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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Concerning Seliph and Julia, they start at 490 Love Points- 500 results in marriage. However, their love growth is -5, which means even if you leave them adjacent to each other for a turn, which gives +5 LP, they won't gain a single point. There are two glitch-based workarounds that do let you wed the two, but their marriage dialogue is generic and nothing special happens because the developers didn't expect you to marry the duo. Why do Seliph and Julia have such a high starting love value? Well they are half siblings, perhaps it's a latent filial love? Perhaps a little mistaken eros on Seliph's part too, but if there is, it is abolished once he learns the truth of his relation to Julia. The negative growth isn't a sign of them not liking each other as the game goes on, it's just to block the chance of the two getting married.
  2. Corrin riding Corrin... would that count as self-love? Selfcest? Given it's Corrin, it isn't all that creepy or surprising though.
  3. Halloween won't be that bad, it's too dark for sexual fantasies with a widespread appeal, and particularly too dark too see much mention on a site like this. Thanksgiving might as well be the anti-Viagra, nothing kills the mood like eating with your extended family and trying to keep hopelessly away the divisive bomb of talking politics. The chill in the air is also cold enough to discourage energetic outdoor activity and skimpy clothes, but not cold enough to encourage romantic snuggling.
  4. I'd rather they don't assign Laguz colors based on species outside of the Dragons maybe. Effective bonuses and colors don't always have to line up perfectly. It is possible to be a Lance Armor despite there being the Armorslayer. I'd prefer that the three Hawks each be a distinct color instead all Blue (or whatever color), it'd make for more variety this way and let people use the Laguz with a little more freedom instead of saying. There doesn't have to be perfect color freedom, Caineghis and Skrimir being Red and Giffca Green would be fine even if it left Blue uncovered. Perhaps when Fall rolls around in the northern hemisphere things will die down. Whereas Summer is sexy with swimsuits and outdoor activity, Fall is probably the least arousing season of all (unless you're a New Englander who delights a little too much in the mid-October kaleidoscope of color). Things will pick up again once December comes, but you'll have a few months of relatively low counts of libidinous posts.
  5. What? A family iPad is a perfectly fine thing. The parents love it because it gives them a bigger screen than their tiny phones to browse the Internet on, plus YouTube/TV up close and personal for their aging eyes and when the big screen is being hogged by someone else. And of course the kids will inevitably use it too when they don't want the smallness of their phones or clunkiness of their laptops/desktops. And who'd buy a tablet just for the sake of a fanservice fiesta?
  6. Anyone up for Fire Emblem Plushies? Nintendo seriously missed out when they didn't make Lumas sold with an SMG 1 storybook, they cannot make the same mistake again!
  7. Which for some may end up meaning "you were crap in your base game?" sorry, Heroes ain't coming to your rescue. Well for certain growths units I guess this isn't bad, Nino and Delthea to toss out some names, but Micaiah is gonna stay bad without access to a Brave, and Meg is going to be even worse. Fiona might be okay though, it was only her bases which were a problem, her growths weren't so bad (she'd be fast and durable in Heroes given her growths). Yet Heroes doesn't cling perfectly to character growths/stats, Azama had good Speed.
  8. The Fiends were fun, in a twisted way. Their battle theme is great, filled with the dread that comes with a fight against an incarnation of death itself. Although the theme is very dissonant with the rest of Nocturne's soundtrack, there is nothing else that really blends with it. 8.8/10 A Snow Light from Tales of Symphonia
  9. Why do they need two separate Dancing games? PQ2 will be one of those games that bother me. I'll be continually drawn in by the EO, but continually repelled by the P.
  10. Lunge forward Leonine Legions, thy labors be laudable! Remember as you leap towards the ultimate legitimation of Leo's supremacy at wearing loungewear at the lake and lagoon, that thy legacy will be so great that thou shalt become legionnaires of lore. Leo and Lycopersicum (Latin for tomato), we sacrifice our long lives to the elevation of thy everlasting legend! Such lofty literary language deserves to be matched by lavish libations. Bloody Peris for all!
  11. I didn't mean to say refresher has to equal sexy. What I meant by that is "even if Jugdral has too many good characters to include all at once, Silvia could be squeezed into the first wave b/c a skimpy outfit gets peoples' attention" (the current beach battle is indicative of sex appeal selling).
  12. Finn will probably be saved for T776. Though Finn was really popular in one poll a while ago, there is a slim chance they could give us 1st Gen Boy Finn and 776 Father Finn. Though for color, they could replace him with Lex- the one 1st Gen natural axe user in the form of Lex (maybe with Axe Experience or Axe Valor to replicate Paragon). Well Silvia could be thrown in as a dancer, her outfit is very fanservicey, that should sell orbs; and perhaps she could get the Defender sword (not a personal weapon). For T776, Lara being a Thief on top of a dancer means we could get a dagger dancer.
  13. Is somewhere in a land of dancing undead, rockin' Zoras, racin' Gorons, Dekus that eat chimps, and bars dedicated to dairy.
  14. Oh dear... that's worse than the time Nina jumped dimensions and found her father in that world was married to M!Corrin. Don't want it to happen! There is a time and there is a place for petrifying people forever, and I think I found one such scenario here. It'll be bad enough when December rolls around and we get the Heroes "Hexed Mistletoe" episode between Tharja and M!Robin.
  15. Your wish is granted, the next Voting Gauntlet consists of old timers vs. young children: Niime, Oliver, Bantu, and Validar on one side; and on the other Rolf, Jubelo, Amy and Nowi. The first group will make you gouge your eyes out, and simply clicking to view the Voting Gauntlet will register you to the FBI's list of sex offenders. This said, I wouldn't mind actually mind tasteful artistic nudes gauntlet, just leaves and washcloths and other meager covers. Ideally with a range of individuals, from the mature like Gerik and Eyvel, to younger individuals, like Takumi and Mia. Now which eight would I choose... Isn't a Voting Gauntlet, and Heroes as a whole, tautologically fan service?
