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Posts posted by Fala

  1. Rp Academy: A place where beginners may build their skills as RPers so they don't make mistakes when they're playing against people who are much more experienced then they are and a place for veterans who are rusty because they stopped RPing because of IRL issues.

    RP Talk: A place where people may talk about RP ideas with other people so they can have critism before they're put into the main RP section.

    Combine the two or don't use these at all.

  2. SegaofJapanSonic Fans- These 'people' are the worst of the fandom, no doubts about it. This part of the fandom is mainly made of these annoying 13 year old children who do recolors and say that Sonic '06 is an awesome game and you have to get use to the bugs and glitches. If you say ANYTHING about how you don't like certain characters(Amy and post SA2 Shadow say 'hi') or some the games (Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic '06 I'm looking at you) they will bitch and moan like five-year olds and attack you because you suggested their 'perfect and flawless' series isn't so perfect. Then there are the elitists. They're even worse than the 13 year olds. Just take what I've said about the 13 year olds times it by five with a little bit of Chris Chan syndrome. Yes, I went there. And they have this ANNOYING line of thinking that I cannot get: If wasn't made in Japan then I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist. WTF!? And they want the comic to be EXACTLY like the games which is a dumbass idea in the first place. Don't bother reasoning with these people. Just stay away.

  3. Final Fantasy X: Techically my second RPG but I doubt a demo of FF8 would count. I love this game, pure and simple. It has without a doubt shaped me as a person and gave me my love of RPGs. I think if I didn't play it I'd be one of those annoying CoD hipsters. I shudder at the thought actually...

    Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - I know this game is only six years old but hear me out. Before I played this vacation in a CD I thought that only the games I played and liked were from Japan. And then this game came along and blew me away.

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