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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You mean his Roy surrogate- his heart forever belongs to Lowen, just as Roy's does to Wolt. Also, at a mere 30 uses, no wonder he only sired Roy. I have my doubts Roy will even be able to get a kid. And I think I understand why Eliwood couldn't fight in Binding, in old age his legs had grown too weak to walk around with so much weight between them that even 3 Body Rings and a horse can't mitigate it. Wrong! Lyn faded out of history when she accepted the quiet love of Rath. Hector had to conceal that he stole the sacred maidenhood of a certain cleric, hence Lilina's mother not being known (though she was lied to growing up).
  2. Einherjars don't really count as hero vs. hero battles. The Einherjars are illusions stored in cards that take the form of ancient heroes and have just a fragmental impression of their supposed personality- there is no way they could be as powerful as the chars they're based on. Look at how easily Einherjar Eirika is manipulated in Heroes of Yore 2. Real Ike vs. real Chrom would be much different. Who'd emerge supreme, who knows? And gameplay is not the same as story or reflective of it- until the day when Franz says to Seth, "I hope I can be like you someday", and then Seth responds "look at our growths and bases and compare our 20/20 averages- you'll never surpass me if we both fight- so give up that aspiration". (That translated Raigh-Hugh support counts for nothing until the Japanese is examined).
  3. My attempt at writing some world building for SoV. I'm not sure if I break with anything directly stated in SoV, but I tried to stay in line with the world built in SoV. Some of my numbers might not line up perfectly with each other due to there being so many of them. At times this is a little randomly organized and repetitive, but I hope it's decent. I'll add more later, like a history of the Rigel and Zofian monarchies and some overview of economics, all of which should flesh out the Silver Age you otherwise find me lacking details on. Some general introductory remarks: Explaining the Division of Valentian History Under the Dragon Gods into Three "Ages" The Golden Age: The Silver Age and Bronze Age: Conclusion to the Ages and a Postscript on Witches:
  4. Can't read what it says, but Guan Yu + Yuan Shao + Cao Cao = vs. Dong Zhuo at Hulao Pass right? Then where was Lu Bu and Diaochan? They've already been revealed. Hope Dong Zhuo looks a little less comical this time by the way. It's hard to tell whether it's just being in the big bright game or if Cao Cao (and Yuan Shao?) lack his facial art in the official artwork. If Cao Cao lacks it, he doesn't really do much after declaring himself King of Wei, so I'm expecting the regnal facial hair to come sooner- how about he rips it if Yuan Shao after Guandu? It's the zenith of his unstoppable glory before his nadir of lanterns being floated down a river.
  5. I disagree. All those weak enemies are there for BEXP's sake. You'll have an easier time slaying them all, and their weakness lets you train the Crimean Royal Knights easily. However, killing them reduces your BEXP reward at the end, which is a great incentive to be a pacifist if you don't plan on using any of the CRK in the long run. You can set the Allied units to not attack by the way, so there goes the tedium of them. And map is thematically well-done too. You cannot seriously say that things like Validar's final battle are better designed than Geoffrey's Charge. It's 2-1 and Nephenee's bases which is the real problem map of Part 2. As for my dreaded maps, Conquest Wind Tribe is the worst for me. The ninja and kitsune chapters can be safely tanked- not so with Windlandia. Revelation is bad map after bad map with the only question being "how quickly can I bring this particular ugh-fest to an end?". BR's problem is it's lategame maps being just big wave after big wave of the same strong foes, and several of the midgame chapters are the same thing, except with enemies that hit like mini marshmallows that have been soaking in a nice hot chocolate bath. In FE7, it's not so much any given map, as it is the very restricted deployment slots on pretty much every chapter on Hard Mode. Though I will say the desert chapter here is very annoying if you're aiming for Ranks, the treasure, and Genesis access. FE8 has no real atrocious battles (outside of maybe the Phantom Backstab), nor does FE9, but I do find the whole of C17 to be an eyesore visually.
