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Posts posted by Katrisa

  1. So I play a fair bit of League of Legends... the super trollish game that I hate but still get drawn to sometimes.  One of the few things I like about League is their sales model.  Sadly League is trying to move toward a semi gacha system themselves.  But it occurred to me how much Fire Emblem Heroes would have been with a purchase system like League.

    What do you guys think?  Would you have enjoyed Fire Emblem Heroes more if you had the ability to buy characters directly, and "skins"?   Likewise with skins to sell out to customers, given enough monetary value they could have evolved in a more true PvP system.  I could easily imagine having a pick/counterpick and live matchups against players.  No combined units and actual live PvP.  

    As much as I enjoy the game I get the feeling we're being asked to pay for a pretty and well designed slot machine.  Just my thoughts on something which has been creeping under my skin lately, whenever I start to think about spending money on this game.

  2. 14 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

    Managed to bump my score up to 4592 (+70ish points) by switching up my team from "Nino Emblem" to Tiki (Young), Eirika, Julia, Ephraim for the higher stat total. I was a little afraid of how the team would perform without song power and without the sheer synergy of the Nino team...but I ended up running into a lot of Effies, Hectors, and Sword Lords. I guess that makes sense, since a higher rated team is more likely to be running them, but since those three things are hard countered by Julia, Tiki, and Ephraim, it was just about as stomp-y as Nino. I'll see where the rank goes after the next update, currently sitting at 3760 from the old score of 4524.

    I hadn't thought about that before... Because I'm sporting a Hector on my team right now and two other 173 stat characters... I do end up fighting more tank compositions.  You may be accurate in pointing out if you use a team with a lower overall composition you would effectively avoid some tank or 10+ comps.

    And actually you may be even more accurate in the short future avoiding boosting your base points may be ideal for free to play/non-whales in order to avoid losses to hackers or mega whales.  Obviously if you can clear a 10+ stacked team you're going to get more points... but the odds of eating deaths in those situations seams way too high.  

    Honestly they should have never let such stat stacking take place... makes me grumpy.

  3. On 2/23/2017 at 10:42 PM, Elieson said:

    Imagines Close/Distant counter on literally everybody

    Initially this scared me... and then I remembered I'm all melee so basically everyone counter attacks me in the arena anyway.  I suspect this will benefit my current comp more than hurt them.  But I'm highly curious how it will work.  I'm expecting some game ruining combinations. 

  4. I overheard they will be expanding the XP range for killing lower level units.  Personally I find there is a notable bump around level 31+ where the training tower difficulty shoots up, XP gains shoot down, and Stamina required shoots up.  And at this hill level grinding is painful.  Likewise you have to put actual thought in leveling many characters at this point.  With this said its not functionally bad but due to the Stamina requirements it makes that period super frustrating.

  5. Its interesting because I would have thought my comp would have suffered more problems being I'm 100% physical attack right and 100% melee.  But I'm doing well and placing in the 1000-5000 tier.  Tanks usually aren't the problem since I can usually color counter them.  My issue right now is teams with 2+ ranged or x1 ranged and a singer along with bad terrain.   Since all melee + terrain difficulties = bigproblems.

    With this said I just drew a Nino with +HP and - Res (little disappointed with the stat draw but could have been -attack or speed so could be worse).  So I think I'll level her into my current comp.

  6. I was thinking today after some PvP about how unbearable four Hectors or four Takumi would be to fight.  As a number of folks have mentioned seeing four is highly unlikely (since the person would almost certainly stack them together).

    None the less the theory is a bit fun.

    So could your current team kill four Hectors?  What about four Takumi?


    Personally The answer is absolute no for Takumi and maybe for Hector.  My issue is haven't maxed out a singer AND I don't have a max level ranged unit.  Normally I dismantle Takumi or double Takumi by baiting them into my own Hector or oneshotting them with Cordelia.  I deal with Hector by color countering him (but I take too much damage to reasonably clear four of him).  I know I can kill three Hectors... but that last one would be really really close 

    What about your comp?  Could you deal with x4 of these nasties?

