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Posts posted by !Skydiver

  1. @TheNiddo

    Actually, this is a very nice idea.If you think that there's 3 relevant red mages and they all ORKO Camilla or gets really close, you could simply ignore them and do an Emerald Axe+ Distant Counter/Quick Riposte which ensures that she will kill any non red mage at distance, and every blue unit that dares to touch her regardless of speed. Of course you lose the ability to kill Lilina and Sanaki but their defenses are so low that any other hero can do the job, and Camilla couldn't touch Tharja anyway. On the other side it's super easy to maintain the Quick Riposte, when every blue unit hits 0 damage, and losing quick riposte for a dead Nino is a good trade in my opinion.
    Of course, pulling a Hector just to feed to Camilla is insane, but we can dream, right?

  2. 19 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    My only question there is what would that do better than a +Speed Minerva running the same skills? Minny has +1 Str and Spd over Camilla, a stronger Mt weapon, lower HP making it easier to hit Desperation's threshold, and Desperation itself is pretty redundant alongside Brave Axe already, isn't it? With Brave Axe lowering your default speed, you're gonna be 4x attacking even less than with Darting Blow 3-- Don't you want to run LaD with EITHER desperation or Brave Axe? I guess the question is, is there anything that Minerva can't kill with Hauteclere/LaD3/Desperation3 that Camilla can with Brave Axe and the other two skills? Or Cherche can't nuke harder with the same skills? I dunno man.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that the setup is bad at all, it's perfectly serviceable, but what I'm trying to nail down is what Camilla can do best over the other wyvern ladies (and Mike I guess)... As I said the nice thing about Camilla is that a lot of different sets CAN work well for her, so your set can totally work, but personally speaking I'm being really picky about capitalizing on her unique characteristics ehehe ;;

    Thinking on it more Killer Axe is probably not a great option either lol that's just a pitiful attempt to emulate Hauteclere, Brave Axe is probably instantly superior in that regard, but Cherche seems like a better Brave user since she has much higher attack and cares less about her speed being lower. I think Camilla has to take advantage of her speed in order to succeed to some degree. And since her Res is pretty good, I think getting rid of Brave does her a lot of favors since it'll let her tank magic way better without the nerf to her speed. 

    I agree. The only thing that Camilla can do that the other wyvern riders don't is tank magical damage reliably, and even so, Minerva can actually take some hits and never be doubled, she hits harder too. Sad as it is, Camilla isn't the best choice of green unit most of the time as she has limited contribution to the whole team. Actually, Camilla works well for me because i'm currently running a fury/desperation SPD Lucina(every variation of Takumi is doubled) and +ATK Azura with Sol. So i'm pretty much covered about lots of stuff, except blue.
    And also, to me the fun of this game is play with the characters we like, so... i'm kinda biased.

  3. Hello mates!
    I've been wondering what to do with Camilla, since as a brave axe user she's now completely outclassed by Cherche with Death Blow.
    While Cherche can one shot a lot of units ( including some red mages and Takumi(!)), Camilla fails to fullfill these tasks and sometimes leave a bad taste on the mouth when she can't ORKO some blues not named Effie.

    Well, looking at the stats, Camilla is a pretty balanced character with a somewhat good speed( excellent with darting blow) which is crippled by the brave weapon. So why not use her to destroy the things she's supposed to? Put an Emerald Axe and see how she takes 1 single digit damage from Linde, and 0 damage from robin and a lot of other blues . Mine for example is +Speed - Res, which means that with Darting Blow she doubles Sharena on player phase without Lancebreaker.

    For assist, i'm using Swap to tank the hits from blue units when my red unit is in danger or to advance units trought trees , but it really depends on preference.
    The C slot is the default Savage Blow, but depending on team composition some Hone/Fortify or Threaten could be more useful.

    The B Slot left me thinking a bit, because while Lancebreaker guarantees the ORKO even on Enemy Phase, G tomebreaker guarantees that you will not be doubled by nino and if you initiate the attack before she hits, nino's dead. There's also renewal that could be paired with Reciprocal Aid to heal allies, or Wings of Mercy for helping low health friends.

    On the ugly side, she dies to every fucking red existent on the game with a decent boon, and most green units will trouble her but not outright kill, so support from red units will be needed to finish the job. Also, with brave weapon she sometimes were able to finish some low health red units, but it's pretty situational.

    I tested this build with Emerald axe(non plus) and she did stupendous well clearing the path for Lucina's sweep on Arena. Also no brave weapon means +5 arena score.

    Emerald axe and Swap can be obtained from 3* Arthur, a common green pull. Emerald Axe+ is only 5* tough.

  4. Yesterday did a pull on the ninian banner and got 2 5* Karels with the same +atk -res boon/bane and a Roy who became food for M!Robin.

    Today i did another on michalis banner because, why not? Aaand... a 5* Catria +def -spd showed up. Is she usable or nah? 

    I think it's time to hoard orbs for the upcoming banners.

  5. Did lunatic mode with some trial and error using 5* Lilina,5* Camilla ( both lvl 40), lvl 38 4* Effie and lvl 23 3* Olivia with hone attack+1.

    In order Olivia,Lilina,Camilla, Effie.

    1st round
    Put effie on the corner and advance camilla trough the corridor.

    2nd round
    Lilina hit twice and ORKO the Armor guy, put effie backwards and olivia dancesEffie. Use Effie to Shovel Camilla who's now in reach of the north ninja. Camilla 1RKO the ninja. Ursula breaks the first wall, and cavalry pull her back.

    3nd round
    Put effie in front of the first breakable wall. And she take all hits. Red cavalry guy almost suicides.

    4th round

    Effie kills the cavalry. Put camilla next to effie. The ninja will attack effie and ursula will attack camilla.

    5th round
    Retreat Effie. Camilla kills Ursula.

    6th round

    Camilla kills second ninja.

    Super fun map.

  6. Recently i upgraded a +Res Lilina to 5* since i had no luck with reds and she either one shot things in arena or just leave them so badly wounded that i can finish them off even with a WTD character.

    First pull i've got a 4* +Atk - def lilina (Something i really was looking forward to). In the second pull, as i suspected, got my second *5 Elise(Not complaining).
    I forgot about the xenologue chapters and cleared them. Did a single summon thinking "better be a lucina" and.... BANG! A shiny 5* Lucina +spd - hp. Almost fainted.

    As i am a full F2P, i have nothing to complain about my luck in this game, since i also have other 7 pulled 5* characters including Camilla and Azura +ATK - SPD.

    Time to think of other team compositions besides dancing teams.

    I wish luck to you all too.

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