  16. I'm reminded of Pokemon Shuffle though. In that game, certain levels heavily encourage if not outright require buyable consumable item use. Buying items either requires time and stamina being wasted on grinding for the needed coins for you're FtP. Or you buy Jewels with real money and then convert those Jewels to coins if you're PtW. Would you want FEH to move towards the dark path of making Light's Blessings nearly mandatory to survive/hit certain goals?
  17. From those, I could definitely rule out Gunter, Arran, and Jagen. My first pick would probably be either Titania, then Oifey- the former is the best developed Jagen in terms of character, the second advised a lord and then later took care of his kid. Oifey lacks in character development and he doesn't do that much directly stated advising though. Seth and then Marcus would form my fallbacks, with Frederick being fallback number 3.
  18. I felt that SoV did try somewhat with some of the later maps on Alm's side, namely the fight with the broken bridge and the Fear Mountain battle where you have Witch spam from the northeast, and regular enemies from the southeast. Yet beyond these, maybe Berkut 3 and some of the other fixed dungeon battles that the design was terrible. Awakening did have a few glimmers, the escape from Castle Plegia being one, but overall the average map quality was low. Every game does have its high points and low points in map design, and then there is the argument every fan makes over what is cheap and what is fair difficulty. CQ has the masterpiece of C10, but the Kitsune battle is sort of bland being just 1 type of enemy. RD generally has good map design, but stuff like 4-3 and 2-1 aren't so much. Hinoka 2's gimmick, fair. Fuga's gimmick, cheap. Inevitable End Enfeeble- debatable?
  19. And in Japan, some like to grow them into cubes. They also use MRIs to check for peak sugar content. Weird, but who am I to judge?
  20. I happen to be an agent for the Outrealms Out-of-this-World Adventures Agency. Shall I schedule a trip for Ninian to someplace colder? I can assure you that our prices are competitive on the interdimensional travel and tourism market. A week or two in Ilia should be just what Ninian needs to regain her vigor, or would she prefer somewhere more exotic? Silesse perhaps? Or maybe Tellius- it is friendly to dragons you know, it has a 0% degeneration rate and she'll never have to worry about losing her dragonstone because she'll just be able to take all her power inside herself. As shy as she is, I'd expect she'd want travel companions, will room and board for 5 suffice?
  21. I have my eyes on you. What is rule no. 1 again? Never leave the compound without the Grand Summoner's permission! Yet I talked to a bunch of our friends yesterday, and strangely, nobody knew where you were. Would you please tell me? I also noticed you went on a promotion spree last week, five 5 stars, congrats. But, I have a problem, the Feathers Treasury has suddenly run dry for some reason, and we can trace the problem back to an inexplicable drop the in supply last week, the same day as your promotion spree. Which reminds me, you only had 20000 Feathers last week according to our accountants, and they don't have a record of you engaging in a mass heroes discard. So, to keep it short, where'd you get the Feathers from? Now before you accuse me of pressing false charges, which is a serious offense, I noticed you haven't been keeping up on your weekly monetary donations. You say you were just buying Orbs and can't right now because life is getting in the way? Well I'm sorry to say this, but the Grand Summoner was expecting your donations, we rely on the donations of all our cherished members to stay afloat, and when you don't donate, the rest of us are so deeply hurt by it. The Grand Summoner is merciful, but we're really hurting now thanks to the greed you and others who've done the same, so we'll need the usual plus some extra, be a paragon, not a pariah. And about life getting in the way, that's simply not true, everyone here does all they can to make life as easy and luxurious as possible for everyone else- life is only bliss here. You can't think otherwise unless you're mad, or against us. Come along now, I'm sorry, but you need a little more education on what it means to be a Heroic Emblemier. Just listen to the teacher, pass the class, and all these problems you've gone and made for yourself might just be all smoothed over.
  22. Once you get a Killer Bow, the only stats that matter for an Archer are Str and Skl.
  23. There is a Za'albul Marsh in Grado as you'll see if you pick Ephraim's route. Jehanna is also named after the Islamic version of Hell. But having these locations with names that don't look at all European in Renais and Grado is weird. Za'ha sounds "foreign" enough to be ominous, and given the forest has monsters, the name works. The problems here are several though: Za'albul has no monsters. Za'ha sounds like it was named for having monsters, but it's clear they didn't exist there until just now. And the center of monster-dom in Magvel where they've been extant for centuries is called Darkling Woods, not Za'abbasid Woods or something. On the eye colors, you do find plenty of exceptions in other games. Flipping through PoR's introduction pages here on SF shows loads of hair/eye color differences, FE4 has a bunch too. Why to stay in the GBA era, in FE6 Roy, Lugh, Raigh, Klein, and Clarine break with it too.
  24. Oy! As someone who attached the word "Phone" to dozens of Heroes skill names and characters in an FFtF topic just because I could, I commend your menial and extremely long typing effort.
  25. Translation translation translation! *Ahem* Getting that childish desire out of me, the gaidens sound quite good. The former sounds like a HT/HoF/RotD-esque scenario. Not bad, more story if decently written is good. The second scenario sounds eerily like something I suggested in the Fire Emblem endgame content topic yesterday. Was I being a little clairvoyant? Making the writing in the second scenario VN-like isn't a bad move, IS could benefit from it in actual FEs, given all the people who say they play for plot and characters. As long as the VN segments are skippable and one can get a summary of the stuff that unfolds during them, they could be helpful, adding to world building, character development, and overall plot quality. Thanks Vincent and Kirokan!
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