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Posts posted by !Skydiver

  1. I did just fine with Marth(Lucina)+1, Julia, Ninian and Brave Lyn.
    Marth has HP+5, Renewal 2 and reciprocal aid. Ninian Has renewal too, it helps Marth in the task of healing the team.
    Julia has BoL 3 and Lancebreaker. Brave Lyn uses the default kit and BoL Sacred Seal.
    If possible I try to finish the enemies with Julia with the team aligned in a way where most of them can be healed.
    Already got the Distant Def Seal, so I'm done.

  2. As said before, the anti-burn-out system is what TT lacked. Something like a multiplier to the stamina cost/ reward points would be really cool as all that repetitive playthrough can be time-consuming and boring as hell.
    Random quests after you entered the mode that gives some help like +1 to all stats during one map on the easier stratum, maybe?
    I felt that starters were kind of left out this time.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Raguna said:

    Actually let me ask a hypothetical question since I'm curious as to how this unit would be evaluated. Let's take Lukas as an example since he hasn't been categorized yet. I'm not exactly a master in this area so correct me if he has a better build out there or I missed something.

    On the offensive side Lukas can have Brave Lance + with Deathblow 3 to simulate Effie with better movement. With an attack boon or hone attack he is capable of finishing off even Xander in one round and hold his own against most physical units even a good chunk of green axes. 

    While not currently considered. On a defensive build, he can keep his inherent Killer lance +  and Fortress while acquiring Quick Riposte 3 and Ignis where he could kill almost physical unit that outspeeds him (that isn't difficult) on the Ignis proc. He can even survive Cherche in her most aggressive builds which says something. 

    That said, he gets defeated by every mage except possibly Sophia and a Sanaki running TA in any build. Where exactly would he be categorized? I know this might be a pretty bad or barebones request for an explanation but I'm curious as to how it would work out or how he'd be evaluated.

    My bets would on Handy but I may be missing something.


    The purpose of Lucas is to be a physical wall and he does it very well. I would put him in a Handy classification too, as while good at his job, he doesn't have the same presence as someone like Reinhardt and he has a very significant weakness that isn't restricted to one color(mages overall can ruin his day).

    About the tier list, I think it's useful especially for beginners. If it turns out to be a Smogon like system, it would really be useful for everyone as it's necessary to point out checks/counters and good teammates. Open discussion could bring a lot of new ideas to the table and possibly cheap solutions to some of the most threatening enemies on the arena.

  4. My only complaint about the TT is that if an unit dies, it becomes an empty slot and basically if you get a bad matchup next round you're pretty much screwed.

    Currently at ~17k and running:


    TA2+ QR2 on both dragons, and Lancebreaker on Julia.

    My bane is that 48hp 44 res Felicia. Outside that, I only lose someone if i really mess the things up.

  5. 10 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

    How would you recommend I build her? Because with a Fury/QR build, the +Atk/-Spd performs better than the +HP/-Def and I haven't seen other builds for her.

    And now that I think of it, Tiki!A pulls off the Fury/QR build better anyway, so it would be interesting to build Tiki!Y a different way.


    It really depends on team composition. My core team consists of Y!tiki and Nowi ( triangle adept + quick riposte on both) and Julia. It works for me and I have lot's of fun (and easy arena wins). For most teams, it might not be the best build tough.
    The first step is to define what hole Tiki needs to fill. Mostly, she's a beefy unit that targets resistance.
    Neutral speed Y!Tiki with a +1 Speed seals doubles neutral Julia even without Fury.
    +Speed Julia usually runs Darting blow and is able to double and defeat -SPD/ Fury 3 /+1 speed seal Y!Tiki, unless Tiki runs GTomebreaker, but then she's unable to double +SPD Hector.
    I would take, the +HP one because these 2(Hector and Julia) are key units you expect Tiki to be facing. Don't underestimate Hector. He hits hard and if you're not able to 1RKO him things can go really wrong.
    I recommend the standard build:

    Weapon: Lightning Breath+
    A skill: Fury 3
    B skill: Quick Riposte/ G Tomebreaker
    C skill: Flexible.
    Assist: Reposition/Swap

    For A slot, Fury is pretty obvious. Protects you against some doubles and increases your bulk and killing potential.
    For B slot, G tomebreaker if you hate Nino and Julia. Quick riposte gives "universal coverage" and almost always mean that if you survive, your enemy is dead. The reason to use Quick Riposte on Young Tiki is that she doesn't get doubled by everything but doesn't double either. QR fixes that.
    Vantage seems nice in a 1/2 ranged unit but Tiki doesn't 1 shot anyone without running TA3, not a big deal on her.
    For C slot is up to you. Breath of life is a cool skill but I find it too situational in a Melee Unit. Right now I'm using Spur attack as it helps the teammates to 1HKO some key threats but almost anything works in that slot. Remember that same type hones don't stack (2 Hone Attack for example).
    For Special Attack, Moonbow/Bonfire. It depends on who you expect Tiki to be tanking, as sometimes Moonbow will be wasted in an already dead opponent.

    If you still want to keep the +attack one, just run someone with Hone or Rally speed and you should be fine.

