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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You'd expect the Divine Weapons would be able to do stuff like that. They had the power to radically alter the climate and then destroy what probably amounted to hundreds of War Dragons. I heard in an FE4 manga Lewyn destroyed an entire castle with Elwind (which is probably the spell Soren used to clear a crowd at the end of RD 2-E). IS does underplay the power of legendary stuff, and magic in general.
  2. Aureola? Or something not FE? I love the GBA and Tellius spell animations, SD/NM wasn't bad, but the 3DS games are lacking in good spell animations outside of like Sagittae (and maybe one or two others). Dunno about the earlier games, other than hearing Forseti in FE4 has a bizarre animation. I'm not demanding flashy attacks though- I like flash, but at the same time watching them over and over again becomes tedious, so simplicity works too. Of the GBA animations, Gleipnir has one of the best despite being one of the worst legendary weapons ever. Apocalypse and Ereshkigal create black holes, and Naglfar has a vortex too, but Gleipnir alone manages to suck the enemy into an alternate dimension.
  3. DeNA (they're the ones I should be complaining about for this game right?) seems to dislike Light Magic. And given L'Arachel only gets it on promotion if at all (but she is very divine in her mannerisms), she will likely be relegated to a Staff instead. Don't cry about it, or cry with me if you want, because I very much believe that when my cherished Sephiran finally gets in, he'll be stuck with the Ashera Staff as opposed to bringing the glorious bath of light contained within Creiddylad.
  4. People are getting nostalgic about a phone game that has been out for just six months? What is humanity coming to!?!
  5. Reference to the Fire Emblem clone TearRing Saga made by Shouzou Kaga, the father of the Fire Emblem series, for the PS1 (it never left Japan, but you can emulate it and it has a complete English translation). Letena is the name of a Cleric girl in the game, she is the lover of the game's Cain archetype and the only unit who can use the Silence staff (which disables all enemy magic for 1 turn). To recruit her requires several little things be done over the course of the game, and even if you recruit her, if you chose not to pick her brother Ezekiel as one of your 2 Marlon units (you only get to recruit 2 out of 5 of them on any playthrough), she will leave your team far before the game is even over unless you kill her lover. In other words, Letena is somebody few would ever stumble upon accidentally, and thus a perfect secret character.
  6. I didn't really flesh out the policies of the Rigelian rulers, I focused more or less on their succession. When I get around to discussion of economics and culture in Valentia, then you'll see a bit more of their actual policies being discussed. A Complete History of the Rigelian Kings and Emperors
  7. Haven't played anything past the 5th Gen, did they ever institute animation speed adjusters? (And don't say the Doduo/Dotrio Stadium GB modes.) One thing I love about the Bravely games, as well as FE, is that they give you the option to speed things up significantly (and woe to FF7- one thing the remake better fix is not being able to skip summon animations- Knights of the Round takes so long you could order a pizza before it ends).
  8. I made the Herons Staff units because while they could be Light Magic and thus Green or Blue, I felt Staffs would be more appropriate since outside of Counter procs or Cards, Herons can't fight in PoR and RD. Furthermore, I wanted to expand the options for Staff units so I loaded the Herons with interesting utilities (none of the Herons have personal weapons- that was intentional). Since Sing takes up their Assist slot, Herons can't actually heal (barring replacing Sing- if that was even possible; inheriting and replacing Sing/Dance wouldn't be hard to work out- just program a "Sing/Dance inherit" flag, set the default/error value to "no" and flip it to "yes" for the handful of Refreshers that exist). The point of making Recovery (and Bliss because Heavenly Light needs some competition for Staff Specials) work for both Refreshers and Staffers was solely because I felt it was unfair to keep normal Staff units from being able to their usual job of removing ailments (which in Heroes, takes the form of stat debuffs). My Bliss/Sorrow idea was me trying to figure out how to transfer abilities that affect Biorhythm into Heroes, where it doesn't exist. Specials seemed ideal since it's a cycle of ups where when you trigger the Special, and downs when you don't. Giving Rafiel Seal Atk was done as it lets him neuter an enemy's offense combined with Sorrow. Valor, I couldn't quite figure out what to do with it after Bliss and Sorrow, and I didn't want to make it broken (Mov +1 or full Special charging anyone?), so I just took and tweaked the bonus offered by Siegmund/Sieglinde.
