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Posts posted by red-and-soulless

  1. 8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    If you want bunnies, the best thing is to whale a bit and then do some hunt summoning. That's the way I got my three (I gave up on Bunny!Lucina in the end. I'm trying to tell myself I don't need to collect everything. I don't...)

    You're right, of course.

    I've avoided targeted summoning up til now because of concerns over orb efficiency, but I guess if I'm going to become the most adorable little Wailmer over this, I might as well maximize my chances for success.

    7 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Wow........ never thought I'd see the day.. ..

    You're actually telling people to whale out and buy orbs.

      Reveal hidden contents

    I bet it's to make you feel better about buying orbs yourself huh? ;)

    Anywho, @red-and-soulless, the Chao is right. The best thing to do if you want those wascally wabbits is to do hunt pulls for those colors only, blue and green. Your percentages are mad high from your pulls too so it'll be even easier! :)

    Yeah, I'm at 3.75% atm, which should hopefully speed up the process a wee bit, provided I don't have Sire's Blazing Shadows luck :P:


    Well, the easy part is done.  Now I need to actually convince myself that this is a good use of those funds...

    I'll be back later this evening once I've worked out some summoning limits/gotten some moral support from a Wailord friend of mine.

  2. Merry springtime to you all :):

    I would have uploaded these a little sooner, but I had to prune through my attachment in order to have sufficient space for the pretty pictures you all seem to somewhat appreciate.  Anywho, I had enough orbs for two full summoning sessions, and all I wanted out of them were bunnies as far as the eye can see.

    Round 26 Pulls



    Round 26 [Spring Festival]: 4* Chrom [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Sophia [+Def, -Res] || 3* Cherche [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gunter [+Def, -HP] || 3* Jagen [+Spd, -Def]

    Some of you more eagle-eyed readers may notice that there are no bunnies in this picture... I am actually somewhat ok with that fact.

    • First of all, this is a pretty good Chrom, if I do say so myself.  Thanks to the +HP, -Res version I got in my first couple of summons, I now have the option to run either a defensive or offensive spread, depending on the situation.
    • Unfortunately, this Sophia has to compete with a +Atk variant for a spot in my heart (and on my team), but I appreciate this one for not actively having a terrible nature.
    • Believe it or not, this may actually be the best Cherche I have gotten yet (my other options are either -Atk or -Spd), so I am pretty excited to get a somewhat passable one.
    • This nature somewhat kind of ok for Gunter as well... Tragically though, Neutral is still a little better, but the effort is much appreciated all the same.
    • And finally, we get to the highlight of this summoning session... Jagen?  I know, it's weird, but a) he's a new unit and b) my exhaustion addled mind seems to believe that Fury + a boon might be enough to make up for his slightly terrible speed and make something decent of him.

    Round 27 Pulls



    Round 27 [Spring Festival]: 3* Niles [+Def, -Atk] || 4* Corrin-M [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Gunter [+Atk, -Res] || 4* Beruka [+Res, -Spd] || 4* Fae [+Res, -Spd]

    This one also features no bunnies :(

    • Lol... To think that I was a tiny bit worried that I had wasted my time training neutral Niles.  Never change, Heroes :P:
    • I'm legitimately excited about using Corrin-M.  MOR units don't seem particularly amazing in this game on the whole, but every time I have run into Corrin, I've been screwed over due to overestimating his sheer averageness.  Plus I like the sound of Yato.
    • You know what is better than Neutral Gunter?  Well, +Atk, -Res.
    • I am also weirdly open to the idea of a +Res Beruka.  I'm not expecting amazing things out of her, but I am interested to see how that develops.
    • And finally, I'm not wild about that Fae.  +Res is really nice, but her spot in the meta is tenuous enough without being doubled by even more red swords...

