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Everything posted by Shiro

  1. your first team is your defense team it is always enabled and defense score only shows wins against enemies it never shows who you lose to.
  2. was it the one with 16 members in it? i have other fe chats if you want in. add me at ace1xx
  3. Yeah i just rechecked the wiki data. when i first looked at it it seemed like it was +1 atk and +1res -2 res but taht was a day after he was released and i never really bothered to check again
  4. Nvm just checked wiki again to double check I was wrong sorry xD
  5. chances are im not xDDD and i know how to calculate stats ;P ill have to hop on my phone to get a ss hold on.
  6. not a myth my ephriam has +1 atk and +1 res and -2 def not a myth. you can also get a full neutral unit as well and i use wiki to figure out my boons and banes
  7. julia can tank all the blue tome users with her insane attack and seeing how there are so many julias i see in arena i dont think the blue mages will pose a problem tbh
  8. a hacked team??? so if i put my lvl 1 team in my def team fights low level teams? ha XDDD i still think IS wants us to put our strongest teams so we dont exploit the system giving less competition. I normally fight 660 teams becuase that is the average points i normally get
  9. Not true i have fought in advanced battles vs a full lvl 1 team that gave 660 points before
  10. So basically all that money spent on +10 heroes and they cant get other skills on that hero?? you dream too much :) also what you said makes no sense at all really
  11. So basically screw over all the whales in the game is what you want lul too funny good sir!
  12. Sounds about right xD kinda what i am doing but taking my time maxing her
  13. I completely agree with this xD this map is much easier than narcian
  14. Does anyone else think Xander from fe conquest will be the next grand hero battle? According to text they hint that next battle will either be a blue mage or mounted unit and seeing the pattern I think it will be Xander. Any insights on this?
  15. Idk I feel like Robin f will excel in def and speed not really for her attacks unlike a mage like Julia who many use in the arena atm I think Robin f can outclass her stat wise as she will be able to tank hits and her ability will allow her to annual the enemies once charged I already have her 5* and I plan on using her very soon
  16. I would evolve this robin f if she is good
  17. Yeah i knew that i was just wondering how much it would cost and are there any strats regarding getting a certain hero to +10
  18. damn yeah cause ive spent 1k plus and still not even close to +10 not even a +5
  19. Does anyone know how the average orbs you would need to get a +10 hero?? ive seen a bunch of +10 in arena and I feel like im falling behind do they focus summon a certain color orb or what? and about how much would it cost on average?
  20. Exactly and im sure it is right seeing how they got the robin f right or could it be wrong??
  21. When it comes to grinding units sakura is my go to girl but my favorite healer is elise hands down as she is one of my favorite characters in conquest xD
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