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Posts posted by Kruggov

  1. 48 minutes ago, Imuabicus said:

    Maybe I am not getting it, but do you mean for this one fight against one enemy, or for the entire EP? Otherwise it would look Kind of weak. And if it´s for the entire EP would it expire when hit again?

    Just for the battle. Yeah, it's weak, but I kinda intended it as an early game skill, though it's great at arena grinding or when dealing with brave weapons. It can also work on PP, though obviously only when doubling or when the enemy has Vantage.

  2. Grit: After combat, recover HP equal to half of damage taken.

    Battle Rush: Critical Hits recover HP equal to 30% of damage dealt.

    Revenge: If character is doubled by the enemy, they will also double the enemy in return.

    Windfury: Each time the character dodges an enemy attack, increase their Hit/Crit by 10 for the remainder of combat.

  3. Well CF at least drops Chapter 13 (aka, the most hellish chapter on Maddening), and from what I saw, Jeritza is outright insane right out of the gate (huge bases, insane class with Counterattack mastery, Scythe of Sariel, and also only male character other than NG+ Byleth to get Darting Blow to become even more insane)

  4. 8 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Besides him, the only two coming to mind immediately are Lysithea and Mozu.

    Warp is not the only reason she's liked, she also gets THREE effective spells (Dark Spikes vs cavalry, Seraphim vs monsters, Luna might as well be effective against high res units like mages or pegasi), and she also has multiple nukes to call upon (Hades and Abraxas). Plus Mastermind means she doesn't have to spend most of the game getting those ranks (only about half of it 🙂). She has her flaws (no 1-3 range without a staff, Warlock is useless to her, squishy as hell), but she IS one of the top mages in the game.

  5. 3 hours ago, Fire Flower said:

    You'd need C armor for weight -3, yes.

    Honestly I think the skill itself is too much of a hassle for the amount of investment you put into it. Speed+2 is weight-3 but better, and works for all attacks and not just physical.

    If you're grinding/NG+ it's viable, yes, but everything is viable if you're doing that.

    Speed+2 is not as great for mages, since you have to take them out of mage class for at least 30 battles, and thrown them into the thick of it (and most mages are made of paper), though you can still use bows to avoid 1-range.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

    Does anyone know how to take out the final phase of the boss?

    It has quick riposte which means instant death for everyone, if it hits twice.

    Is Lys with thyrsus the key to success?

    Three ways - grind him down to 50% with gambits, rely on dodgetanks, or enemy phase him with 1-3 range of your own.

  7. On 10/11/2019 at 11:48 PM, Alastor15243 said:

    1: Is it possible that it's because he's the only male mage who promotes? Wendell gives the impression he used to be a healer. Maybe they're supposed to be different classes from what Wendell is?

    2: I am really, really torn between showing off the arena and giving my thoughts for completion's sake and avoiding it given how much it usually breaks the game.

    1. In Book I yes, but in Book II you also get Jubelo and Arlen, who both promote into generic bishops.

    2. Definitely show it off, idk about overginiding with it.

  8. I'd say Mage Knight (advanced, mounted, +2 Reason/Faith/Riding, can use magic, class skills: Canto, Fiendish Blow, master skill: Seal Magic), Trueblade (master, +3 Sword/Axe/Brawl, class skills: Swordfaire, Fistfaire, Avoid +10, master skill: idk), Baron (master, armored, +3 Axe/Reason/Authority, can use magic, class skills: Axefaire, Black Magic uses x2, Dark Magic uses x2, mastery skill: General), and Archsage (master, +3 Reason/Faith, can use magic, class skills: White Magic Range +1, Black Magic Range +1, Dark Magic Range +1).


  9. 13 hours ago, Mangs said:

    I’m not sure if you’re joking or not here but blaming me for this hack being cancelled is just stupid. I featured this hack on my channel in its entirety and was largely positive about it. I made a 50-minute video where I talked a lot about the hack and offered suggestions on how to make it better.

    I did get into an argument with Arch over a few of my criticisms, but we later made up and have been on good footing ever since. Arch even asked me to contribute to this years FEE3, something I don’t think he’d do if he disliked me.

    Alright, thanks for clarifying that. Still wish you had less memes on your channel, but it's your channel.


  10. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    WOW GAME, GREAT CHANGE TO MAKE TO THE FORMULA COMPLETELY UNEXPLAINED. Turns out that Xane’s HP doesn’t change when he transforms, current or max. Which means he’s stuck at 18 no matter who he transforms into. This… is a significant damper on his usefulness, to the point where I wonder if there’s even going to be a point to using him. Thankfully this information isn’t enough to get him killed by the hero I left him in range of.

    You can still give him an Angelic Robe? And transformation formula changes again in FE11 IIRC.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    FUCK. Just when I got Hardin promoted too…

    At least his level got reset?

    Buttt, yeah 🙂

    Also, Mage Dragon. Hope you got wyrmslayers.

  11. 6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    We are, but I still find Raphael not worth using simply because his 6 base speed ruins him, and he's not nearly bulky enough to make up for it. 

    If we're talking Maddening, then it doesn't matter how high or low your speed is short term - if you're not Byleth, Petra or Felix, you will get doubled by 60% of enemies, and it's debatable on Byleth.

  12. Didn't think about complete non-recruitment run (by virtue of lacking a Switch 🙂 ), but I did think of a run where you recruit everyone you don't encounter as an enemy or NPC post-timeskip. Which basically means that some are on every route (Marianne, Lorenz though, you have to beat some sense into even if recruited), some miss only one route (Raphael, Hanneman and Manuela miss AM, Ashe, Alois and Shamir miss CF, and so on), and pretty much every Black Eagle aside from Caspar (who gets an exception and is recruited on AM due to additional scenes his paralogue unlocks) is stuck being a Black Eagle.

  13. 1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Just like is liable to happen to Raphael? Because I was playing on hard mode, and I wasn't even done with the earlygame before he stopped being able to pull his weight on the battlefield. How do you think he'll do on Maddening if he can't even last on Hard mode???

    Weren't we discussing early game usefulness? Not to mention he still has Rally Strength, if you have a spare slot you might want to keep him around just for that?

  14. 12 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Sorry, but I don't see Raphael deleting much of anything with weapons that only have 4 might at most. And there's the part where gauntlets are range-locked, thus forcing you to eat counters often, which is not good in Maddening.

    Did you forget that gauntlets are also brave weapons that really synergize with Raphael's huge strength? And if you don't want to eat a counter, what stops you from having a bow as a backup.

    Besides he did note deleting mages and snipers, and one of those will counter you anyway, while other will not counter at 1 range.

  15. I liked how the magic was handles, but I did not like the low amount of uses on some of the stronger spells (or when you're still a Commoner/Noble). Liked the tweaks to support white magic, it's much more reusable now. Also while i liked that they at least tried to make offensive white magic possible, I did not like just how inferior it ended up compared to black or dark (why is it that in all games where light and healing magic were combined, light ended up being barely usable?).

    And I also did not like the restriction on what classes could use magic, which made trying to hybridize characters much more difficult than it shoud've been.

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