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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. "Welcome to FE! Enjoy going through these tutorials with this nice girl named Lyn and her companions!" Forgiving the audio quality of the GBA, it's an inviting track, unless you've played FE7 before and just want LM to be over- then it's an ugh. 8/10 Young Warriors from PoR
  2. On the Camuses thing, could we consider Part 3 Micaiah one? She does fight for a cause she doesn't exactly believe in, and like the original Camus, serves a weakling of a king. In her case, she's fairly devoted to her pathetic liege.
  3. Random thought- why do things only go as low as 3-Star rarity? Why no 1 or 2?
  4. Generally don't do multiplayer, but when I have Mario Kart 8 Wii Sports Resort Mario Party 4 or 5 Ever play Tales of Graces?
  5. Well Tiki had a dragonstone, and she was still in danger of going insane- though she was a child. It could be that Mila's dragonstone was more decorative and less of an actual power-containing dragonstone- she just likes having a magic orb to shoot things from.
  6. I'll throw in a concern of mine that even if we have more conversations, it be hard to fill them all with zest and excitement and some may come off as being filler packed with unappealing ordinary life. That said, maybe I'm overplaying the boisterousness of supports. And if we adapted ourselves to a more gradual approach, we'd be able to appreciate the whole and how the gradual changes gradually create a definitive change in the persons involved in the support.
  7. I've only played the DS version DQ5 (it was originally released on the SNES). It was the only one I could get my hands on, though I'd like to grab DQ4 when possible. I've also read DQ5 the favorite of the DQ franchise's founder. The game was good, the plot, while simple and packed with classic RPG cliches, is nonetheless quite touching, though I don't want to spoil why. I found most of the Party Chat dialogue once you made it to the final third (I took some time to wander around to all the cities despite not needing to) very endearing. On the gameplay side, it's extremely traditional, you buff, heal, and physically attack (because attack magic is garbage) in a turn-based format with no gimmicks whatsoever. DQ5 is noted for letting you tame wild monsters, and you'll need at least a couple good ones (a Slime Knight is a good choice) for the early part of the game- though you get enough humans later on to replace them if you want to, I did b/c Party Chat and the feel of having them around. You also get to pick a wife out of three choices, each with a different personality and combat leanings. From what I've heard, DQ as a whole from what I'm aware generally stays fairly conservative in its gameplay and stories, though they do make room for some change. 4-6 are considered a loosely connected trilogy by the way, and 1-3 are more directly connected too. DQ7 is supposed to be really, really slow to start, and features a bunch of isolated mini stories instead (though with some underlying connections). DQ6 I don't hear a lot of, but its class system was later refined in 7. DQ8 I'm sort of interested in, but I'll wait for a price drop and snag it used. 1-3 are fairly short and granddaddies of the JRPG- don't expect that much from them. DQ9's notable online element in the form of Grottos has been shut down. DQ10 is not available outside of Japan and is an MMORPG. As for grinding- I don't think it's all that much needed unless you want to go to 99, I finished DQ5 will my characters below 50 level-wise I think.
  8. F-Zero: Formula Zero. Theres this thing in reality called Formula One racing which involves the vehicles going really really fast, F-Zero is basically saying "we're cranking that up to a futuristic 11". Harvest Moon- name for a moon that falls in late summer or early autumn, around the time when a farmer is going to harvest their crops. It's just an artsy way of expressing the agrarianism of the games with their emphasis on farming. Baten Kaitos- Arabic meaning "belly of a whale" it's the name of star in the constellation Cetus. Outside of Anuenue (which uses Hawaiian names) and a few other locations like the Lesser Celestial River and Endmost Bethel, all the places in BK have stars for names. The game takes place in the sky, and the stars are in the heavens above that- it's all about being non-earthy.
  9. You call yourself an FE fan and don't have a 3DS by this point? While all magic sounds fun. I'll say go the way of the Axes- consider permitting yourself an exception for Henning if you choose to do this though. And be sure to hit Ilia instead of Sacae for sanity's sake.
