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Everything posted by Rayofcannon

  1. Sorry for the repost What do you guys think of this young tiki build Assist: Reposition Skill A: Fury 3 Skill B: Quick Riptose/Vantage (pick one) Skill C: Hone Speed
  2. Im thinking of giving Young Tiki this build Fury 3 Quick Riptose Hone speed Reposition Bonfire Thoughts? and is there any other set you think is better
  3. How viable is hector in arena (aside from putting him in a defense team) and is pivot the best assist skill we can give him?
  4. Does anyone know how does Arena work now? do ratings still count in getting a higher score or do we need inherit alot of skills to get a higher score
  5. Ah i see, so does that mean if i want my Shareena to inherit a skill from a blue unit, i need x1.5 the sp required to unlock that blue unit's skill ?
  6. could someone translate this information i got from twitter 【スキル継承について①】 ・1人の英雄から一度に3つまでスキルを引き継げます ・継承したスキルは未習得状態になります ・継承したスキルを習得するには通常の1.5倍のSPが必要になります 【スキル継承について②】 なお、「ファルシオン」などの英雄専用の特別なスキルは引き継げません。 また、引き継ぎ先の英雄の武器種や移動タイプによってはスキルを引き継げない場合があります。
  7. Ah i see! thanks for the heads up, i feel somewhat better now :D
  8. :O That's news to me, i also heard there were something like "Ivs" just like in pokemon, there was a case where a Takumi had 47 attack and another Takumi had 41. i really hope they're fixed though :/
  9. My Roy's attack stat was 19 when i first got it, the picture will explain the rest. Has anyone else gotten horrible growths too .__.
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