  9. Beautiful, with the electronic bits for a distinctive twist. The thing with XBCX is that it's one of those soundtracks where the bad (NLA) makes you unable to see the good while you're actually playing the game, that and like in many other games you're two busy listing to the characters speaking and acting out plot to notice the good "event music". Thank you for bringing this to my attention. 8.5/10 Home Sweet Home from Resonance of Fate
  10. I think I have the perfect name for her: Letena. The problem with secret characters is that we live in the age of the Internet- they ain't stayin' a secret for long with many. I think Stefan was balanced around being so difficult to discover on your own (though he's also balanced from a gameplay perspective beyond that). I understand what you're saying, but Valibarf still has grounds for criticism. Even if he's bad for badness's sake, he is also utterly incompetent, and the combination of atrocious design, lack of good motivation, and ineptitude renders him cartoonishly awful. Manfroy gets a pass because for a while he conquered the world, just like a certain somebody else much loved... . And gets a pass because if we leave out that cursed lance backstory (which many will miss out on), he is evil for evil's sake, but very bloodthirsty, psychotic, and an actual threat in how he does it all. So if you're going to be evil for the heck of it and higher than a generic chapter boss, have some other quality to back it up. As for Grima, well they've gotten a fair touchup recently, so that's good for them. The complaining about Mr. "My Brand Looks Like a Prison Tramp Stamp" will die down and only apply to Gimle (the Japanese name isn't half bad) as they appear in Awakening by itself I think.
  11. The old rate for pulling a 3-Star (now 4) is 58%, and the old rate for pulling a 4 (now 3) is 36%. So to put it simply, you're still going to get 3 Stars over a third of the time, that you got one on your first pull isn't surprising.
  12. Good idea. But it's no Nohrians AND no Awakenites. Male only should be better, if only because I think the attachment to males generally burns less brightly than the attachment to females, nor is the sex appeal element so readily apparent. Unless the Japanese yaoi fangirls come out in droves that is.
  13. I'm convinced Heroes Lloyd has the body of a Lloyd Morph Nergal didn't finish sculpting. Why isn't he silent then? Well summoning creates timespace issues, and basically the when the summoning reached into Elibe, it grabbed the residues of Lloyd's soul existent in his quintessence. And due to the summoning penetrating deeper into the time flow from before Lloyd's death as well, the summoning managed to gather some of Lloyd's memories too and attached them to the soul fragments, which were then attached to the incomplete morph body. Due to the body not being his natural one, a body not made to host a soul in the first place, and the chaotic bringing together of everything the summoning caused, that Lloyd has physiological problems is of no surprise. Ursula on the other hand is 100% human, it is her in the living flesh which was grabbed.
  14. Well now that this is over, I just want to say that Asugi > Gaius. Personality doesn't matter, Asugi wins out because he comes in variety of flavors: Gaius on the other hand only comes in crappy Mystery flavor. Mmm... I could use a lollipop now. Ideally one which wouldn't break my teeth if I suddenly got the urge to bite down hard on it.
  15. True, a nebulous abstract theme isn't as fun, but it'd possibly be more competitive. It's the dual nature of VGs, battle contest and popularity contest, which hurt them. Themes would downplay the popularity aspect in hopes of more competition. Though doing mini character contests where two characters expected to be relative equals in popularity are pitted against each other for a week or half week could work I guess. And there would be no sighs of "X will stomp everyone in the end" or "Y is bound to lose to Z even if they win against Q".