  7. Had another top score defense (I'm starting to think the defense score is based off team stats and a win).  But again its like only one this week.  I still need to shore up my defense team... but my last 5 draws were horrible... very few 4 stars and no 5... makes me cranky.

  8. On 2/22/2017 at 7:52 PM, eclipse said:

    Yo don't double post, even it's on the page break!

    Do you have any other examples of this, outside of Cordelia vs. Takumi?  I prefer screwing with my opponent's Speed, since it either gives me a second attack, or forces them to attack once.

    MB on the double post I was spastic and it was late.  I've seen high defense Robins for instance survive double attacks which sometimes makes my assault more difficult.  High Defense Lucina... hate her.  Usually when I'm fighting Lucina my blue is somewhere else dealing with a more urgent problem (usually baiting a Takumi).  So I typically have to force Lyn on Lucina.  If she's high defense it can make things painful on Lyn taking more damage than is ideal.

    I have all physically attackers right now so I really notice when units have higher defense than normal.

  9. Very nice analysis.  I've been putting thought into this as well.  I'm fairly happy with all of my own rolls.  But it does pose questions about what exactly do you want especially when you encounter well rolled units.

    One particular unit I HATE is Def+ and (Att/Res/Speed-)Takumi.  Because my Att+ Cordelia can't always oneshot him.  If I carry an Attack buff to him she can.

  10. I'm starting to think my problem is that I lack both a sing/dancer AND a ranged option (and that Hector is getting picked off by left over reds).  I think I'll have to finish leveling Tiki (counter) and Olivia and run a dragon comp + Hector and Sing.  

    I'm tempted to put Lisa back on my team until I have sing for Hector.  Her attack up buff was less predictable than Hectors slowass.

  11. 11 hours ago, BANRYU said:

    I thought Cordelia had a Brave Lance, though. Well the concept seems sound, since Brave is a bit more versatile than the RGB weapons, so could definitely still work that way. 

    Cordelia does have Brave lance... but she also has  Triangle Adept granting her the +20%+ to Red and -20% to Green.  Making her an alternate option to  Tsubaki in a Palla, Tsubaki, and Narcien for Ruby Sword/Emerald Axe/Sapphire Lance.  

    I'm leveling this group now and having silly fun.  Triangle adept/gem weapons are a great way to combat all kinds of problems.

  12. 1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

    I think this could actually work... Palla, Tsubaki, and Narcien all have the necessary gem weapons in question, so all you'd really need is a good anti-grey/archer unit like Robin or Kagero or something. 



    2 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

    ...You're talking about the Ruby Sword/Emerald Axe/Sapphire Lance thing, right? Because I thought you meant 'all Whitewings' at first.

    Exactly. From my experience in the arena my Sapphire lance flying character is devastating since mobility allows you to strategically split and bait.  And the 20% color advantage lets you tank a few hits from anything you have color advantage over.  In  Cordelia's case she can oneshot most non tank blues aswell.  But I figure if you're going to build an all flying team that seams viable.  I suspect it would be enough to take down a tank aswell given Palla and Narcien have damage ultimates.

  13. Thank, you're right about the dancer.  They still trip me up sometimes when I'm tired.  I saw someone do an all red team as their defense.  That was an interesting tactic (though failed on me since I had a triangle vs red character).  I am seeing that having unites who all have equal speed is likely very wise.  I'm considering right now trying to get all characters with counter skills or maybe Counter + Counter + Counter(Hector) + Sing and hope they sing Hector forward.  I've seen that work well sometimes as a defense as well.

  14. So I've started trying to come up with some Defense team theories.  I've personally pushed my way up to Tier 3 and I'm having trouble getting defense team "hits".  I've gotten high scores both of the last two weeks.  But last week I only had one score @260 points and no other win encounters.  I'm getting curious if my defense team is even being approached (Eirika is my front person at the moment) or if they're simply loosing.  My current theory is that with all four start on my team, my team should flag as Advanced... which probably means only fairly serious people are clicking on me.  Given that Cordelia is on my team, she's easy to bait being a flier and my team probably gets dismantled from there.

