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Posts posted by Fala

  1. Mechanics that I want? Ok. Here I go.

    Branch Promotions: I LOVE this feature. A choice between two classes? Awesome. As long as BOTH are actually useful and not another class in 'guise like FE8 Mage Knights that were just Valkeries with a different name. And if I could get branching classes for lords... YESZ!

    Tiers: Introduced in Gaiden and Radiant Dawn. I loved this in Gaiden. When I heard this was in Radiant Dawn I have to admit I was excited for but when played it I thought they were doing it wrong.

    Supports: As much as I think FE4 is awesomesause this is much better.

  2. My planned LP's:

    Fire Red Omega - A Pokemon hack that has the least effort put in to it and yet the most awesome win in it.

    Final Fantasy V - Underrated, really... and GILGAMESH!!! Can't forget that. No Blue Magic Run.

    Fire Emblem 4 Inflation - Screw the balance! My favorite characters are badasses. Sub run.

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