  6. Random thought- you know how many FE chars (and weapons) have their names derived from mythos, history and the like? Well what if everyone was suddenly like what their mythological basis were? Some instances: Bors- the third holiest knight in the world, also chaste (which is dirtier than he probably is in FE6). Close friends with Perceval- the second holiest knight and now a virgin. Xander/Marx- the former turns him into a world conqueror who dies young. The latter makes him into a social revolutionary interested in liberating Hoshidan peasants from their feudal society, though in old age he grows bitter with whats become of the movement he started. Pelleas- comes to the Senate's side without need of the Blood Contract, just so he can steal the Ettard from Ike and sate his undying love for the sword. Loptyr (in possession of Julius)- stays evil, but becomes very trolly in his antics.
  7. Honestly the Musou franchise wouldn't make for half-bad cheesy explosion packed action flicks. Not saying it'd turn out well, vg movies don't, but I think it'd be less botched when turned into a movie than other vg franchises/series.
  8. The opening is very good, light but serious; the descent into electric guitar later adds the sense of desperation. The track is a bit torn between these two halves though. 7.3/10 Tarm Ruins from The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
  9. Martyr narrative? Martyr to what? "Traditional" anti-post Awakening gameplay, story and characters? Contrariwise, one could spin a narrative of "its sales were crap we must move on and embrace modern FE!" As long as Nintendo broke even and made a little profit and will continue to make remakes of the older games, I'm fine.
  10. For Jedah, you can only hurt him every 4th time he is engaged/engages in combat (not hit- doubling doesn't count as 2 nullified attacks). So think of it like this: pick 3 units who can survive Jedah's attacks and who you don't want to kill him with. Then pick a fourth unit and have them deal as much damage to Jedah as you can possibly get them to do, ideally kill him. If they don't kill Jedah, try on the same turn, or the next if you need to, by picking another 3 units to tank his attacks and then finish him with another unit. Invoke from Silque or Jenny might help- their Illusions count for attacks that Jedah has nullified. So if 2 of them attack Jedah on the enemy phase and he attacks one of them in return, he'll be open to being damaged on your next attack. Killing Jedah won't wipe out the Mogalls he's summoned, but it'll make dealing with the rest much easier. All you have to do is physically tank them while gradually chipping away at their numbers as you approach the idea of Duma's range and then turn to taking out those dang witches. If someone rather unimportant to your overall strategy dies in this battle- you can always revive them in the postgame if you still have resurrection spring uses left.
  11. So very much agreed- it's pathetic they thought this was worth polling us on. But on the other hand, KT/IS/Ninty have been so restrictive in what they have offered to us so far that this still constitutes something of note for us.
  12. Cliched, but true. That is generally how it works out. Admitting one is absolutely stronger than the other is something which couldn't ever be permitted.
  13. You're in a tough situation. But try getting Tatiana some kills mid fight to get her to level 4 for Fortify- those Mogalls can be slain with Seraphim without too much difficulty. Mind you Upheaval can't actually kill anyone. How many Turnwheel uses do you have left? Use them as you need to. Did you bring Silque and does she have her Invoke? Do you have access to Rescue? Dread Fighters? Falcoknights? Snipers/Bow Knights? From what l can tell you, take out the guys behind Alm's forces at the start using as few units as you can get away with. Then move on and take out Jedah bring the Mogalls under control and stay out of Duma's range at all costs. Then try to bait out the Witch sisters. After all this, Gharn can be ignored (or you can bait Duma away from him), but if you want to kill him Warp+Rescue is ideal, though Silque's Invoke or a human Dread Fighter/Celica (she can be durable enough with a Shield I think vs. Duma and the Mogalls) + Physic to heal them might be able to work. When it's just Duma and maybe a few Mogalls left, just have Alm with the Falchion constantly attacking Duma, being healed from afar when necessary. Eventually Duma will fall this way.
  14. Haven't played Shadow in years, but I do recall disliking how enemies you're "allied" with would still attack you and that'd you'd have to destroy them sometimes to advance (mostly because this negatively impacts your score and thus rank). Though I know that with the ability to switch allegiances at any time would have made non-aggression broken. The base idea of routes wasn't bad for Shadow, but it was as you point out very flawed. Perhaps it'd have been better if you had to pick one of the five "branches", and be stuck playing that entire branch, but the sum total of your heroic/chaotic/neutral actions would affect what the ending outcome of that branch would be. Likewise, how you ended the one mission would affect your entrance on the next- e.g. side with Sonic on one mission, and you'll enter the next displaying an interest in helping the heroes as the opening flavor text, whereas had you helped Black Doom, you'd have flavor text showing your interest in helping him.