  10. One of Micaiah's best lines by far. If Sothe weren't so Mic-centric, RD Sothe would certainly show up more frequently in Ike's romance discussions. In all seriousness, I like to say there is no definitive evidence or answer as to Soren being gay or not. In all relaxed jovial fun however, I must say that if we're talking about sharing Ike's kids, we can't stop with Soren and Sothe, Ranulf wants at least 3. Sephiran would also like to start over and be a father again, sure he's raised Sanaki, but she could never actually call him daddy. Zihark wants his allotment too. We also need to throw Aimee an Ike Jr. so she'll stop pestering him, which wouldn't even stop following her discovery of his orientation. Lethe might also like having one of Ike's seed to train as her own child given Ike's natural strength (born via a Beorc surrogate however- she's too prideful to give up her powers). Mia might like a Ike kid too for the same reasons. And Mist wouldn't mind raising a niece or nephew in addition to her brood with Boyd Rolf, and if Titania remains close to Mist, she'd be able to treat the kid as her own grandchild. No wonder Ike left Tellius, no amount of mercenary work could pay for all the child support. Though if Ike is as much a stud in other lands as he is in Tellius, there'd be no end of it for him.
  11. I was thinking on the possibility of an open world FE, and I've been also contemplating the squad idea of Emblem Saga- the game that mutated into the more mechanically traditional TearRing Saga. Rereading the details of Emblem Saga and its team system, I've realized it'd be perfect for an open world FE! Emblem Saga's teams were supposed to be you dividing your characters into units of up to 8 units that could be moved independently of each other on a world map. There was a fair amount of detail offered on this, such as your characters' attributes being affected by various forms of training you could put them through. Each squad was to have its own separate funds- like with all PCs in Genealogy, (though I think they could balance this a little more via banking for transferring gold between squads). Fatigue too was to feature. And, you could even affect the plot by deciding what squad does what. Emblem Saga seems to have been an open world FE, save for the fact it never got made. I do see more room for more elaboration. So here are my additions: One, would be to make Squad Leaders give bonuses to their squad- passive bonuses and or command boosts like AW's CO Powers. Either Squad Leaders can only be certain designated characters, or the more flexible thing to do would be to give certain characters superior/unique Squad Leader abilities- partly to compensate for other, undesirable aspects of them (poor stats/growths, bad class, etc.). A second would be to add a small element of support-building to Squads. Basically, by having your squad fight together, the members gain "group cohesion" points, which either strengthen the bonuses offered by Squad Leaders, and or provide a small passive boost in themselves. If you remove, add, or swap out a character from/to/in a squad "group cohesion" will decline due to you interrupting the composition of the squad. Even if you immediately swap a character back in or out, the cohesion will still have taken a hit. This would be done to encourage keeping your squads' members consistent, but it shouldn't be so powerful as to discourage changing them up completely. I wouldn't enable supports between all squad members- too much writing and it'd be too generic- limit supports to those whom individuals have real connections with. Related to "group cohesion" would be Acclaim- Renown at the scale of the Squad. By doing various things, a Squad will build Acclaim, which could lower item prices slightly, give a chance of getting free items from villagers, or provide other beneficial effects. Like with "group cohesion", constantly swapping members of a Squad will hurt its Acclaim- as how could the people revere a group whose individual members are always in flux? For story battles, accessing them may have some requirement. The most obvious would be to make it so at least one squad (assuming you could bring more than 1 so you could field more than 8 units), must have the MC in it. However, to expand replayability and add choices, make it so, for instance, that we have one "battle" but there are three directions to approach it from, and depending on the direction chosen, and whether you choose to send separate squads to cover more than one direction, affects the outcome. A similar thing would be to have two enemies attacking at once from places spread far apart on the map, and the outcome changes whether you go to both, or who you send to each. If you send the MC to one battle, while an important non-Lord PC leads a squad at the second, the outcome will be different than had you sent the MC and the other character to the opposite places. From Berwick Saga, I'd like EX Chapters to return- optional battles you unlock via strengthening, support building, or event-engaging with certain characters. I'd love the concept even without an open world, but in an open world scenario it would let you have such battles without needing the lord present or justifying their coming.
  12. This is prettyyy late a response, but no, though it doesn't sound that bad. Eirika's route or Ephraim's? Use whatever criteria you want: gameplay, overall feel, Lyon's depiction, etc..