    On the whole, I like these pulls well enough, but this just isn't a satisfying end to the spring banner... I may have to whale slightly :/


  3. It has been a few weeks, so I might as well update my totals/reformat the list for ease of use.

    Summoned 5* Units (11):

    • Marth (+HP, -Res)
    • Tiki-Young (+Res, -HP)
    • Nowi (+HP, -Res)
    • Cain (+HP, -Def)
    • Klein (+Spd, -HP)
    • Sheena (+Def, -HP)
    • Lucina (+Spd, -Res)
    • Hector (+HP, -Atk)
    • Priscilla (+Def, -Res)
    • Chrom-Bunny (+Atk, -Def)

    Promoted 5* Units (2):

    • Camilla (+Atk, -HP) [From 4*]
    • Sharena (Neutral) [From 2*]
  4. I cannot explain just how much this new stamina bar triggers me...

    I mean, I'm excited about the update and all that (especially pre-battle swapping and the sacred seals system, plus the upcoming Echoes foci), but would it have killed them to properly seperate the [xx/99] and [x:xx] components :P:?

  5. In the interest of actually posting before this thread reaches the end of its natural life (seriously, I still have 60 fracking pages to go through), I'll share my overall thoughts.

    On the whole, I had a blast with this gauntlet.  IS did a great job fixing a few particularly irksome issues with the first iteration: the feather rewards felt a good deal more balanced this time around while still maintaining their intended boost in the final round, and reseting the flag quests each round helped immensely improve the experience for those "burn through all your flags as soon as you get them" types (i.e., myself and a fair amount of the casual horde) without significantly lessening the effectiveness of hoarding or selective splurging.

    I also personally had more fun on the match-to-match grind for this gauntlet.  Part of this was due to backing one particularly enjoyable unit throughout the entire gauntlet (yes, I was a proud member of Camilla's legion) as opposed to switching from Elise -> Chrom -> Lucina.  A more significant factor was that this gauntlet seemed notably more diverse in terms of teammates.  Anyone who was on Team Chrom or Team Lucina last time can probably confirm my assertions, but roughly 40% of the time, I was stuck using mono-red sword teams (typically Lyn + Lucina + Lucina/Chrom) against an onslaught of blue forces, which is neither enjoyable nor particularly stimulating.  Contrast it with this time, where it never got any worse than 2x Camilla + Lucina, which at least offered slightly varied gameplay options.

    However, I had one particular issue with this gauntlet, one that the last gauntlet managed to avoid: outside of possibly Subaki v. Beruka, none of the matchups were particularly exciting to participate in/hear about.  I 100% understand I brought the former upon myself; for better or worse, Camilla rofl-stomped everyone in her path, and that is something we have to get accustomed to in future brackets (ex: Hector in an armors bracket, Tharja and Miciah in a mages bracket, and Ike in any bracket whatsoever).  However, I don't think I was out of line to hope that the other half of the gauntlet would have been more interesting... Except Minerva basically got floated through to the finals without a challenge, no offense intended to the people's champ, Subaki.  I personally think Cordelia v. Minerva would have at least been a teeny bit more exciting, but I guess an exclusively Fates bracket would be a bit redundant.

    Overall, I did pretty well for myself (I got 1711 total rank even with horrible time management and some flag spending inefficiencies) and had quite a lot of fun this go around, and here's hoping that the next bracket is a little more competitive (I need my Manakete v. Taguel/Laguz gauntlet soon, Nintendo).

  6. 1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    We didn't the last time and I'm sure we won't get them now! They want to starve people like you and force you to buy orbs instead of wait for the gauntlet ones.


    If I recall correctly, the last gauntlet almost perfectly lined up with the end of that main banner (to be exact, it ended at 12:00 am on 3/13 and the banner closed at 3:00 am on 3/14), so it was understandable that they couldn't roll out the orbs within a day.  Given the easter banner ends 4 days after the gauntlet, I would be slightly incredulous if the orbs don't show up by then.

  7. 1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    Stay strong, young one.