  6. Azura and Young Tiki are my most used units.
    Julia and Nowi are seeing more use lately tough.

    Honorable mentions:
    Camilla - Was one of my most used units back then, now she's just sitting in the corner and casually see the light of the day.
    Lilina - My GHB Red mage.
    Elise - One of the best healers in the game. Always present when doing quests/maps.

  7. 8 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    I find it surprising that they haven't done something like that for Sacred Seals. The game even has a system of giving you feathers for duplicates but short of them purposely giving you duplicate quests, this shouldn't happen. Maybe they could make deathless 10th sanctum wins have a chance of dropping a chest.


    Yeah, but in the case of sacred seals, I think they are trying to make it in a way that almost everyone can get them. I believe that a lot of people just don't have that much time to spend trying to get content that is only obtainable via "luck".
    About the 10th stratum, it's just what we need to keep playing the 10th stratum instead of the 9th and 8th to grind SP.

  8. 1 orb a day seems fine to me if not a bit generous. But if it just stops and the in-game content stays the same I might quit.
    To me, the most fun part of the game is the arena. Being able to play arena using stamina would be my dream and the simple condition of only duels fought via Duel Crests would count in the winning streak and therefore in the rank, would make it viable.
    My biggest concern with the game is the lack of things to do. They have been trying to address this issue with the new maps, but once beaten I don't see myself replaying them again simply because there's no reason and also they're expensive. In this case, if there's nothing left to do, there's no reason to keep playing.

    Maybe they could implement a drop system that gives us a chance to drop an item after a foe is defeated or map cleared. Something like a treasure box that once opened can give us random prizes like feathers, sp points, orbs or weapons. At least it would give us the incentive to keep using all the stamina points, as it means that with some luck we can accelerate the pace of building/promoting characters.

  9. After pulling for Julia getting my streak broken by a 5* Peri, I gave up and decided not to pull on the mages banner anymore. But the gut feeling telling me to try one last time was strong and Julia even showed in the first training tower I entered.I toke this as a signal and listened to my heart:



    It feels so good!



  10. 2 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

    Saw a pretty neat Rogue Dagger+ Felicia build on reddit, though:


    I was just waiting for defensive skills to come by to theory craft something like that, but it looks like someone was much faster. It's just... wow!
    But as much as I would love to use Felicia, if I ever pull Celica, Distant Def will probably go to Y!Tiki for even more Quick Riposte Kills.

  11. So... No Julia for me. 5* Peri (+atk - hp) got in the way and I'm not summoning on this banner again. I have not been lucky with greens lately and after pulling 5 3* Cecilias in a row it's clear that Julia isn't coming home... Yet.


  12. Just a question, is there any 1RKO that Xander misses by not run Fury 3? At least to me, fury does a great job when you get doubled a lot as it can sometimes save you from a death in exchange for non-lethal damage. If the point of running fury is to stack with Hone Cavalry and not be doubled isn't speed+3 better as it has no recoil and possibly stretching Quick Riposte duration?

  13. As said before, if you have nothing better it makes no sense to bench a good unit due to their natures.
    But sometimes an extra point in speed or attack will dictate how the game goes. Some units are just annoying and not being able to ORKO and have to come with a super good strategy can be funny at times, but when you have to do this everytime it starts to upset. Due to skill inheritance, it's not relevant as before as most of the time "bad" natures just lock some units as being good instead of awesome.
    A good example is Lilina ( this applies to Sanaki as they have the same base attack), the only thing she does really well is wall green mages and one shot things.
    Let's take blade tome+, death blow build, +atk seal and hone attack buff. If she's +ATK, any variant of Hector will be one-shot (Even +res +3hp seal) and  +res fury 3 Lucina suffers the same fate, +RES Julia gets 1HKO too. If -ATK she wouldn't be able to Oneshot Lucina,Julia,+RES Ike and if Hector is +res/hp +3HP seal, Lilina dies. Of course, you could slap Triangle adept and Swordbreaker and call it a day but then, you would lose the chance to 1RKO Reinhardt in Player's Phase and overall do a good damage to most blue units.
    Lilina -ATK can be "good", but Lilina +ATK can be awesome!

  14. Getting Camilla and Lucina with my last remaining orbs was just awesome (on the first and princesses banners respectively).
    But overall the best moments of heroes to me happen in the arena when you're completely screwed and somehow manage to find a strategy to stay alive, like my 4* Olivia getting Reinhardt RKT today.

  15. 1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    For the record, Azura is my dancer of choice since she's way more good-looking, and doesn't have a bad case of pink eye like Ninian. Don't want that to spread to yer other units! XD



    Haha, thanks. I do prefer Azura too, but the red eyes on Ninian are attractive in my opinion <3

  16. 1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    For the record, Azura is my dancer of choice since she's way more good-looking, and doesn't have a bad case of pink eye like Ninian. Don't want that to spread to yer other units! XD



    Haha, thanks. I do prefer Azura too, but the red eyes on Ninian are attractive in my opinion <3

  17. And again, with my last 5 remaining orbs, I decided to do my last pull hoping to get Hector ( I'm sick of Beruka's and Arthur's) and got only blue and colorless.
    I picked a blue one and there it was, Ninian! I don't know how I should feel about it as I already have Azura and Y!Tiki is always on my team.
    Funnily enough, my Azura is +ATK -SPD while Ninian is +SPD -ATK.

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