  The best way to get lots of feathers in-game is through the Arena.  The best teams (read: Pay2Win) will get the higher ranks in Arena, thus getting them more feathers than Joe Average player.  This will not only give them an even greater advantage over Joe Average player, but the Pay2Win player doesn't need the feathers nearly as much the average, random player.

    Yeah, ranking feathers is pretty much only obtainable for guys who already have a set team for the arena - and they don't need feathers as much.

    37 minutes ago, Eselred said:

    The 15 feathers per day though is like a bad, trolling joke from IS.

    It still helps get those 1* to 2*))) But yeah.

  5. I wonder if you make Gale's death avoidable, like in FE6? AFAIK he stops attacking you in certain conditions, making clearing the chapter without killing him pretty easy.

  6. "TIMBER!!!" - Barst. Really cracked me up when I first heard it.

    "I have made some Order of Heroes merchandise. I wonder if it will sell?" - Anna, well slightly paraphrased. Well, even when being a commander Anna can't help but think of money...

    "Oh, uh, Tharja? Where'd you come from? Are you following me around again?" M!Robin. IT WILL NEVER END.

    "Where did I wake up this time?" Also M!Robin. Again, IT WILL NEVER END.

  7. I think I already mentioned it, but getting Alfonse Brash Assault (from Hinata, I think) will make him even more dangerous below 50%. Or Life and Death, so that he could OHKO  quite a few enemies. (Like, say, neutral HP/Def Takumi). For other chars, Hector with Wings of Mercy comes to mind. Or, yes, Takumi with Vantage. Or Linde with Desperation for safe 2-range sniping (can she take a hit to proc it though? She's fragile AF).

    I doubt Dance/Sing will be passable. Unless devs want to make unique animations for everyone. As for utility + Mobility factor, Wings of Mercy/Escape Route for Azura will be broken AF.

  8. Yay, those 6 Gwendolyns just sitting in the corner are finally useful for SOMETHING.

    Tbh, the armored quest is the only problematic thing. Dagger quest? Puhlease, Normal 2-2 is easy AF, even the starting Matthew will suffice. Or Felicia is you grabbed her from HB.

    Also, Kellam? I guess he is unseen as usual...

  9. 1 hour ago, immatx said:

    Same, it was one of the first missions I got done actually. There's almost always 1 in a training tower mission (I did stratum 8 I think, whichever was the first lunatic one), and it costs way less stamina.

    Armors quest, right? Tower is less stamina costly, while Lunatic 7-2 is faster and guaranteed (and you always know what to prepare for).

    Now the only one I didn't do is Cavalry quest. Well, it's just crests, I think I'll skip on that.

  10. 46 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

    Yeah, no kidding. I've gotten both of mine to level 12, they have 5 and 4 speed respectively. This may be the lowest speed unit in the game. With the tome, they functionally have 0 speed at level 12.

    Actually do you have the tome equipped? The stats shown take tome's -5 Speed into account.

    And no, the slowest is still Sophia, she ends with 19 speed and 5*/Lvl40 without any sorts of penalties. Reinhardt's low speed is at least partly because of Dire Thunder.

  11. Just now, NickV said:

    As far as I've heard his speed is low anyway so that -5 shouldn't matter.

    It gets him doubled by ALFONSE of all people. And sadly, Vantage+Dime/Dire Thunder doesn't work here. I guess pretty much ANY axe user with 23+ speed will tear him a new one.

    Then again, brave tome. Swordlords, beware.

    Also, Goads stack with one another. Imagine a team of 4 Reinhardts.

  12. 2x-3 is IMO, FE4 Chapter 3, specifically the forested area between the Agusty and Silvail castles, where the player is likely to fight Eldigan and his knights. I might be wrong though.

    2x-2 is definitely Crossing the River... *horrible flashback* At least it's not as unfairly difficult as it was in FE5.

    2x-1 does seem to resemble Hero fo the Western Isles.

  13. 43 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    since, like Myrrh, she also has wings in her regular sprite

    Well, Myrrh is actually treated as a Flier in FE8, unlike Fae.

    Also here's my thoughts on Micaiah


    Silver-Haired Maiden | Micaiah [Green, Tome]

    HP: Below Average
    ATK: Very High
    SPD: Average
    DEF: Below Average
    RES: High
    MOV: 2

    1-Star: Wind (or Light)
    2-Star: Elwind (or Ellight)
    3-Star: Rexcalibur (or Shine)
    5-Star: Rexaura (14|2|Reduces enemy Res by 5 after combat until their next action)

    Light/Ellight/Shine are basically the same as Wind/Elwind/Rexcalibur

    Support Skill:
    Ardent Sacrifice

    B Skill:
    1-Star: Renewal 1
    2-Star: Renewal 2
    4-Star: Renewal 3

    C Skill:
    2-Star: Breath of Life 1
    3-Star: Breath of Life 2
    5-Star: Breath of Life 3

    My Thoughts:

    I think of Micaiah as a magical cannon with insane attack, but low survivability. She can tank mages reasonably well due to her high Res though, and her Rexaura can also soften enemies up for a follow-up. Her speed is average (we don't need a repeat of Sophia, right?) which is enough to double most armors, and avoid doubles from most mages. I think she can beat same level Linde/M!Robin without much trouble.

    Her skills focus mostly on health recovery - Ardent Sacrifice fits her like a glove, Renewal allows her to heal herself (ala staves from FE10), and Breath of Life shows that she still has healing to spare when attacking.

    Micaiah's worst enemies are swordlords - their WTA combined with Micaiah's below average HP/Def means she gets killed really easily in a fight with one. Keeping her away from Takumi or Kagero is pretty much mandatory, as they can reliably ORKO her (though not before taking a hit themself). Another (somewhat) problematic enemy is Henry, due to Green Tomebreaker.


  14. Btw, I wonder if Alfonse is always all neutral or if he has +Atk. Because if he does, then he will actually be able to oneshot Takumi (and a lot of other non-blues with combined HP/Def of less than 65) at Lvl 40.

    Actually I got all 4 of them to 4-Star and they hold their own very nicely - Sharena is good overall (Though mages screw her over), Anna rips pretty much any mage a new one (including M!Robin due to WTA, dunno about F!Robin), and Alfonse starts hitting like a freight train once you get Death Blow. Too bad, that it takes 60k feathers to get them all to 5-Star.

    Alfonse is not a Chrom subsititute, Chrom is much more defensive, while Alfonse is all about "I'm gonna hit you so hard your children will feel it".

  15. 1 minute ago, autismoe said:

    Yeah the Goad, Spur, and Ward skills do indeed stack. It's been tested out.

    Daym. That means that as long as a team of Hectors stays together they get +12 Attack/Speed!

    Now it seems a team of 4 Hectors will be quite the danger. Even Roy will have trouble taking several 40 Attack hits while being constantly doubled. By fkin armors. Unless he is +Spd, in which case only +Spd Hectors will double. Again, Daym.

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