    You need not join the money feeders in their endeavors, free to players make up the majority of people who play this game. Be one of them!

    I shall try, oh wise one.

    I feel obligated to support the game at some point in the future, but today need not be that day...

    @Jave Congrats on the Bunny Mages!  It's a shame it took 40 smackaroos to acquire them, but there's no point regretting that now :^_^:

  8. So, I made another pull on Monday.  The fact that I completely forgot to do a write-up for this summon should give y'all an indication of how it was, but for the sake of completion and/or your viewing pleasure, here it is.

    Round 25 Pulls



    Round 25 [Spring Festival]: 3* Lissa [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Lissa [+Spd, -Def] || 3* Matthew [+Res, -HP] || 3* Henry [+HP, -Atk] || 4* Abel [+Spd, -Def]

    Ok, this summoning session was not terrible per say.  Two new units is always nice, and the natures were primarily decent-kinda good.  With that being said, however, it was pretty underwhelming, and no one likes underwhelming (especially not in the current f2p orb drought).

    • I will say that extra speed on Lissa can be kind of nice.  She starts off in a decidedly crap speed tier, so getting her up to 28 speed can be very helpful in this meta.  Unfortunately, it is not worth sacrificing defenses on a healer for that purpose, especially Lissa, since her bulk is borderline passable at neutral.  Still, Lissa is adorable, so I'm alright with inferior clones of her.
    • Matthew's resistance is too awful to salvage in the first place, so this nature is about as sub-par as they come.  I'll stick with Neutral, thank you very much.
    • Ooooooooo, I'm quite pleased with getting a Henry for my collection.  Tragically, Henry cannot afford to have a -Atk nature if he ever hopes to inflict damage, which makes this particular Henry about as useful as my -Atk Caeda.  At least Henry can live a hit from colorless and green units?
    • And then finally, I'm actually pretty happy with my first Abel.  30 speed is legitimately excellent for a brave weapon user, which will hopefully serve to balance out his slightly pitiful defensive spread.  I don't think he is quite as good as Sully at countering reds on the whole, but he has been working out decently thus far as a weaker player-turn nuke.

    I should be able to get one more guaranteed summon before the Spring banner ends (mayhaps two if the 10 billion points orbs actually arrive in a timely manner), so there is still a bit of a time to get lucky, i guess... I can still always shed my f2p ways, but I'm semi-confident that these easter units will be back in a year or so, so it is not particularly worth losing that particular badge of honor.

  9. Well, although this didn't go nearly as smoothly as Michalis, Hector/Nowi/Lucina/Camilla beat this on the third attempt.

    My team comp:

    • 5* Hector @ Lvl 40 (+HP, -Atk)
      • He was primarily used a) to bait and KO both of the Dagger users before they could cause any havoc and b) to lead the axe fighter away from Navarre so Nowi could do her thing.
    • 5* Nowi @ Lvl 40 (+HP, -Res)
      • As I implied in Hector's section, she was primarily here to handle Navarre, but Rally Defense did help Hector more comfortably handle the two daggers.
    • 5* Lucina @ Lvl 40 (+Spd, -Res)
      • She was primarily here to take out the axe fighter before he caught up to Hector, but it is possible that her Spur Attack simplified a KO or two.  I don't really want to crunch the numbers atm.
    • 5* Camilla @ Lvl 40 (+Atk, -HP)
      • In theory, she was supposed to clean up the healer/one of the daggers if things got dicey, but she ended up chilling on the sidelines for most of the battle.  It is possible she helped bait Navarre towards Nowi, but I wouldn't bet on it.  Still, we appreciate her moral support.

    And a brief run-down of the battle, because why not:

    Turn 1 was spent, as is standard practice at this point, on positioning.  Hector shifted right below the forest section (and danger), Nowi and Lucina moved themselves adjacent to our brave knight, and Camilla started staking out a good locale for the post battle picnic.