    Anyway because of the above theory I'm wondering what other options I have.  I could try to compose a better level 40 team... or I could maybe compose a well thought out lower level team.  Possibly in the 20-30s where people likely still trip up during arena battles.  It sounds very silly but I have a suspicion this may be a good way to get defense entries.

    Has anyone else tinkered much with Defense team composition and had any luck?  

  15. 30 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    The thing that weirds me out the most about the line-up is that they cut Alfonse and Sharena. Like, they're seriously going to cut out their main characters in favour of having completely empty slots? In the very least, they should have rotated in Anna.

    I thought this was really weird too.  I was SUPER lucky to have drawn someone from the new set.  But I feel bad for all the people who lack the shortlist this week.  With such a HUGE cast of characters they should always have at least 10 members offered as bonus options.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Galactaray said:

    Meh I understand the lack of stat totals in general to compensate for movement points similar to how Effie has a ridiculous stat total. I just believe that for the arena the should give flyers something like 10-20 extra points to compensate for it as there are few arena maps when the flight status truly helps. 

    Right I can understand stat totals being different but as you mentioned it makes little sense the stat total should benefit the arena score when using a tank vs a flyer.  I do understand the financial advantage of giving some bonus to merged heroes.  I think the rank system in general is going to just annoy the crap out of me pretty quick though. The system of 7 matches and counting deaths against a player is a great start... but their systems following this for points its horrible.

  17. I was doing some analysis of my Arena team now that I'm hitting 7 wins with no deaths.  And I've gotten a bit peeved at my analysis.  I'm not spending money on the game yet so to progress past 4500+ points I have to start looking at the stats on my direct team.  I currently have Eirka, Lyn, Cordelia and Hector all 5 star.  And I have Corrin and Olivia 4 star (and can 5 star one of them next week) Looking at their 5 star max stat totals (assuming middle for each stat) I get the following totals.

    Hero HP Attack Speed Defense Resist Total
    Corrin 41 40 34 34 21 170
    Olivia 36 43 33 27 26 165
    Eirika 42 42 35 26 28 173
    Lyn 37 44 37 26 29 173
    Cordelia 40 43 30 22 25 160
    Hector 52 52 24 37 19 184

    Glancing this over I'm realizing something very bitter... Cordelia is holding my score back a bit... but there is no way I can replace her right now as she is my HARD counter for so many things.  She goes on mad one shotting sprees without getting hurt all the time (facechecking anything red is fun).  And I bump her with Eirika to let her clobber some things Cordelia has not business poking at (quad hits are fun).

    Anyway.  My point ultimately is the ranking via your score really crushes some characters for arena "progression".  There's no reason a top notch flyer should carry a whopping 24 less points than a tank especially in your final score.  Likewise I was a bit surprised to find out Erika carried a fairly hefty score matching Lyn.  

    Has anyone else started looking into their team composition points and trying to figure out how to improve them without wrecking your clearing capacity (or just not having fun)?

  18. This is really funny to read.  I have Cordelia (with max attack) so I often prefer the split maps and mountains since I can fly over water and pick off  Takumi and other ranged units.  What bothers me are the hard corridor maps like the one with all the pillars and a few water tiles.  I get funneled hard on that map and have to very carefully bait to keep everyone alive.  Often times I use Eirika to buff from behind and then pivot over a damaged unit to block attacks on that stupid map.  Its always a nail biter.

    Ironically wide open maps can also give me a bit of trouble (the map with nothing but breakable walls.  As the enemy doesn't like to split up and will sometimes end up blobbed in the middle.. which usually ends with a death.

  19. I recorded my progress last week as I learned the ins and outs of the Meta:
    Offense ~ Rank
    3900 ~ 39,000
    4000 ~ 30,000
    4100 ~ 20,000
    4300 ~ 4,000
    4558 ~ 1,041 (Day 5)
    4558 ~ 1,380 (Day 7)
    This week I started off strong:
    Offense ~ Rank
    4325 ~ 4,595 (Day 1)
    4552 ~ 565  (Day 1)


  20. Thanks for posting this I laughed!  I'm working on prepping a Pegasus Knight group myself too.  I've got Cordelia to lead the charge aswell.  But I'm thinking of going with all triangle 20% bonus fliers to try and abuse matchups.

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