  15. Part 4 pre-Tower is a little filler-ish. Not totally so, but adding another chapter to each group, though desirable from a gameplay perspective, I'm not so sure of it working in plot. Sanaki and Micaiah could spend the new Dawn Army chapter realizing they're sisters, but what could the Greil and Hawk Armies get? We could've used a clash in Sienne though- it was a terrible shame not having that. Agreed, while Part 2 might proceed a little too fast, it is very well written. Sure, the idea of Ludveck's lackeys going around recruiting and speaking his name out in open is a little off, so was letting Lucia investigate him, and Ludveck could've used an named ally or two (who he'd throw under the bus), and then there was the Ike spotlight steal at the end. But despite all these flaws, Part 2 was still a solid short story and messing with it could ruin this.
  16. Grannvale or Begnion indeed. Grannvale did succeed in occupying all but Verdane, northernmost Silesse, and the Kingdom of Thracia for over ten years. Although the only fighting that Grannvale did to win get the ability to occupy was in Issach, Miletos, and (kinda) Silesse- Agustria were done by Sigurd (who doesn't count being the hero), Arvis's betrayal helped contribute to the fall of Silesse (right?), and the conquest of the Manster District included help from Travant. As for the old Loptyr Empire- I wish we knew more about it how exactly it governed Jugdral- that is a lot of territory. Military governors, corruption of local rulers, and tribute tours (complete with child harvests)? Begnion, which has existed far longer than Grannvale, is probably the strongest country given it's long historical record of being predominant (yay world building!). Sure it's lost territories again and again over the centuries- but to be fair an empire based in Sienne is bound to have tenuous control over lands as distant as Crimea. Begnion is still the strongest by far at the start of RD, and Ashnard refused to attack in PoR in fear of its power. Begnion probably does decline post-RD with Stefan turning what is presumably the Grann Desert into a strong independent country, and the return of Serenes to the Bird Laguz. Not to mention I could see the Flaguerre-Mugill region being ceded due to it's remote location, and that the Telgam region (the Sestohl plains?) would be lost as well (though empires like the Ottoman, and a state like modern Croatia means it might be able survive). Even so, Begnion's eventual and gradual decline would be pretty realistic and not at all a real criticism of it in PoR or RD inter-FE in terms of power. Valm basically grew from nothing overnight it seems, not bad, but utter dependency on a lone strong, charismatic individual evokes images not just of Alexander the Great, but also Genghis/Chingghis Khan, and that didn't last very long. Dolhr just sits back and watches Marth destroy it bit by bit the entire game- I loathe such passiveness in an enemy- it's soooo unrealistic. Not to mention if you check enemy army names- like 60% of the time it's Grust, not Dolhr (or other groups). Even if Graddy boy (Camus) couldn't kill Medeus, he at least had enough cannon fodder to take out all the lackies. Not to mention Michalis would possibly help- which would let Camzam V. Branstein stab right at the heart of his foe since Macedon borders Dolhr. Grado's offense is quickly blunted by Frelia offscreen, and then Ephraim just trashes it onscreen. Though to be fair, Grado was just a pawn in the DK/Lyon's hand- its only use was to last long enough for all the Sacred Stones to get smashed/the DK resurrected. As for Archanea under Marth's lineage and Valm under Alm's- both shouldn't be taken seriously at all. They're mythologized empires made by the heroes at the end for an overly happy ending. How does one reconcile Zofia and Rigel, or all of Archanea's many little countries? Heck I don't even get how Rigel is one country- the mountains seem to divide it in half with no easy means of traversing between the two parts, and we see nothing of Rudolf's standard Rigelian army in East Rigel- only Jedah's Duma Faithful.
  17. You don't really need a thief for chest opening after Legault's joining chapter- a Secret Shop there and another in Rath's re-recruitment chapter sell 5 use Chest Keys- buy 2-3 of them (they're 1500 each) and you'll be good on the chest opening front- the few doors in the way can be opened by enemy thieves. Stealing, the desert chapter item finding and increased vision in Fog of War- yes, but chests not so much. The benefit of using Chest Keys over thieves is that it frees up a unit slot if you care about that.