  16. Perhaps instead of a 3 round Gauntlet, they should try something simpler. Slash the number of teams down to 2 or 3, and focus on themes instead of characters. Like a Hoshido vs. Nohr war, or Infantry and Armors vs. Riders, or Carefree characters vs. Serious ones. So as long as the themes aren't lopsided, things could be close. The bonus units for your side are derived from the theme, and perhaps who the bonus units are rotate if the theme is large enough. Add "breaks" every couple days in the battle where you're rewarded for your performance so far.
  17. Well we already have natures, so IVs and EVs are inevitable. Now where can I find hordes of Setsunas for easy Speed EV gain? Here's a tip by the way, have Catria hold a Ylissean Incense if you want a little surprise (and have the surprise hold a Dawn Incense for yet another surprise).
  18. Easy answer- Tina stole it and the Master Sword. And even unarmed he just had to give the Holy Sword to his sister Olwen.
  19. Now where's my capped Defense Farina? With Afa's Drops alone she managed to cap defense before level 10 promoted while having amazing stats everywhere else too. Just why oh why did that have to be wasted on a Normal Mode playthrough? Sure you aren't, you play Senran Emblem for the "gameplay".
  20. I loved the weapon system too, it was quite unique, though I didn't really experiment with it much (just the same three Benetnasch weapons for Ryfia, L'arc, and Rastan from beginning to end). And if you prefer cosmetics, the weapon system didn't punish you much for not using the most ideal of weapons. The magic system though, while very powerful, was plagued by those very limited uses. I never used it in regular battles because at most I had 9 uses per magic level per character, and MP restoratives weren't buyable, not to mention you needed to sync magic to make it deal amazing damage, which meant burning multiple uses. I relied on healing Liquids for healing, because I didn't have enough MP for healing and attacking alike, and I'd rather use them on healing. I did like the overall system though, it was just so restrictive.
  21. Buoy Base, yay! Starts with a very Mario opening, and then moves into the magnificent orchestration, which is both gamey and a solid classical piece at the same time. But alas, this is not the underwater version. 8.5/10 Storm from Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
  22. Besides things already said, I'll take a sequel to CIMA: The Enemy, the game is just begging for one, it had potential. I'll take another Car Battler Joe and another Boktai/Lunar Knights game (or at least a remake of the original Boktai) to round out niche GBA titles. I'd like to see them experiment with more climatic and environmental stuff in another Bok/LK, that stuff caught my interest, put I'd also like for them to add depth to the action RPG gameplay and restore some of the original Bok's stealth. Why I can already think of a minor plot point- a giant solar company that secretly seals Immortals in its solar arrays- the kind where all the light is reflected onto a single structure. I'd also like a Rune Factory intra-series crossover along the lines of Super Robot Taisen Original Generations. Maybe add a few OCs, but otherwise make the whole game set in one uncrossed world, where numerous characters from all 6 RFs are featured and live as natives- not as dimensional travelers. I'd say per game take the hero and a heroine (Mist, Mana, and Raven, plus Sonja and Frey) as playable characters, except Frontier- it'd feature the two Irises instead, and Aaron and Aria. Add 1 NPC bachelor (maybe more for the latter games), 2 NPC bachelorettes, 1 child (save FE2, which gives 2 kids of each sex), and 2 adults. This should suffice to fill a village and more. Add season-themed dungeons (say 4-6), a Whale Island, some regular islands, and a nice deep labyrinth, or at least a randomized one. Actually, maybe just make an RF MMORPG. How about a Pokemon Colosseum 3?
  23. It'll probably just be promotions, without weapon or major moveset modifications. Though I do recall the weapon system used in several Samurai Warriors games, where everyone had Normal versions of their weapon, plus Power and Speed variants- the former being slower but better at breaking guards and flinching, while the latter is faster.
  24. On the promotion matter, let's be honest and admit Eliwood is the main lord of FE7 and thus say that it's he who gets the Cog of Destiny promotion (though it could easily be rewritten that all three lords did). Hector was there because he was Eliwood's friend and to make sure the series didn't go three games in a row without a blue boy. I'll agree the canonical story is Eliwood's + the Hector additions, the absence of a mention of Uther's death on Eliwood's route despite it being clear he is dead is a bit awkward in retrospect.
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