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Everything posted by Erren

  1. agreed, but we already have a lot of Sword FE Characters. Maybe Hector and Ephraim? all of this I can agree with. My next idea for a new character in Smash would be one of the characters from Phantasy Star, but its not likely because Sega doesn't want to release them to Western Audiences anymore.
  2. There won’t be any classes, of course. I’m going to add a skills chart once I return
  3. As stated, the weapons have been added
  4. Well, yeah, but let me say this: Frederick was an in game character and he was barely important. So was Lissa, Cordelia, Caeda...
  5. Well she could be a DLC or character replacement for Sanaki.
  6. No worries, I got that covered. Portraits are optional, but they would be nice.
  7. FE Warriors 2 should be taken place in a neighboring kingdom by Aytolis, and feature older characters and bosses, such as the Fire Dragon, Formotiis, and ofhers. characters that should be involved are as stated: Magvel: Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, Tana, Knoll, L’Arachel, Myrrh, Joshua (DLC), Garcia (DLC), Seth (DLC), Lyon (History Mode Unlockable), Valter (History Mode Unlockable), Syrene (History Mode Unlockable), Formotiis (Boss Only) Jugdral: Seliph, Julia, Shannan, Altena, Ced, Brian, Febail, Arion (History Mode Unlockable), Ares (History Mode Unlockable), Leif (History Mode Unlockable), Julius (DLC), Arvis (Boss/DLC), Ishtar (DLC), Manfroy (Boss Only) Tellius: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Soren, Titania, Mia, Nephenee, Edward (History Mode Unlockable), Sanaki/Mist (haven’t decided) (History Mode Unlockable), Caineghais (History Mode Unlockable), Black Knight (DLC/Boss), Sephiran (DLC), Shinon (DLC), Ashera (Boss Only) Valentia: Alm, Gray, Tobin, Mae, Boey, Genny, Conrad, Celica (History Mode Unlockable), Kliff (History Mode Unlockable), Mycen (History Mode Unlockable), Berkut (DLC/Boss), Delthea (DLC), Leon (DLC), Duma (Boss only) Elibe: Roy, Lillina, Klein, Fir, Clarine, Fae, Marcus, Eliwood (History Mode Unlockable), Hector (History Mode Unlockable), Lyn (History Mode Unlockable), Karel (DLC), Athos (DLC), Zephiel (DLC/Boss), Idoun (Boss Only)
  8. then how should I structure my Signup Sheet? You know you didn't have to.
  9. Noted, and will get to work on that straight away. Edit: I’m going to try and make it as understandable as possible.
  10. His wife had a kid before they married. Its the most logical answer.
  11. I’ll take note of that. and he has a son in law from marriage.
  12. Noted. I am currently making some improvements, and as I stated before with my edit, I need names. It takes time to create these kind of names
  13. Alright, check it out
  14. And I do have something, I just need help!
  15. See, I’m going to try and do that, but your projects are absolutely confusing, and I can’t tell what I can draw from them and how they can help me in the long run.
  16. Erren

    Help Needed

    This project is kinda dead RN. But I am working on another one with one from this project.
  17. My. FUCKING. GOD. Fine, but I actually HAVE been taken seriously on SF (Just on opposite parts of the site cause i'm not a loser who RPs all the damn time and I don't expect you to be one either), and I'm not going to let your dumb threats bring me down. I will restart this and it will be better than before, YOU'LL SEE. Everyone will. And when you say, heck look at mine, I EXPECT A LINK TO SHIT LIKE THAT And when I'm finished re-doing this, I would like some apologies and I'll hand some out myself (less than anyone wants.)
  18. See, I am trying, but for god sake, you don't have to slam me for doing shit at the bare minimum. It's a medieval setting. The emperor is a tough SOB, but is wise and knows his limits. His in law, on the other hand, is bat shit crazy, gory and thinks he's a damn god because he owns the throne. They own most of the known world, and they had to take it from monsters and ghouls to keep it. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Manaketes, etc.
  19. The Story: What I need to add: I have to add names for the empire, continent, weapons, government name, religion, ideology, etc. to make and keep it interesting for new, current and experienced Roleplayers. I also need to add some ideas that are relevant to the plot. Added: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. Nothing OP 2. Be respectful to one another 3. If you have anything to say out of character, put it in parenthesis and say OOC: 4. Try to have as much fun as you can ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet: Name (Your characters name, obviously) Gender (Dont want to be classified as genderless, right?) Age (this speaks for itself) From District (where your character lives. Put in an Outer Region if not from the empire) Choice of Weapon (do I have to explain? And you have to have a skill to have more than one type of weapon, or a promotion in class) Weapon Grade (Players who join from the start of the Roleplay have a Weapon grade of D. If joined later, they’ll start with a C Weapon in their inventory, but may have a better weapon grade. Every time you battle, it increases by 3 EXP by battle, and 6 EXP per battle win, and you must have 65 EXP to get a weapon grade level up) Stats: (Roll 2d20 for health, and 1d10 for other skills.) Skills (This should be pretty simple. Each player starts off with 128 Skill Points, and can put extra skill points for stat growth, but must have 30 points in a growth for it to increase. Some skills have tiers, and the higher in tier, the more it’ll cost. Each level up will get 10 extra skill points. I will discuss the skills when I can.) Level (Simple. Each player must reach 100 EXP to level up. You get more if you’re fighting/KO’ing a stronger foe, and less if fighting/KO’ing a weaker foe. Each battle gives off 3 LEXP points, and each battle victory gives 6 LEXP) Starting Equipment (There are also equipment points. A player starts with 128 Equipment Points, and equipment have tier system as stated: E - D - C - B - A - S, where E costs the lest, and S costs the most. Your weapon experience is the tier system. I will make a spreadsheet for this) Weapons: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_ikh65SssGSBMROj7ihXrR2Q_jYY-d-WW0MIC5fa0Mk/edit?usp=sharing Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JTpdmi7kOb_aILBmIvf2KSHBJSQgw2sPz3tnyAGt3uw/edit?usp=sharing
  20. I don't really mean for him to be OP. he's suppose to be weak, like he hasn't used a weapon before and hasn't truly discovered it for himself yet.
  21. Stats for Kota Level 4 HP: 28 Str: 12 Mag: 8 Skill: 5 Spd: 16 Def: 10 Res: 12 Lck: 7 Mov: 5
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