  18. Radically altering the structure and story of RD would be quite controversial, as would radically altering any game in a remake. Adding pre-3-6 post-1-F fights to the DB would require a new foe- as the Begnion Occupation Army is gone by that point, and who would that foe be? The only alternative would be to integrate what would basically be a "Peace in Daein" VN segment. I wouldn't be against it, nor really for it, provided it was optional and skippable. As for fights post-3-6 and before the end of P3, maybe one or two fights where Daein tries to pass through Crimea to unite with their Begnion "allies" in Gallia, but which Crimea rejects through force. This could also make a little more room to Elincia if we wanted that. I wouldn't mind a hypothetical alternate ending path to P3. One where the chaos doesn't hit the limit and Ike and Miccy team up and defeat the Senate.
  19. I think the problem here is that it is effective on both armors and horses. Would they neuter it or possibly toss out the effective damage bonuses completely for some other effect? If they kept the double effective bonuses and the weapon remained locked to Caeda, I guess it'd be balanced. You can't predict much with Heroes so far. Any char may get added and anyone left out (even if they're important or their absence leaves a group unfinished- my points- Nergal and Kliff), and any weapon may be ignored or left totally divorced from it's actual base game effects. Have no hopes about what the future holds for Heroes I say. Relish the moment and ketchup on the latest developments, but never mustard a thought about what comes next.
  20. They did almost cut Jiggs didn't they? Though they did back down from it. Mac at least had the Wii Punch Out game kinda going for him when Smash 4 came out, Issac doesn't have even that. And he isn't from the NES/G&W era either- so he doesn't fit the profile for a "Retroite" char exactly either. Though throw in AW's Andy (summoning AW units with every attack) and Nintendo could try carving a new non-NES Retroite niche out. I wouldn't mind a Zhou Yu (with Yukimura Sanada as an alternate skin) as a little Ninty gift for KT's work with HW and FEW- the two are the pretty boy mascots for DW/SW, and they share a unique to Smash weapon type (Spear/Halberd). Add a Cao Cao/Nobunaga Oda Assist Trophy for more of both DW and SW coverage. I think the Zelda series could use a "revolving flavor character of the month" so we can get the first expansion to the LoZ roster since Melee, or just give us Impa to complete the eternally reoccurring characters. Bandana Dee (well Waddle Dee is what they're called in the games- but calling them Bandana Dee distinguishes them from the generic ones) would offer a cute Kirby expansion with a spear as a weapon, thinking on uniqueness. I would've liked a Codename Steam character (Henry Fleming would be the mascot choice- but nothing says he can't borrow things like the Lion Launcher and Penguin Lobber), but of course that game sold so bad, my new copy of the game was cheaper than buying it used.
  21. Has written fanfiction and is writing fanfiction.
  22. Correction, reduce all your messages to as few letters as possible. I recommend learning Chinese or Japanese due to the meaning density of ideographs being greater than alphabetic letters. Alternatively, text like an Chinese/Japanese person does just use things like this .
  23. True enough. Gender, race, and sexuality are all to some extent social constructs, which like all other forms of human behavior find some root in something physical/psychological/biological/existential. And, these constructs do change over time and of course vary in different places. We cannot call Greeks bi/gay in the modern sense of those terms, nor could we call the race system of say Brazil to be the same as that of the US. All this said, on the marriage topic- I wouldn't mind seeing an attack like this (skip to 7:46).
  24. Conrad's only major problem is that very late joining time. His Atk growth is a bit lacking, but he isn't around long enough for that to be a real issue- all his other growths are good and it'll take only a little grinding to get him to Gold Knight if you want to early promote (and for the main game, there isn't much left for Celica's team). His offense might be a little underwhelming vs. a Mage or a Falco fighting Terrors, but it's on par with a base Dread Fighter off the bat (though they do have Brave Sword access for an offense thats randomly stronger). Conrad faces no competition indeed outside of Atlas (who is way too slow and fragile, even if strong), Faye and Kliff (both better left to Alm's crew in other classes), and Randal, but he's paid DLC. He's no juggernaut, but he is wonderful filler.
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