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Everything posted by Hectorcopter

  1. 62,530 We should really go faster because at this rate we’ll never make it to even half of 802,701.
  2. I just now found out that Seliph is the OLDER cousin of Leif and it’s messing with my mind. I thought Leif was the older of the two this whole time!
  3. Despite the fact that I have not played Heroes in years and have no plans to go back to it, this time of year always makes me ecstatic without fail. I’ve seen a lot of different characters being campaigned for this year and it’s a lot of fun!
  4. Update: They sent me home. I might be going to a regular (more than once a week) group thing or something, but nothing is set in stone as of now.
  5. Long story short, I’m currently in the waiting room at a mental hospital (I think). I’ve been waiting for over an hour despite there not being many other people waiting, but the doctor might see me very soon thankfully. Anyways, depending on what happens, I might be away from my phone for a very long time meaning this would be my last message until I return home.
  6. Oh yeah. Al. Too bad it’s impossible to find any fanart or love for him due to his obscurity and generic name.
  7. Okay, but like… Why can’t we talk about something funny instead? Why racist bullshit?
  8. Not really. For whatever reason, whenever I see racist stuff, it gets stuck in my head and I need a LOT of effort to push it out.
  9. … I did not come in here to see triggering politically incorrect/racist content. Oh cool, another person that watches Jrose.
  10. I’m really stressed right now. Damn do I hate Winter.
  11. Surprisingly, you’re correct. It’s actually my gums that need cleaning because they have a lot of ‘deposits’. Anyways, I’m going to look more into that Valkyrie Profile game eventually and see if it’s something that I find interesting or not.
  12. I’m done, actually! There were two doctors and they were both really nice! Guess how many cavities I have.
  13. So much text and yet I understand almost nothing of what you just said. And I don’t like playing difficult games because I get stuck!
  14. I’m going to the dentist now… At least I’ve got my Ike plushie to keep me company… Anyways, since I probably be talking about, you know, games, I was thinking about what GBA and DS games I should buy next… But I should also probably finish Golden Sun 2 first. Decisions, decisions…
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