    On Turn 2, the assault began.  Hector moved up to the one forest tile that was solely in range of the two daggers, Nowi moved to his left to a) Rally Defense and b) be better situated to take on Navarre on the following turn, Lucina moved below Hector to provide Spur Atk, and Camilla started setting up the blanket and foodstuffs immediately to Nowi's left.  On the enemy phase, both Dagger's suicided into Hector leaving him at 23 HP.  The other units moved in for an assault of their own.



    Note: Camilla's positioning in this picture doesn't actually work, as Navarre moves himself towards her instead of moving down through the gap.

    By Turn 3, Camilla realized that she had made a horrible, horrible mistake...

    She had forgotten to actually bring any beverages for the picnic!  Slightly embarrassed, she started heading back to grab some from the nearest market (and shifted slightly out of Navarre's range).  Hector, having had his fill of combat for the day, quickly ran off to accompany her (and got out of the Axe wielder's range).  Nowi, realizing that someone needed to guard the food from ants and the like, shifted to Camilla's old spot, which ever so conveniently happened to be within solely Navarre's attacking range.  Lucina, feeling a little lonely in the forest, moved next to Nowi for some companionship (and a convenient Spur Atk boost).  During enemy phase, Navarre took a swing at Nowi, doing neglible damage and getting knocked below half health in return.  The healer did her damnedst to top Navarre off, leaving him at 28 HP.  Finally, the Axe wielder, realized that in the commotion of the previous turn, Hector had lost one of his boots.  Being a kind-hearted lad, he followed Hector, hoping to return his footwear to him before Hector injured himself further.



    I think I may have played it slightly differently during my initial attempt, as I'm fairly certain the axe fighter suicided onto Lucina during this turn, but meh, that's too much work.

    On Turn 4, Nowi, mistaking Navarre's ill intentions as playfulness, shot a tiny bolt of lightning his way... And promptly seared him to a crisp.  Hector, horrified at what had happened and not at all feeling like explaining the concept of death to Nowi, hurried to catch up with Camilla.  Lucina, recognizing that Nowi probably needed space right now, left to join Hector (and in doing so, shifted into the Axe fighter's range).    On the enemy phase, the Axe lad, still desperately pursuing Hector, accidentally bumped into Lucina on his way through the woods.  Considering the tension of the situation, both Lucina and the Axe unit were justifiably spooked, and swung wildly at one another - Lucina extended a little too far on her second strike, and nicked the poor boy's neck, ending his life then and there.  The healer, filled with impotent rage at the loss of another close friend of hers and frustration at the relative uselessness of the healing doctorate she had spent 10 years of her life working towards, shot some magic Lucina's way, leaving her at 19 HP.



    Note: The healer actually attacked Lucina first... But fuck it, that doesn't work as well for the pacing of the war story.

    As the sun rose on Turn 5, Lucina just sat there, staring at the innocent blood coating the falchion and shuddering gently.  Her entire life flickered before her in a brief moment: she thought of the horrors that she had seen (and performed) under Grima's reign, of the friends and family that were waiting for her back home and Ylisse, and even of her recent gauntlet victory, one of her proudest experiences.  As she thought of all that she and Nowi stood to lose were word of these accidents to get out, her eyes gradually narrowed and she steeled herself for what she knew was necessary.  As Hector and Nowi looked on in horror, Lucina strode slowly over to the sobbing healer - there would be no witnesses on this day...



    Rip Healer, 2017-2017.



    Finally, after a long morning spent establishing alibis and destroying the evidence as best as they knew how, Camilla finally returned with drinks, completely oblivious to what had transpired during her absence.  Lucina, Nowi, and Hector, realizing that some relaxation would do them some good, gathered at the picnic blanket for an afternoon of gaiety and cheer with their beloved friend.  As they slowly ate, they naively tried to forget the events of this day, but they realized that they would be haunted til the end of their days by the vengeful spirit of 4* Navarre (and 3* Navarre as well, but as they couldn't work out the complexities of the spirit realm, they chose to selectively ignore his presence).