  13. I don't see Soren (or Ike for different reasons) drinking. Branded are very much discriminated against, and being drunk could lead one to let their guard down and expose the Brand, which could then ruin their lives. Stefan I could see having a cup of desert sake (if such a thing exists) in the company of his unseen village friends, but that's only because it'd be safe to do so. I think a fair question would be whether Catria-Cordelia-Palla-Faye-Caeldori would result in the individual members of the group being better off knowing there are others like them, or only serve to magnify their unrequited misery (remember- Hardin got possessed because of unrequited love). Pelleas and Canas would nerd out on dark magic studies together, with Knoll and Salem being the somber ones in the group, Raigh the youthful one, and Lyon the royal patron and official leader. Henry would pop in one in a while, Rhajat and Tharja would never join in (hexes are anathema to what the aforementioned menfolk seek)- though I could see the former being taken in as a pupil of Niime. Leo would possibly join as well, Nyx would possibly be interested in the findings of the group insofar as they might help her, and Pent would surely be fascinated with every bit of research to come out of this dark magic society.
  14. I'd consider 3-11 more of a liability chapter (and possibly 1-F with its reinforcements near your starting position)- Leanne joins mid-flight in a slightly risky starting position, and she can't take more than one catapult hit without dying. In 4-1 there aren't that many Falcoknights (and if one surprises you- it'll be on an early turn so you can reset with little lost- as only one shows up as a reinforcement), and the reinforcements that get inside the campsite area aren't same-turn ones, nor that many. On top of this, you wouldn't even know enemies would teleport in if you haven't played the map before. You can choke the rest with of the map with little difficulty.
  15. Generally a good idea I'd like to see return, but do expand who can use them. If restricting PC access to them was a good idea, it wasn't a good idea to make all of said units the royals + Corrin and Azura and their kids, already all pretty amazing. As for how they were executed: Conquest- generally they worked quite well and were strategic, though the Wind Tribe is an exception where their gimmick went too far. The two CQ child paralogues which used them- Percy's and Siegbert's, used them well and okay respectively. Birthright- they're largely forgettable and unnecessary here (aka nonstrategic), serving only to make things slightly easier most of the time, when they aren't necessary or exclusively benefit the enemy (lava chapter, Camilla 2). Revelation- like Birthright, but arguably worse.
  16. That little building with the Archer seemed like just random and bad map design to me, but in 3D it looks like a fine pavilion, if utility-wise useless. I noticed you dashed a little with Desaix, so that works, but I noticed that you never attacked. Glitchy or impossible I assume?
  17. Lives in a Canadian province where they serve horse meat, as a (lean) delicacy though.
  18. Isn't Act 6 of SoV of questionable canonicity? Grima's origins isn't, and maybe Furia Port too. But Alm and Celica going to Archanea is of debatable veracity, and at the very least they wouldn't have brought the Falchion- it's stuck under the sea in Ga- I mean stuck in Duma's skull under Valentia.
  19. Invisible Celica? Maybe she didn't actually do what Jedah asked her to, it was all a ruse. She actually ran off and then stalked Alm the entire time. She didn't tell him because she wanted to be "rescued", but without actually being in danger. Plus it let her see him with his guard down, and ensure he wasn't falling for, as she puts it, "that wench Faye". Being on topic, the temple's exterior looks nice and clean and the Greco-Roman design works, particularly at a distance. The rampart-filled room where all those Arcanists appear reminds me of Skyward Sword and the Sealed Temple.
  20. Might have 3 days or less to live. *Starts whistling the Clock Town theme*
  21. Might have 3 days or less to live. *Starts whistling the Clock Town theme*
  22. The series wasn't born with the Weapon Triangle, and in a number of games it could be fairly unimportant, and thus nonstrategic. While I don't see the triangle disappearing any day soon, I will say IS shouldn't be afraid to go without it and take advantage of the opening it makes in experimenting with new weapon types and other forms of integrating strategy.
  23. I ask for Merric, that is all really. I want to keep my expectations low. Just give me Merric and let me Excalibur the world with him! Please don't give me the modern Merric knockoffs that are Ricken and Hayato- it'd just make it worse.
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