    So yeah, that happened.

    On the whole, this GHB was not too particularly bad.  Taking care of the dagger units seems like priority number one, as their chip damage and debuffs can get seriously out of hand if left unchecked.  Other than that, it is pretty straightforward, though a way to separate the axe unit and Navarre simplifies matters immensely.

    It is a little early to tell if Navarre is any good as a unit, but he looks decent enough.

  10. 3 hours ago, Arcanite said:


    I'm just hoping that we don't go first round cause that would just seem unfair, to basically hand over the victory to team Camilla right off the bat. If team Minerva goes against Beruka or Cherche, we can hope you guys needlessly spend your flags while we saved ours for round 2. Here's for hoping!

    I agree wholeheartedly with the second half of your comment.  It would be quite a shame if one of the potentially strongest competitors in the gauntlet goes out with a whimper in round 1 (ala Shareena last time) due to poor seeding.  As plenty of people have been saying though, Cordelia is looking mighty scary for both of us, as she is nowhere near as controversial as best wyvern rider Camilla, while still having a fair bit more current relevancy than Minerva (rank 14 v rank 110 on the CYL poll).

    On an unrelated note, I'm mulling over who to place as my leading unit.  Klein seems like an obvious pick, but something tells me that archers will be pretty heavily counter-teamed in this gauntlet.  Mayhaps Lucina (red > green)/Young Tiki (magic red >> green)/Tharja (ranged magic red >>> green) might be better, assuming the Gauntlet separates out the Wyverns and the Pegasi until the finals.

  11. 6 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Other than Kagero being your worst nightmare, not really.  Hector might give you problems, though, since I don't know how well Tharja can tank a hit from him.

    Ok, that sounds workable.  I can always return to a more traditional team build if Kagero gets obnoxious, but this seems like a really good time to take Tharja on a test run.

    6 hours ago, Birdy said:

    Depending on the buffs and nature, she's somewhat likely to one-shot him. I'm talking from personal experience though, so I'll do some calculations.

    Edit: neutral Tharja goes from 39hp to 20hp and one rounds neutral Hector. She probably needs too many (3+) buffs to one-shot him though, I've been spoiled with +atk Tharja and Eirika buffs.

    My Tharja is a) only 4 Stars and b) +Spd, -Def, so she will take a significantly worse hit, but thank you for confirming that she will at least one-round him.


    Thanks for the help :):

  12. On 3/31/2017 at 5:10 PM, Arcanite said:

    It's not an "all signs" thing, she just doesn't count! Sorry if I crushed your dreams or anything but, you're gonna need the one and only original.

    You could join team Minerva if you don't have the original and want to side with a non-trollop ;)

    Oh no, I'm not too worried about it - Camilla'll be perfectly capable of crushing Minerva even without support from her bunny compatriot :P:.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Humbug said:

    Thank you!

    I probably won't be trying for flier emblem ("fun emblem" according to Swype, lol :) ), F2P and I don't have the right units. I'm mainly leveling her to have her in case she's ever need for a GHB or something similar, so I probably will not use her on my main team, might not even skill inherit on her for a long time (if ever).

    If we don't factor in SI, would +ATK stil be preferable due to her abysmal normal attack? (Sorry to keep asking, but I've read somewhere that SPD -in general- is the best boon?)

    Even without SI, I would argue for +Atk, as she doesn't benefit *that* much from additional speed (it lets her double neutral 33-35s, but that doesn't do any good if she can't deal damage in the first place), and it most definitely isn't worth reducing her ability to take special hits.

    Edit: eclipse said it way better, ignore this

  14. 3 hours ago, Lex- said:

    Ah, I see. Are they being added to regular summons after having a grand hero battle? I just got into the game recently, so I missed a lot of the hero battles. Hoping I didn't permanently miss out on those characters...

    It would really surprise me if the GHBs didn't get a second run sometime down the line, considering how supportive IS has been to new players thus far.  With that being said, it is not guaranteed.

  15. 6 hours ago, Skids said:

    Ty guys for translating the question and providing the answer to these twitter question.  Its been super helpful for us fire emblem fans who haven't play the older games they keep referencing.

    This x100.

    As someone who has only played Heroes and Awakening thus far (I'll probably grab one of FE7/FE8 on virtual console soon), this thread has been a lifesaver :)

  16. I really need to create a spreadsheet for my pulls, just for situations like this... Anyway, I have:

    • Eleven 5* [6.96%] (2 due to re-rolling, 1 due to promotion from 4*)
    • Fifty-three 4* [33.54%] (1 due to promotion from 3*, 3 due to promotion from 2*)
    • Sixty-seven 3* [42.41%] (3 due to promotion from 2*)
    • Fifteen 2* [9.49%]
    • Twelve 1* [7.59%]

    For a total of 158 units.  I haven't sent home/merged/skill-inherited any units yet, and to the best of my knowledge, the only free units I have missed thus far are the 3* GHB Narcian (because my team composition was awful and I was bad) and the 4* Android Corrin-F (because suck it, iOS users).

    If we are not counting repeats, I believe I have 74 unique units out of the 114 currently available [64.91%].  If I'm feeling bored, I might crunch the numbers for game of origin/color/weapon/movement type/gender/tier (for the skill inherit-less meta) as well :D:

  17. Ok, I am now up to eleven 5* units.

    Ten came from F2P summoning:

    • Marth [+HP, -Res] (re-rolled)
    • Tiki-Young [+Res, -HP] (re-rolled)
    • Nowi [+HP, -Res]
    • Cain [+HP, -Def]
    • Klein [+Spd, -HP]
    • Sheena [+Def, -HP]
    • Lucina [+Spd, -Res]
    • Hector [+HP, -Atk]
    • Priscilla [+Def, -Res]
    • Chrom-Bunny [+Atk, -Def]

    One was upgraded from 4*:

    • Camilla [+Atk, -HP]


  18. Hello again, friends.  As much as I was tempted to try once again for Ninian, the collector in me felt that devoting all my resources towards getting limited run units is the best use of orbs for the foreseeable future (plus, the Bunny costumes are uniquely adorable, especially on Xander)... Let's hope that this isn't the banner that destroys my F2P cred.  Anyway, thanks to a few days of hoarding + the Paralogue quests, I had enough for 3 summons:

    Round 22 Pulls



    Round 22 [Spring Festival]: 3* Gaius [+Spd, -Atk]  || 4* Seliph [+Res, -Spd]  || 3* Est [+Res, -Atk] || 3* Florina [+Atk, -HP] || 4* Sully [+Res, -HP]

    Blazing Shadows ended up being really heavy on repeats for me, so it is rather surreal seeing 3 new units in a single summoning session.

    • If there had to be one theme to today's summons, it was "really unfortunate -Atk natures on units that simply can't afford such an impediment"... Not exactly the catchiest refrain in the world, but it does fit.  Alas, this holds especially true for our dagger wielding friend Gaius, as the Rogue Dagger+ is only 7 mt to begin with, leaving him with a measly 34 (?) attack.  The extra speed is nice though, as he picks up doubles on the crowded 32-34 speed tier.
    • This is an... Interesting nature to have on a Seliph.  Not a particularly good one, mind you - +Res saves him from being KOed by Robin-M and Reinhardt from full health, which is cool I guess, but even with his lowly base speed, -Spd still is pretty bad for him.  Who knows though, mayhaps hands on experience will endear him to me?
    • Oh joy, another -Atk Est.  This isn't quite as good as my +Spd one, but she is better than nothing.
    • And on a similar note, I have this exact same Florina already.  +Atk does seem really nice on her, so I guess this is just further encouragement to train one of them up.
    • Finally, -HP stings a little on Sully, but it is nowhere near debilitating, and I'm still fairly excited to put her to use while I quietly long for Abel.

    Round 23 Pulls



    Round 23 [Spring Festival]: 4* Roy [+Spd, -HP]  || 4* Felicia [+Spd, - Atk]  || 4* Shanna [+Spd, -Atk] || 3* Donnel [+Res, -Def] || 3* Cherche [+Res, -Spd]

    If I had to pick a "bad" round of summons from my three today, this one would probably be the closest, as the repeats are underwhelming, but I'm fairly happy with the one new unit.

    • I'm kinda surprised it took this long to get our boy, considering everyone and their mother seemed to grab him during the first banner, but it is better late than never.  Using Hinata and Subaki has given me a whole new appreciation for the -adept line of skills/weapons, so I am very interested to see how that'll turn out on a properly offensive unit.  +Spd is also quite nice on him, as getting doubled by the 36 speed tier is a bit of a pain.
    • Speaking of debilitating -Atk natures though... Eugh.  On Felicia, +Spd is almost unnecessary, so my +HP, -Atk one is probably more useful on the whole, but I am interested in trying both of them out.
    • Likewise, Shanna is already borderline wimpy as is, she truly doesn't need a -Atk nature to add insult to injury.
    • Considering both of Donnel's defensive stats are equally terrible, this really doesn't make much of a difference one way or another.  Plus Donnel annoys me.
    • I'm not 100% sure if -Spd is worse than -Atk or vice-versa (I have had fairly poor luck with Cherche), but I'm happy to have extra of her either way.

    Round 24 Pulls




    Round 24 [Spring Festival]: 3* Virion [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Tharja [+Def, -Res] || 3* Palla [+HP, -Def)] || 5* Chrom-Bunny [+Atk, -Def] || 3* Arthur [+HP, -Def]

    One down, 3 to go... This is going to be a long banner.

    • Look at that, a -Atk Virion.  I guess even Virion's diehard supporters will argue that he is best used for utility purposes, so -Atk is not an immensely detrimental thing, but I'm still underwhelmed.
    • I'm always happy to get extra Tharja's, but there's really no competing with my +Spd one from a few pulls back.
    • Considering how much Ana talks up Palla, I'm kinda interested to see how she will turn out.  The nature isn't too bad either.
    • Ah yes, my bunny husbando has come home to me.  In all seriousness, +Atk seems pretty excellent on this particular Chrom variant, and as I'm not exactly swimming in excellent axe users and/or bonus units, I'll happily mess around with him.
    • And to end things off, a fairly neutral Arthur.  Coolio.

    On the whole, this has been an alright start to this focus banner.  Considering the metric ton of orbs I'm going to be pouring into this, I will take this as a promising sign of things to come.

    On 3/30/2017 at 3:12 AM, Liliesgrace said:

    So I used around half of the orbs I'd been saving yesterday and did 6 pulls. Three of those pulls ended up...interesting to say the least.

    And now I'm terrified I'll have no luck for this next banner, which I am in love with.

    It seems like this got lost under the stream of Spring Banner summons, but congrats on the pulls.  That is some seriously mind-boggling luck.

    EDIT: Hopefully the pictures should actually load now.

  19. Eugh... This banner reeks of limited-time availability, so there goes all of my saved up orbs.  Thankfully, the costumes are adorable (Xander especially) and I'm intrigued by our first magic flyer, so I'm not mournful at all about that.

    However, I hope we don't have these limited events too often (once per season sounds doable), so that my wallet has a chance to recover and recuperate.


    There's also a possibility they will add these characters to the 3*/4* pool for this focus as well...That would be great.

    - Lushen, Page 13

    Also this x10.  It would be slightly absurd if limited time gacha units were 5* exclusives, irregardless if whether that is normal for the genre or not.

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